「OL」是一部艾美奖提名,掉掉落金球奖与英国电视学院奖的一部英国电视笑剧,由Ricky Gervais与Stephen Merchant创作!制造并指点,Gervais担纲主演,并于2001年9月在BBC 2台首播。剧集的内容重要环绕虚拟的Wernham-Hogg 纸业公司Berkshire(英国西北部温莎公爵堡地点的农村),Slough分部的OL员工的一样平常生涯开展。固然是虚拟的脚本,剧集的情势倒是记录片,剧中人物都明白地晓得摄像机的地位。 本剧连续了两季,每季6集,并附加了两个45分钟的圣诞节特殊版。该剧不只经由过程BBC寰球电台如BBC主台,BBC美国台与BBC加拿大台在全天下播放,还将播映权卖给了寰球逾80个国度的郭伯电视台,如澳大利亚ABC,新西兰TVNZ,跟全亚洲卫星频道STAR World(基站在香港)。 本剧与稍候由Ricky Gervais与Stephen Merchant创作的社会讽剧「Extras」共享主题,Extras,意为社会简陋面,上演人类生涯的琐事:自我中央主义,傲慢,潦倒,掉望与声誉。
Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there's a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station's sharp, funny and hard-as-they-come boss, and her team led by DC Dinah Kowalski and DC Joy Freers, show they have what it takes to crack crime and to expose the addled, the swanky, the pimps, the petty and the really proper nasty bastards for the sewer rats they are.
汗青原型: 阿莱克·杰弗里斯爵士,FRS(Sir Alec John Jeffreys,1950年1月9日-,出身于牛津)是一位英国遗传学家,最早的DNA指纹剖析及DNA特点测定技巧开展者。其技巧初次在1983到1986年间的行刺案运用,使嫌犯柯林·皮区佛克(Colin Pitchfork)因DNA证据而被治罪。 科林·皮奇福克(Colin Pitchfork,1961年-,出身于英国马基特德雷顿什罗普郡)是第一位因DNA指纹剖析证据而遭拘捕治罪的怀疑犯。皮区福克分离于1983年11月21日以及1986年7月31日,强奸并行刺了两名女孩。他在1987年9月19日被拘捕,并于1988年1月22日否认罪恶,判处无期徒刑。 1983年11月21日,莱斯特郡乡下的那柏如(Narborough)15岁的女孩琳达·曼恩(Lynda Mann)出门前去造探友人而不回家,隔天早上被人发明遭遇强奸并勒逝世在一条小马路上。事先的鉴识迷信技巧发明,于受害者身上所网络到的精液样本表现侵犯者为A型血,别的依据酵素图谱(enzyme profile),发明约有10%的男性为怀疑犯。在不进一步证据下,无奈定案。 到了1986年7月31日,另一位15岁的女孩唐·艾希渥斯(Dawn Ashworth),被发明于一块凑近马路的近林地中。且同样遭遇强奸勒毙,依据作案方法及现场遗留的样本血型研判,此案件与1983年的案件符合。外地一位17岁的少年理查·巴克兰(Richard Buckland)成为怀疑犯,他在诘责中露出出对唐·艾希渥斯的身材常识,并否认犯下后项罪恶,但却否定杀戮琳达·曼恩。 事先DNA指纹剖析技巧的研讨者亚历克·杰弗里斯,正幸亏四周的莱斯特大学任务,他比拟了精液样本,发明侵犯人的与巴克兰的血液样本不符,且两位女孩应为统一人所杀戮。巴克兰因而成为首位因DNA剖析证据而罢黜犯法控告的怀疑犯。 之后莱斯特郡警局网络了4853位外地男性的血液或唾液样本,但经由了6个月后,仍旧不找出符合的工具。厥后一名酒吧女效劳生闻声伊恩·凯利 (Ian Kelly), 科林在面包店的共事,议论本人已经假装成科林·皮奇福克,并将本人的血液供给应警员局当成样本。皮奇福克因而在自家遭拘捕,并被确以为凶手,最后被判无期徒刑。
改编自Daphne du Maurier的小说Jamaica Inn Set in 1820 - against the backdrop of the windswept Cornish moors, the story follows Mary’s journey when she is forced to live with an aunt at the eponymous inn after the death of her mother and discovers it to be the hub of a smuggling ring.
本影集由勇奪金球獎跟英國電影電視藝術學院的瑞奇吉瓦斯跟史蒂芬莫徹特執導。 你可曾碰到過自認為最風趣的老闆!你可曾因為跟某位循序渐进的共事共事而讓你苦不胜言!你又可曾偷偷地暗戀或人!而你又是怎样告訴對方你的感触呢! 辦公室笑雲是部真實揭穿下班族生涯的滑稽喜劇,隨著經理大衛布蘭特以及他的安排,看他們怎样尽力打拼跟玩樂,面對喜怒哀樂,展開戀情,以及扮演結合閃舞跟MC哈默的舞姿。從大衛受訓日的帶動唱,到最後終曲的聖誕派對,每個經典鏡頭都能讓你難以忘懷。 辦公室笑雲在推出兩個系列加上聖誕特別版後,可說是从新改寫當代喜劇的定義,絕對是下班族必看的影集。
Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of Camille, Dwayne and Fidel quickly realise they’ve got another eccentric and rather frustrating Englishman on their hands… Humphrey’s apparently random and disorganised approach to solving crime initially seems confounding, but it’s not long before they realise they have a remarkable detective in their midst – one capable of solving his predecessor’s own baffling murder - and together the team go on to brilliantly solve a host of dizzyingly mystifying murders, from zombie film stand-ins, to glamorous stewardesses and local politicians.
Writer Debbie Horsfield has confirmed that her final series will follow the lives of the Poldarks and the Warleggans in the ten-year period between the events of books seven and book eight The Stranger from the Sea. It is a new century and with it comes the promise of a hopeful future, but the past casts a long shadow over Cornwall. Following the death of Elizabeth, Ross Poldark (Aidan Turner) resolves to put Westminster behind him and spend more time with the people he loves. However, when an old friend emerges with a plea for help, Ross is compelled to challenge the establishment again. As the Enyses (Luke Norris and Gabriella Wilde) rally to join the cause, Demelza (Eleanor Tomlinson) must contend with dangers close to home, while George (Jack Farthing) courts corrupt powers whose influence spans the Empire.
BBC拟拍七集警匪剧「New Blood」,本剧由「Foyle’s War」编剧Anthony Horowitz创作,是一部波及“Y一代”的斗争故事,用局外人的视角展示古代伦敦的另一面。两个本在差别部分任务年青警员Stefan跟Rash,因两桩看似毫有关系的案件而发生交加,并联袂反抗藏在正当外套跟状师掩护下的富豪。
Pete's mum Noreen has broken her arm and engaged a cleaner,Polish Gracja,who appears to be a good Catholic girl but is a right little raver desperate to screw Pete's brains out. She wants his body - which is how he ends up as a catwalk model at her fashion show, leading to an embarrassing encounter with his parents,who,thanks to his efforts to impress Gracja,take him to be a heroin addict. Just as disastrous is his stint as a dog walker for a befuddled old lady. When her dog is apparently killed in his care he buys a replacement,only for the original pooch to inevitably come home.
「癫狂中学」报告了一所中学里教人员工的任务跟生涯。威廉姆斯的脚色名为Mr.Church,是一名化学传授,他对本人的现今的职业绝望透顶,想要告退而且去寻觅其余的任务。但此时,黉舍来了一名新的法语教师,Miss Postern(凯瑟琳·塔特 扮演),Church先生对她一见钟情。不外费事的是,黉舍里跟他错误盘的体育教师Mr.Gunn(菲利普·格伦尼斯特 扮演)也异常爱好Miss Postern,固然他照旧跟本人的妈妈住在一同,不外力大无穷的他照旧对Mr.Church形成了必定的“威逼”,于是两人在黉舍开展了一场爱的对决。别的,弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦将扮演黉舍的校长Ms.Baron。她爱好喝酒!抽烟跟滥用药品,看待每一自我,包含教师跟先生,都想本大家生中的阻碍物。
The second season of Riviera sees Georgina (Julia Stiles) focused on trying to get away with murder as she fights to retain power within the Clios household and her position at the top of the elusive art world. As Georgina Clios struggles for power and respect in the family, the Elthams arrive on the Cote dAzur. The Elthams are a dynasty and are not too dissimilar from the Clios, harbouring secrets of their own. Georgina is reunited with her uncle Jeff, played by the ever charming Will Arnett, and the audience are exposed to more secrets about her life back home in America that she tried so hard to bury.
Drama about a deaf girl who witnesses the audacious murder of a policewoman, and is reluctantly propelled further into a loud and frightening world http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t3y2w
「都会传说」是Sky电视台推出的全新笑剧,聚焦汗青!艺术及文明名流的非同平常的故事。一集一个传说,共有7集,有些为人熟知,而另一些可能会给各人带来惊喜。1月20日播出第一集,报告鲍勃·迪伦跟戴夫在伦敦伏尾区的故事;1月27日播出第二集,报告塞缪尔·贝克特(剧作家,代表作「期待戈多」)开车送大块头安德烈(摔跤手)去黉舍。2月3日播出第三集,报告18岁的阿道夫·希特勒尽力进入艺术黉舍。其余多少集播出时光仍待肯定:此中有一集报告萨尔瓦多·达利(超事实主义画家)请艾利斯·库柏(摇滚歌手)当模特;加里·格兰特(英国男演员)跟蒂莫西·利瑞(美国男演员)一同嗑迷幻药;穆罕默德·阿里(拳王) 救下一个要自残的人; 另有性手枪(朋克摇滚乐队)以及那段宣布了朋克摇滚到来!如雷贯耳脏话连篇的电视采访当面的故事。演员声威非常壮大,有权游的小剥皮,哈利波特的罗恩,小指优等等。这一系列原有8集,但有一集因演员约瑟夫·菲恩斯扮演MJ而惹起伟大争议,该集因MJ家人的抗议而被Sky电视台砍掉落。
Mrs McCarthy and Lady Felicia are held hostage by a bumbling pair
又一部爆笑笑剧已于外地时光8月16日登岸BBC1台,剧名为「癫狂中学」(Big School),聚集了一大帮“熟脸”:该剧由「小不列颠」跟「伴我双飞」男星之一大卫·威廉姆斯主创并主演,「奥秘博士」女星凯瑟琳·塔特将扮演女主,「火星生涯」男星菲利普·格伦尼斯特也将加盟。该剧第一季共有6集。「癫狂中学」报告了一所中学里教人员工的任务跟生涯。威廉姆斯的脚色名为Mr.Church,是一名化学传授,他对本人的现今的职业绝望透顶,想要告退而且去寻觅其余的任务。但此时,黉舍来了一名新的法语教师,Miss Postern(凯瑟琳·塔特 扮演),Church先生对她一见钟情。不外费事的是,黉舍里跟他错误盘的体育教师Mr.Gunn(菲利普·格伦尼斯特 扮演)也异常爱好Miss Postern,固然他照旧跟本人的妈妈住在一同,不外力大无穷的他照旧对Mr.Church形成了必定的“威逼”,于是两人在黉舍开展了一场爱的对决。别的,弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦将扮演黉舍的校长Ms.Baron。她爱好喝酒!抽烟跟滥用药品,看待每一自我,包含教师跟先生,都想本大家生中的阻碍物。