When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Trela) must break the silence permeating an Owl Mountain town. Years later another crime is committed similar to the decades old cold case. Commissioner Michal Trela faces a wall of silence from the Owl Mountain community, where everyone seems guilty - Will he be able to solve the crime or will it become another cold case?
CBS的多镜头笑剧「The Great Indoors」,报告一名杂志的户外记者必需调剂好本人,由于他被指派到杂志中的网上部分,而部下都是一群千禧一代的员工。 Joel McHale表演幽默幽默的「室外奇兵」杂志明星编纂。是个田野生活里男子中的男子。他常常攀爬山岳,与熊 格斗,最求安慰冒险的生涯。然而他受伤了,自愿派到了出书社的数码及交际媒体部分,在室内任务。身边共事都是年青人,让他感到到本人是外星来的或许是现代穿梭来的。
Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exotic woods and pristine lawns. Tom Bateman (Vanity Fair, Jekyll and Hyde) takes the role of enigmatic, soulful John Beecham, a handsome former soldier who has purchased the magnificent mansion, Beecham House, to begin a new life with his family. Wealthy and distinguished, John has witnessed profiteering and exploitation during his time with the controlling East India Company and has resolved to conduct his business as a trader in a more equitable manner. Determined to escape his previous life, John appears haunted by his past, but is inspired to become an honourable member of the region’s trading community. In spite of John’s good intentions his life is shrouded in mystery and when he arrives at the house with an ‘olive-skinned‘ child named August and two Indian nursemaids, Chanchal (Shriya Pilgaonkar) and Maya (Trupti Khamkar), it causes speculation and gossip amongst the servants that he may be the boy’s father. One of the Indian nursemaids, the beautiful Chanchal, is overly protective and particularly fond of the child. Could she be John’s lover and the mother of August? Lesley Nicol (Downton Abbey) is John’s robust, interfering mother Henrietta who has travelled from England to India to stay with her son. She is accompanied by a young family friend Violet, played by Bessie Carter (Les Miserables) who she is determined to help form a union with John. The pair are accompanied by an old friend of John’s, Samuel Parker, played by Marc Warren (Safe, Hustle) who has also left the East India Company and has returned to India for a fresh start. Samuel helps John to find his brother Daniel who he has not seen for 10 - years. John convinces Daniel, Leo Suter, (Victoria) to leave the East India Company and join him at Beecham House. Gregory Fitoussi (Mr Selfridge, Spiral) plays General Castillon, a French mercenary working for the Emperor at a time when the French are challenging the East India Company for India. Castillon is suspicious of John and his motives and conspires to stop John being granted a trading licence. Adil Ray (Citizen Khan, Ackley Bridge) is John’s neighbour Murad Beg who dislikes General Castillon intensely and agrees to help John secure a trading licence. Murad’s daughter, Roshanara, (Kanika Kapur) has an English governess Margaret Osborne, played by Dakota Blue Richards (Endeavour) whose beauty and intelligence catches John’s attention. However, when beautiful Chandrika (Pallavi Sharda) arrives at Beecham House with her entourage she is shown to luxurious guest quarters and immediately insists on seeing August. What secrets does Chandrika bring with her to Beecham House?
大志勃勃的年青警探Ariki Davis,被调到皇后镇任务。但是刚到这里,就产生了一同命案,逝世者碰劲是他前一蠢才意识的农平易近。 只管全部人都认为逝世者是跳桥自残,Ariki却隐约认为没这么简略,加上他与生俱来的某种“神力”,案子就变得愈加错综复杂。 想要在一自我际关联庞杂的小镇考察案子,对他这个外来者来说,绝非一件易事 .......@褴褛熊
The coach of the rugby team is found dead, strapped to a goal post.
A group of characters is implicated in the brutal murder of Angelica, a 17 - yo girl in册ved into something bigger than her: the prosecutor Elena Guerra, who discovers to be indissolubly close to the victim; Ruggero Barone rampant lawyer who considers this trial the chance of a lifetime; Linda Monaco, the only defendant, who insists claiming her innocence. They all walk on a razor's edge searching for the truth, waiting for a verdict, which will establish, in a way or another, a new course for their lives
Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd, is good at his job but bad at making labor relations, when it comes to the city of "Brokenwood" to solve a crime falls in love with him and decides to stay, but soon Shepherd begins to collide with Kristin detective Sims.
The coach of the rugby team is found dead, strapped to a goal post.
< ="color: rgb(87 - 87 - 87); font-family: " times="" new="" roman="" georgia="" serif="" font-size:="" 14px="">BBC.记录片.奈杰尔·斯莱特:美食欢聚一堂,共六集,美食记录片。< ="color: rgb(87 - 87 - 87); font-family: " times="" new="" roman="" georgia="" serif="" font-size:="" 14px="">美食家兼作家奈杰尔·斯莱特看望会聚英国的各方美食,实验制造差别文明的传统菜肴,以英国人的视角发明异域美食的机密。< ="color: rgb(87 - 87 - 87); font-family: " times="" new="" roman="" georgia="" serif="" font-size:="" 14px="">第一集:饺子 装满快活的小礼袋< ="color: rgb(87 - 87 - 87); font-family: " times="" new="" roman="" georgia="" serif="" font-size:="" 14px="">从波兰饺子到意饺再到岛国日本饺子,天下各地都爱好用面团包裹馅料制成食品。< ="color: rgb(87 - 87 - 87); font-family: " times="" new="" roman="" georgia="" serif="" font-size:="" 14px="">本会合,奈杰尔会为兰开夏暖锅做香草饺子,斯第尔顿奶酪松饼跟苹果饺子,而尼塔索达则向奈杰尔展现了怎样制造古吉拉特豌豆卡丘瑞。卡姆登饺子公司的拉斐尔将告知咱们怎样制造野生蘑菇跟腌菜饺子,他们将前去英国最大的意大利社区贝德福德制造意大利饺子。 >>>>>