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广袤壮不雅的澳洲大陆,小男孩科迪(亚当·雷恩 Adam Ryen 配音)跟妈妈生涯于此,科迪交友了很多植物友人,天天纵情享用大天然的奉送。但是,三番五次盗猎者毫无所惧捕杀植物!损坏了澳洲大陆的安静。这一日,科迪不测遭受罪恶的盗猎者麦克里奇,为了捉住贵重的金雕,麦克里奇把男孩看成钓饵绑架起来。这一新闻经由过程植物们很快传到地球另一边的美国纽约,俏丽大胆的小老鼠比安卡(Eva Gabor 配音)跟爱恋她的伯纳德(Bob Newhart 配音)担当起此次的救济义务。一场高出万里重洋!惊险安慰而又妙弗成言的救济行为就此开展…… 本片荣获1991年轻年艺术家奖!1990年洛杉矶影评人协会最佳动画片奖。
广袤壮不雅的澳洲大陆,小男孩科迪(亚当·雷恩 Adam Ryen 配音)跟妈妈生涯于此,科迪交友了很多植物友人,天天纵情享用大天然的奉送。但是,三番五次盗猎者毫无所惧捕杀植物!损坏了澳洲大陆的安静。这一日,科迪不测遭受罪恶的盗猎者麦克里奇,为了捉住贵重的金雕,麦克里奇把男孩看成钓饵绑架起来。这一新闻经由过程植物们很快传到地球另一边的美国纽约,俏丽大胆的小老鼠比安卡(Eva Gabor 配音)跟爱恋她的伯纳德(Bob Newhart 配音)担当起此次的救济义务。一场高出万里重洋!惊险安慰而又妙弗成言的救济行为就此开展…… 本片荣获1991年轻年艺术家奖!1990年洛杉矶影评人协会最佳动画片奖
英国贵族蜜斯萨拉•阿什莉(妮可•基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)孤身奔腾重洋盘算压服老公卖掉落牧澳洲场重返英伦。在澳大利亚北部口岸都会达尔文,萨拉相遇牧牛者卓(休•杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)。卓开车带萨拉远程跋涉前去牧场,没曾想只见到萨拉新亡老公的遗体。悲哀的萨拉本欲敏捷卖掉落牧场,可又为了掩护初碰面的土人小友人诺拉(布兰登•沃特斯 Brandon Walters 饰)与地头蛇的农场司理尼尔•弗莱彻(大卫•温汉姆 David Wenham 饰)闹翻。一千五百头公牛要赶去达尔文港装船,萨拉只好求卓帮助。牧牛之旅让萨拉与卓情定澳大利亚。婚后二人耳鬓厮磨未多少,卓的流落特性使其分开萨拉继承牧牛;而本该直接澳洲土人成人出奔礼的诺拉则与其余混血儿童一同被抓入教士岛,祖父“乔治王”(大卫•盖尔菲利 David Gulpilil 饰)也入狱。与此同时二战暴发,日军轰炸达尔文港,国土粉碎,萨拉的家庭危急还是否处理!本片被提名奥斯卡最佳打扮计划奖。
1991年景军于加拿大温莎市的3人另类电子摇滚乐队The Tea Party比年来已被海内越来越多的摇滚乐迷所懂得跟爱好。The Tea Party自1993年签约EMI推出「Splendor Solis」专辑后荣誉雀起,其糅合了地下摇滚的原始!粗豪!凶猛与电子乐的阴冷!机器的乐风,极具特性风采。(阿瑟) The Tea Party最为人称道的作品是95年专辑「The Edges Of Twilight」跟97年专辑「Transmission」,其浓重的西方音乐元素跟暗中奥秘的气氛,为乐队博得了极佳的口碑。西方元素由此成为The Tea Party音乐的一大特点。(A.C.)? Reformed Canadian rock trio The Tea Party to release live album and concert DVD on November 27! Live From Australia sonically documents their 2012 - summer tour through Australia following their return to the stage.? Seminal Canadian prog–rock pioneers The Tea Party have sold over 2 - million records worldwide, including 4 - double–platinum awards, 1 - platinum and 4 - gold albums in Canada over the span of their career. In addition they have toured Australia, the U.S.A. and Europe, received 13 - JUNO Award nominations and have garnished 22 - MuchMusic Video Award nominations including three People's Choice Awards for Favourite Music Video.? The band took an indefinite hiatus in 2005 - and in the time since their reputations and notoriety as the bext live rock trio since Rush built up demand for performances and convinced the band to re–unite in 2011 - whereupon their appearance at festivals in Canada and Australia fueled fan demand for a live album and DVD, something the band had never released previously.? Recorded on their 2012 - Australian tour, the recordings showcase a band bursting with renewed energy while delivering a greatest hits audio/video release that every Tea Party fan will insist be part of their music collection.? The album and concert video is the first released to contain all of the hits including fan favourites like "Save Me", "Sister Awake", "The River", "Heaven Coming Down" and "Temptation" in one place. The Tea Party has perfected the art of mixing rock and world music, infusing blues and progressive rock with Indian and Middle Eastern Influences.曲目:01. The River02. The Bazaar03. Lullaby04. Psychopomp05. Correspondences06. The Messenger07. Fire In The Head08. The Badger09. Shadows On The Mountainside10. Sun Going Down11. Halycon Days12. Save Me13. Heaven Coming Down14. Release15. Temptation16. Winter Solstice17. Sister Awake