为了切近拍摄到企鹅实在的生涯状况,BBC派出约五十人构成的拍照团队,在快要一年的时光里,对生涯在寒带秘鲁的洪堡企鹅!生涯在亚南极海岛上的跳岩企鹅,以及生涯在寒带南极的帝企鹅直接了跟踪拍摄。不外此次剧组自出心裁,派出“间谍”混入企鹅的步队中,好比将摄像机藏入遥控企鹅体内,或索性将摄像机假装成一枚企鹅蛋。也因而得以在超近间隔视察这群憨态可掬的小家伙超实在的生涯画面。在镜头中,不雅众得以再次见证帝企鹅宝宝从出身到长大这一绚丽而又严苛的主要阶段,见证了洪堡企鹅卖萌耍宝的种种可憎霎时,固然也从“企鹅蛋”的视角陪伴小家伙们任意跋扈狂了一下。 别样的视角,展示出企鹅族群不平常的一面。
A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS. On the morning of 12 - May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - putting not just data but patients lives at risk, and on every screen a simple - some may even say polite - message appeared. 'Ooops, your files have been encrypted!' But what followed was far from civilised. It was very clear that all the data on an infected machine was now scrambled and only the hackers could unscramble it. For a price - and with an extra twist - after a few days the ransom money doubled, and if nothing was paid within a week, the hackers threatened to destroy all the data - forever.
Cars! Film! Cars on film! Film in册ving cars! You get the idea. It's basically a DVD in册ving those two things. Gasp as we find the perfect drift car for a gritty, Bourne Identity-style chase! Cheer as we stage a race for all those unsung heroes of the movie industry! Whoop as we find the car that makes the perfect dramatic exhaust note to dub onto an action sequence! Make some other sort of noise we haven't thought of yet as we re-attempt the classic Man With The Golden Gun barrel roll, having frankly made a total hash of it when we first tried it on telly! All this plus a vast fleet of sexy supercars and a man with a jet pack racing a Skoda. Top Gear At The Movies. It's better than an actual movie. Probably. Actually, it depends on which movie we're talking about. Truth is, you'd be better judging this on a case-by-case basis. Why not write to us with the name of a film and we'll tell you whether this Blu-ray is better or not. Actually, on second thoughts, don't
In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happens. At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with maths. In South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos. These very different worlds are united by one thing - an extraordinary explosion in data. Horizon meets the people at the forefront of the data re册ution, and reveals the possibilities and the promise of the age of big data.
1 - 2020年伊始,以逝世在中外赢得台甫,而实在他早已申明显赫 2 - 这是2019年3月BBC给他制造的记录片,描写其传奇终生 3 - 简略说,近20多年中东或伊斯兰各严重摩擦,都脱不来他的身影,并且是表演配角 4 - 跟美国或友或敌,努力扩大什叶新月,加入之多,无人可及
A look at the life and work of guitarist Eric Clapton told by those who have known him best, including BB King, Jimi Hendrix, and George Harrison.
Brian Cox 传授進行一次寰球游览去尋找未來能量來源. 稱作[核聚變],給太陽跟宇宙中其余星球供给燃料. 儘管超過50年的尽力,科學家們還是不克不及夠胜利地应用聚變發電到電網...
亲情难捨VS教导无价,假如能够留下,谁想分开!穿山越岭的漫漫长路,身材与心灵往返对话,家人出席的影象,从新找返来。天下之巅尼泊尔占有唯一无二的绝世美景,但偏乡孩子生涯却异样艰难,无奈接收妥当的教导。 为了让孩子占有更好的人生,望子心切的怙恃从小便将孩子送到位于都城加德满都的投止黉舍[雪地之光]就读,素性能翻转他们的运气。12年后,昔时甫来黉舍的稚童已成芳华抖擞的少年与美女,多年不曾返乡的他们,满心等待却又近乡情怯,就如许踏上一段远程跋涉的回家之路......。
‘Wider perspectives are needed now,’ states David Hockney, referencing both technical ways of seeing and the parameters of what we choose to view, in this spirited documentary ning the artist’s career. Director Randall Wright – whose previous subjects include Lucien Freud and Sister Wendy Beckett – is here gifted a spectrum of archive material, which is pieced together with kaleidoscopic verve. Richest is Hockney’s own home-movie footage, taking in games of Scrabble with his family, giving candid insight into the painter’s relationship with his Bradford roots and the father he credits with a foundational credo – to never care what the neighbours think. As a character, Hockney emerges as a man of great friendships, a loyal cast of fellow artists chronicle his personal and artistic journey, each in possession of a crisp wit, bringing humour and light to the life of an artist who continues to broaden horizons.Kate Taylor
Rick Stein embarks on a new gastronomic road trip from Venice to Istanbul through the countries of the former Byzantine Empire - a melting pot of east and west.
自从产业反动以来,每次技巧改革发生的新岗亭,都不会少于改革技巧而镌汰的岗亭,但是,这一趋向会继承下去吗! 性命,起首在于生活,继而繁华。咱们永久弗成能晓得,咱们还能在这颗星球渡过几多光阴,因而咱们的义务就是保持不懈的尽力生活,而且抗击可能存在的全部威逼。 当下最大的威逼并不是疾病!恐惧主义!天然劫难,而是曾经无奈继承可连续开展的政经体制。 执法!医学!管帐!修筑!告白!工程!征询!翻译,无论你学什么专业,你的学位跟预备都将是徒劳无功。 兴许在将来,有任务的人才是贵族,养在世全天下的无用之人。 兴许在将来,不人须要赢利生活,你能够用心研究任何你爱好的课题。
Dr Lucy Worsley's series begins in 1714 - when, to prevent the crown falling into the hands of a Catholic, Britain shipped in a ready-made royal family from Hanover.
Fourteen years after the suicide of their son and brother, Evelyn, the family decide to walk the length of the UK and try to talk about him - something they had failed to do in over a decade.
The film explores Iguacu National Park on the Brazilian-Argentine border, home to some of the largest waterfalls on Earth. The story follows animals native to this Atlantic rainforest habitat, including kamikaze-like swifts who live behind and fly through the thundering masses of falling water, as well as spotted jaguars and a family of coatis. The film also shows the struggle of park rangers to defend this threatened reserve from opportunistic exploitation. (Also entitled "The Megafalls of Iguacu") on National Geographic Channel.)
本部记录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档,以探究烹调对人类退化演化起到何种影响为命题的记录片。烹调对人类退化的影响之大,可能超乎全部人的设想。作为地球上独一理解烹调食品的物种,究竟是聪慧才智让咱们学会此项本事,仍是咱们仅仅是继续了先人的结果呢!现在咱们的盘西餐,就是咱们跟先人最直接的接洽。不它们,人类就弗成能退化为上景物种。 本期记录片就是从奠基人类开展史的肉食开端,追溯到咱们的先人是怎样转变他们的饮食构造,并把握用火烹调食品的。在漫长光阴中的演化跟退化,使得剖解学跟神经学掉掉落了奔腾性的先进。烹调,这对人类退化起到无足轻重感化的技巧,让咱们从太古的树林走进当今古代的厨房。
In just over 100 - days, a new coronavirus has taken an unprepared world by storm, infiltrating every corner of the globe, sending entire nations into lockdown, killing thousands and infecting countless more. Across the world, governments are scrambling to react, hospitals are struggling to cope and an increasingly anxious public are starting to panic. The world’s media is awash with data, information and misinformation. But what are the facts? What is COVID-19 - and why is this strain of coronavirus so dangerous? What happens in our bodies when the virus attacks? How does this compare to previous pandemics? What do all the the numbers really mean, and how can data modelling help us look for an exit strategy? This programme investigates the scientific facts and figures behind the biggest public health crisis in living memory, and explores the latest research from the frontline of the medical and scientific fightback.
Horizon goes behind the scenes at NASA as they countdown to the landing of a 2.5 - billion-dollar rover on the surface of Mars. In six days time, the nuclear-powered vehicle - the size of a car - will be winched down onto the surface of the Red Planet from a rocket-powered crane. That's if things go according to plan: Mars has become known as the Bermuda Triangle of space because so many missions there have ended in failure. The Curiosity mission is the most audacious - and expensive - attempt to answer the question: is there life on Mars?
The tragic story of the first and only football player to come out as gay whilst still playing.