Wishmaster 4 - is a poor relation to the original. I have not seen 2 - or 3 - and just happened to see this on the Sci-Fi Channel. It was an entertaining movie, mostly because the star, James Trucco (Verdel) has such an uncanny similarity to SCOTT PETERSON, the accused killer of his wife and baby fetus. Seeing that guy play a Demonic role in W4 - made it seem more weird than it really was. The make-up on the main Djinn (John Novak) was almost comical. He looks like HERMAN MUNSTER's long-lost son. He also does not look very horrifying. Under the make-up, Novak looks like he got his acting lessons watching CREATURE FEATURE. W4 - is relatively fast-paced, but it has very few scares and not much that is scary. In the original, all of the horrible actions of the Djinn came to the attention of the female lead, Tara Spencer-Nairn, and she suffered a lot at the hands of the Djinn. In this move, the Djinn is trapped by the 3rd wish, and he must seduce Tara so she will accept him as he is. Sadly, the best scene, where the Djinn is making love to Tara, is where he should have transformed into Djinn and it would have been very terrifying. However, that scene took place with Verdel as Djinn, and Tara did not even register much shock or disgust later when she discovered that she had made lover to a demon. Part of the subplot has to do with her handicapped boyfriend, and that entiresubplot is not very positive, since the boyfriend is given the use of his legs. Overall, W4 - is not very complicated, it is kind-of a silly movie, and while there is some gore, it is not very gory. W4 - is a good time-killer, but it is not a classic Horror movie unless you are a fan of the Mystery Science Theatre.
先先容前两集的前情提纲。恶魔呼啸系列的罪恶配角人称迪精,也就是正常人所谓的恶灵。迪精是太古波斯的恶灵,他被软禁在一颗镶嵌在雕像上的秘石中已达数百年之久,否则…至少是从上一集开端。在恶魔呼啸3中,前程看好的助教戴安娜柯林斯(A.J. Cook,逝世亡日志]),在年幼时得到全部亲人,因而心中常有自残的动机。她找到了这颗软禁迪精的秘石,天经地义的,迪精也乘隙逃了出来。而铁定会让很多女性不雅众忌妒的是,迪精占领了巴拉许传授(Jason Connery-没错,他就是史恩康纳莱的儿子-果真会让女性忌妒吧!)的身材,而他恰是戴安娜的倾慕者。迪精必需让戴安娜许下三个欲望,他能力翻开天堂之门,开释全部的邪灵。为了逼她许下第三个欲望,迪精在大黉舍园放肆屠杀,在戴安娜屈早年,他毫不收手。