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After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie is shocked to find out that he also had a mountain of personal debt.Charles’ father blames Marie for her husband’s death and refuses to financially support her and her three kids.When she loses her house, Marie is forced to move into an apartment in a public housing development to make ends meet..Marie finds a job in a supermarket and the kids manage to adjust to the difficult situation. But when Marie is sexually harassed by her boss, she quits..Out of despair, she decides to work alongside her neighbors Ranja, Sonja and Valeska on the street. Rania introduces her as a high-class prostitute.Finally, Marie is earning enough money to support her family. Meanwhile, Marie’s father-in-law hires a private detective to determine the source of Marie’s sudden income.Then, Valeska’s pimp Ernie murders one of his rivals and brutally attacks Sonja. He forces the girls to work for him. Ernie also becomes aware of the detective shadowing Marie and makes him talk about his client.When the pimp meets with Marie’s father-in-law, the two come up with a shady and disturbing plan…
马克思温特更名后离开毛里求斯,他是一名富有教训的旅店司理,而且正在斟酌蒂娜伯杰能否有才能主持狄娜罗宾这家极负盛誉的奢华度假村。 现实上,蒂娜是个异常有才能而且最合适这项任务的人--她从一名一般的女仆做到了主管的地位,而且熟知旅店内表里外的所有事件。但就在这个时间,她的生涯搅乱了她的任务,她行将成为一名母亲,但她的不牢靠的男友人却把她敢出了家门。 蒂娜听到了一些风声:她的任务才能正在被磨练,但可怜的是,她始终信任的史蒂芬神父,一个随跟的大奖赛冠军,实在是一名收购旅店的投契者,而蒂娜此时却不并不知情,经心努力的让史蒂芬的假期过得完善。 另一方面,对马克思来说,所有事件都市走向欠好的偏向:他错过了让渡旅店的机遇,他的住处酿成了杂物房。他还被误以为是一名效劳生,而且被下令去清算泅水池。最初,这个刻薄的旅店司理有充足的来由质疑蒂娜的才能。 但是,马克思留心到了蒂娜的上风:所无情形都在蒂娜的掌控之中,即使蒂娜任务量伟大,她也能抽出时光为他预备上一顿奢华的早餐--即使就蒂娜而言,马克思只是一个一般的主人.马克思感到到越来越被这个易激动的女人所吸引,蒂娜也渐渐的爱上了这位诱人的麦尔老师。但是,当她得悉谁是她真正要应付的人,即使是再诱人的情况跟再俏丽的毛里求斯星光熠熠的天空都不克不及停息蒂娜的末路怒……
1961十月:德国事一个决裂的国度。在柏林墙的建立两个月后,在东部的平安被牢牢锁定。 直接在界限的一个小村落的住平易近,是新情势下难以蒙受。 村平易近不肯落在一条直线上,不耐心的尤塔马克思,党的任务的人,决议本人来处置这件事。 她另有另一个紧急的疑问–间谍刚帮助两个年青的德国东部的他们逃到东方国度必需停滞。 这象征着市长曼尼兰茨的费事,只管他晓得逃跑的妄图不呈文。但怎样做党的发明,他晓得这个筹划!咱们必需在本人的圈内一个特务…