剧情片 剧情 运动 俄罗斯
一个来自任务家庭的一般男孩,跟他全部的同龄人一样,白昼跟晚上都踢足球,并妄想成为一名先锋。然而无论他为哪个队踢球——在院子里,在工场里,在部队里——他都弗成防止地被投进大门。靠,用长臂,他能遇到最难的球。他在场上踢球的饥渴催生了新的!奇特的守门员竞赛作风。   后来,有令人遗憾的掉误跟掉误——既有从球门到橡树迪纳摩的掉球,也有第一场主力声威竞赛中斯巴达格斯的进球,之后亚希娜被派到橡树磨难技能整整三年。然而,他经心尽力地寻求本人的目的,仍旧忠于本人的游戏作风,这种游戏作风将被称为破异,使他成为天下一流的明星。每自我都市说,亚星曾经当先于他的时期。他穿戴他的处分性毛衣,老是穿戴玄色毛衣,胸前有字母d。他的外号是什么:黑蜘蛛,黑黑豹,乃至黑章鱼,由于灵巧,闪电般的挪动,另有蠢才的视线。   他的成功产生在1950-60年月,事先苏联国度队,很洪流平上由于他的光辉竞赛,博得了足球中最有意思的奖杯。他将成为百万苏联球迷的偶像,他们会把他扛在怀里...而后,在智利举办的天下杯上,会有一只驴子,全部的爱都市消逝在某个处所。这可怜的事!他一自我要受责怪.雅欣怎样不被杀呢!。而后,他的生涯开端酿成一场恶梦:窗户被攻破,进口被骂,当面谈话,藐视的袋子跟不雅念,最后,被本人的啦啦队长——那些未多少前崇敬过他的人——嘘嘘。他不得不分开,对他来说,队里不地位。不人掩护他,由于他是最后一个...   后来,他凯旋而归,再次成为不只是他的国度,并且是全天下最好的——足球史上独一掉掉落金球的守门员。
剧情片 喜剧 剧情 运动 儿童 其它
A young girl and her coach overcome adversity to make their way into the National Australian Gymnastics Squad.
剧情片 运动 其它
Cenk is a young boy who has just finished his job. Cenk, who is trying to help his mother who is shouldering the burden of the house alone, plays the game with money on behalf of others in the internet cafe which is working half-time. But one day, when discovered by the manager of a newly formed team, he finds himself in a different world. Within the professional game world, Batu, Naz, JJ, Aslan and their coaches, along with Özer, struggle to win the Cenk tournament, which is a challenging journey.
剧情片 剧情 运动 俄罗斯
  Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. He is the coolest of the lot. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend, Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play.  One day, Kostya’s team comes head to head with a group of Caucasians. They are lead by Damir, a professional footballer. A conflict arises between the two groups as neither the Russians nor the Caucasians are willing to share the pitch. So, they decide to hold a 3 - match tournament, with the winner keeping the pitch for themselves! Gradually, the whole neighbourhood gets dragged into this tough and uncompromising tournament. The stakes grow higher and higher and there is no way back. This is no football tournament anymore; it’s war, a battle to the death!
剧情片 运动 俄罗斯