该三集迷你剧依据盖伊·莱昂·普雷菲尔著述「闹鬼凶宅」改编,由克里斯托弗·尼霍姆执导,该导演曾介入制造戴恩的「行刺」!拉斯·冯·提尔的「呆子」跟「破浪而出」。 超天然景象研讨学者普雷菲尔消费大批时光研讨二十世纪七十年月在恩菲尔德地域产生的所谓凶宅闹鬼变乱,于1980年终次出书该书。 在该剧中,普雷菲尔由麦克菲登表演,他的研讨搭档莫里斯·格鲁斯由斯派尔出演。斯泰文森将出演格鲁斯的老婆贝蒂。 该剧2014年春季于伦敦开拍,往年蒲月在Sky电视台生涯频道播出。 FIX
巴里(罗里·金尼尔 Rory Kinnear 饰)是小镇上的教区议员,生前的他再也无奈想到的是,本人的不测猝逝世会在惊天动地的小镇里掀起怎么的狂澜。霍华德(迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon 饰)跟雪莉(朱莉娅·麦肯茨 Julia McKenzie 饰)是镇上的榜样伉俪!西蒙(Richard Glover 饰)是个爱幸亏妻子跟孩子身上发泄肝火的暴力狂!沃尔校长(西蒙·迈克伯尼 Simon McBurney 饰)全日神经兮兮,每一自我都认为本人是巴里所留下的职位的最佳继续者,并做好了实足的预备,为了掉掉落他们所想要的货色而争得鱼逝世网破。 在名为“从地”的穷人区里,被小镇住平易近们视为眼中钉肉中刺的人们照旧过着日复一日的困苦生涯,殊不知,一个意在将他们彻底“革除”的筹划正在静静酝酿。
愁云密布的诺顿村,并未因自愿军的遣散迎来曙光。英国境内恐怖“部门逝世亡综合症患者”的正凡人成破维生党,对同胞直接歹意排挤。而半逝世人中的保守拙子对应组建复出束缚军,不吝化身为残酷的丧尸开展抨击行为。吉伦·沃克(卢克·纽伯里 Luke Newberry 饰)吊唁着爱人的拜别,盼望前去绝对温跟的欧洲寻觅重生。他跟妹妹洁迈玛(哈丽特·肯斯 Harriet Cains 饰)的关联掉掉落修复,但是小洁仍未早年自愿军时期的恐怖阅历所困扰。艾米(艾米莉·贝文 Emily Bevan 饰)与男友西蒙作为复出束缚军的中坚分子,盼望在诺顿村掀起一场对于自在的大反动。与此同时,坚决的维生党国集会员马丁入住诺顿,无疑要将所有抵触推向极点。 亲友故友,所有人的运气都蒙受着史无前例的磨练……
2009年,天下突发异状,本意长逝地下的逝世者忽然复出,自此丧尸残虐横行,逝世者浩繁。为了掩护本身平安,人类成破自愿军向丧尸宣战。而相干药物的开辟则宣布这场劫难的停止。丧尸今后被称作“部门逝世亡综合症患者”,经由过程药物打针他们得以找回作为人的影象跟情绪,并渐渐归来社会。青年吉伦·沃克(卢克·纽伯里 Luke Newberry 饰)曾是丧尸中的一员,他满怀等待与怙恃家人会晤,但是故乡布满了不安氛围。固然自愿军早已遣散,但他地点的诺顿村平易近俗彪悍,思惟守旧,坚定支持任何归来者,而吉伦最心疼的妹妹洁迈玛(哈丽特·肯斯 Harriet Cains 饰)恰是当舆自愿军的一员。 漫漫回家路,时期所蒙受的疼痛远甚于逐日的药物打针跟非人时代的残暴回想。吉伦开端了另一种情势的战役……
UK version of the long-running U.S. TV drama that tells the stories of two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.
When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the parties to the drug transaction and he finally tells the police what really happened. The witness also tells them something else: she saw another police constable standing in the shadows while the injured policeman was calling for help. The dead man's partner, PC Ray Griffin, claims to have been several blocks away when his partner was shot and lay bleeding to death but Brooks and Devlin find an anomaly in his formal statement and they decide to investigate. What they learn is that Bentley's fellow constables had recently learned of his sexual orientation and that his partner Griffin is the head of a Christian group of officers that rejects gays.
Five-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit him, Paige and prostitute's daughter Rose, take him into the empty flat where his corpse was found. In interview Paige breaks down and names Rose as the killer, though, in court, Rose's brief Kim Sharkey invites the court to accept Paige as the guilty party and forensics seem to implicate her as the murderess. Then Alesha finds evidence to nail Rose as the killer and the prosecution, pleading the girl's abusive upbringing as grounds for diminished responsibility, seek psychiatric care for her. However Sharkey, after professional glory, wants an all-or-nothing verdict. James puts Rose's vile mother in the witness box to prove the prosecution point and save Rose from a murder charge.
Natalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deaths on her A and E ward,the last being when a young girl was given a fatal dose of prescription drugs. Chief suspect young Dr. Grant proves to be an unqualified impostor but he implicates elderly,pain-killer addicted colleague Dr. Austen,who was in charge when the other patients died. Austen consequently stands trial.
New partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accomplice of the recently convicted Mark Ellis but the trail ultimately leads to Jamaal Clarkson,a youngster whose brother Kieran was murdered in 2003 - though the police closed the case as a suicide. Jamaal believes they were not interested as Kieran was black and tells Ronnie he knows Ellis was the murderer. It was his intention to kill Ellis but,on discovering that he had been sentenced,shot Matt instead as an act of revenge against the apathetic police. Whilst Alesha and Jake prepare a case of murder against Jamaal,Doug Greer,his barrister argues that the boy is himself a victim,whose crime was motivated by desperation,not calculation.
A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes Leyton, suspect the car owner, the unpleasant Michael Gennis, but learn that the car was stolen and the actual driver, Finn Tyler, intended to kill himself by driving onto the track but survived. Jake Thorne is anxious to prosecute for murder but Tyler's lawyer, Kate Barker, puts up a case of diminished responsibility by reason of insanity though the case is found. Shortly afterwards Tyler is found dead in his cell and suspicion falls on D.S. Sam Casey, being his last known visitor. Jake also learns that Kate is to join the prosecution team.
When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the first black undercover officers, who disappeared at the time of the Brixton riots. Despite no corpse being found at the time his end of service record was signed by his superior officer Alex Greene, declaring him dead. Soon afterwards the murder weapon is identified as a truncheon belonging to racist policeman Darren Grady. Emotions run high as Jake, against Henry's advice, promises Taylor's sister Nikki that she will get justice and prosecutes Grady for murder. To assist the case Ronnie approaches a former colleague in order to obtain the truth about Taylor's death.
配景设置在切尔滕纳姆的当局通信总部,David Schwimmer扮演一名渴求权利﹑特破独行的美国国度平安局捕快,他参加一个愚笨﹑不油滑的盘算机剖析师(Nick Mohammed饰)的新团队协作追捕收集犯法者……多[靠谱],对吗!
Series 7 - of Doctor Who is expected to air on BBC One throughout 2012 - and 2013.[1] The BBC announced the news of the new series, which will contain fourteen episodes, on the official Doctor Who site on 8 - June 2011.[2] Series 7 - will begin its run in the Autumn of 2012 - with five regular stand-alone episodes and a Christmas Special. It will then be followed by the remaining eight episodes in 2013. [3] It has been announced that the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith will return for the full series.[4] Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond, will return for the series, as will Arthur Darvill as Amy's husband Rory Williams.[5][6] This series will see the departure of both Amy and Rory after an encounter with the Weeping Angels in episode five. A new companion portrayed by Jenna-Louise Coleman will be introduced in the Christmas Special.
BBC的对于多数会警员局“悬疑旧案”部分的笑剧。小组的头是女DS桑德拉普尔曼,既然是跟往事有关,索性就应聘了3个退休侦察:杰克把逝世去的爱妻埋在后院天天跟她谈天,盖里年青时著名的花心现在要跟三个前妻四个女儿共进晚餐,布莱恩是个强制症!前醉翁跟诡计论者。题目取自一句老话:“You can't teach an old dog new tricks(故乡伙学不来新秘诀)”。这帮故乡伙却胜利地在新时期用他们的教训跟技,那些疑问案件正中了看似过期的老秘诀的道。
Brassic: 源自考克尼俚语 boracic lint (硼酸棉) 的发音,描述人腰缠万贯!一穷二白——“穷卵子打板凳响”。「穷卵打板」聚焦一个如影随行的兰开夏偷盗团伙——温尼 (Vinnie, 约瑟夫·吉尔根 饰),迪伦 (Dylan, 达米恩·莫洛尼 饰),卡迪/心停 (Cardi, 汤姆·汉森 饰),阿什 (Ash, 亚伦·赫弗南 饰),汤莫 (Tommo, 瑞恩·山普森 饰) 跟 JJ (帕斯·瑟克勒 饰)——只管始终以来疏忽规矩洒脱过活,这群家伙行将尝到他们嚣张犯法带来的苦果。与此同时,迪伦一而再再而三地令女友艾琳 (Erin, 米歇尔·基根 饰) 绝望,使其萌发搬到别处为本人跟孩子追求更好生涯的动机,这让迪伦必需在女友跟基友间做出人生中最艰苦的决定。
Peter Mannion is now secretary of state for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship. Spin doctor Stewart Pearson, on PM's orders, instructs him to launch an education initiative, to the annoyance of junior minister Fergus and the embittered Glenn. Glenn is supported by Terri, who is fed up and wants redundancy. Peter's brief is to launch an Apps initiative in a local school but the press conference shows him to be wholly out of touch with the subject. Ultimately he must reconcile with Fergus at a further press call to gain street cred - and just about does it.
凯特·贝金赛尔将出演8集惊悚剧「未亡人」(The Widow,暂译)。亚马逊!ITV结合出品,哈里·威廉姆斯!杰克·威廉姆斯(「伦敦生涯」)担负编剧及履行制片。故事报告一个未亡人(贝金赛尔饰)在消息中忽然看到已故老公仍然健在,这所有当面毕竟隐蔽着什么!该剧将于本月在南非!威尔士!鹿特丹取景拍摄。
在ITV的口碑罪案剧集「摩斯探长前传」(Endeavour)中扮演DC George Fancy一角的男星Lewis Peek跟扮演WPC Shirley Trewlove的女星Dakota Blue Richards将不会归来第六季。固然假如看过第五季的季终集,各人也对这个成果能够预感到。Dakota Blue Richards也在交际网站上抒发了在「摩斯探长前传」上演三年以来的高兴阅历。
依据Gerald Durrell「希腊三部曲」改编,报告上个世纪三十年月德雷尔一家从英国搬到希腊科孚岛假寓,独身母亲与四个孩子的暖心一样平常。
BBC One及HBO合拍8集剧「杰克名流 Gentleman Jack」(前名「Shibden Hall」)由Sally Wainwright担任,美方现定于美国时光4月22日首播,英方会较晚播出。「杰克名流」是依据事实人物Anne Lister所改篇,在1832年的Halifax,被外地人称为杰克名流/ Gentleman Jack的Anne Lister(Suranne Jones饰)是个富有的田主,她亦是位日志作者﹑旅内行,而且自知及开放地以女同性恋身份生涯的人,被称为”The first modern lesbian”。剧中将会描写她与家人﹑佣人﹑佃农﹑贸易敌手,以及同性情人Ann Walker之间的关联。其他演员包含Sophie Rundle﹑Derek Riddell﹑Veronica Clifford﹑Sylvia Syms﹑Brendan Patricks﹑Caspar Phillipson﹑Polly Maberly﹑Lucy Black﹑Stephanie Hyam﹑Dino Fetscher﹑Rupert Vansittart﹑Michael Xavier﹑Gemma Whelan﹑Timothy West﹑Gemma Jones﹑Stephanie Cole﹑Peter Davison﹑Amelia Bullmore﹑Vincent Franklin﹑Shaun Dooley﹑Joe Armstrong及Rosie Cavaliero。
艾丽·范宁!尼古拉斯·霍尔特将出演Hulu打造的全新汗青题材限制剧集「凯瑟琳大帝」(The Great,暂译),托尼·麦克纳马拉将担负剧集编剧及制片,剧集环绕凯瑟琳大帝(范宁饰)的突起开展,同时还将描写她跟老公彼得(霍尔特饰)的关联。现在剧集暂无其余新闻。
本剧极具英国东南特点。 在英国兰开夏郡生涯着一群五马六混的穷小子们,他们自小如影随行,芳华期开端偷窃!欺骗!行贿!销售毒品,目无法纪,潇洒脱洒。但是出来混老是要还的,现在他们邻近成年,也行将尝到已经各种罪恶所带来的恶果。这群年青小伙子们中,有聪慧聪颖的Dylan,患有躁郁症的Vinnie,欠债累累的烤肉忠诚喜好者Cardy,用拳头处理大部门疑问的Ash,放纵不羁爱自在的Tommo,以及边偷汽车边运营车库的JJ。而这种掉望的生涯,跟绝不长进的男友,令Dylan的女友Erin信心带着孩子搬离这个小镇。Dylan也面对着一个艰苦的决定,是与女友一同分开共赴美妙生涯,仍是留在基友们的身边……
「大侦察波洛」第二季共10集,于1990年播出。此中第1集跟第10集为长篇小说改编,片长100分钟;其余8集均为短篇小说改编,片长50分钟。第10集「斯泰尔斯庄园奇案」是1990年9月ITV为了留念阿婆生日100周年推出的特殊篇,改编自阿婆的第一部长篇小说,也是时光次序上波洛的第一案,相宜作为全剧首集不雅看。 1!Peril at End House 绝壁山庄奇案 2!The Veiled Lady 蒙面女人 3!The Lost Mine 矿藏之谜 4!The Cornish Mystery 康沃尔谜案 5!The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim 九霄云外 6!Double Sin 双重罪行 7!The Adventure of the Cheap Flat 便宜公寓的机密 8!The Kidnapped Prime Minister 惊天绑票 9!The Adventure of the Western Star 东方之星; 10!The Mysterious Affair at Styles 斯泰尔斯庄园奇案