苏利曼跟“苏丹片子俱乐部”的别的三名成员决议重振一家旧片子院。他们不只由于对片子的酷爱跟对规复古片子存量!再次存眷苏丹片子汗青的激烈盼望而连合在一同,并且由于他们都曾在放逐中接收过片子教导。不知倦怠地,他们试图让影院老板站在他们一边,让这个处所从新运作起来,但他们频频发明本人受到了相称大的阻力。同时,他们坐在一同议论从前——包含他们作为对峙艺术家遭遇危害乃至熬煎的阅历。他们还诵读亡命跟妄想苏丹时写的旧信,在那边艺术跟智力思惟能够自在。“咱们比他们聪慧,但不如他们壮大,”他们分歧总结了他们的处境。恰是在这些简练的时辰,不雅众能力够感知到友情,以及在为独特幻想而奋斗中存在的纽带跟认识状态的连合。 苏哈伊布·加斯梅尔巴里把苏丹片子的汗青放在影片的中央,同时也提醒了一个受到连续危急影响的国度的近况 Suliman and three further members of the ‘Sudanese Film Club’ have decided to revive an old cinema. They are united not only by their love of cinema and their passionate desire to restore old film stock and draw attention to Sudanese film history once more, but also by the fact that they have all enjoyed a film education in exile. Tirelessly, they try to get the cinema’s owners on their side and make the place operational again, but repeatedly find themselves up against considerable resistance. In the meantime, they sit together and talk about the past – including their experiences of persecution and even torture as oppositional artists. They also read out old letters written while in exile and dream of a Sudan in which art and intellectual thought can be free. ‘We are smarter than them, but not as strong,’ is how they unanimously summarise their situation. It is in laconic moments such as these that the viewer is able to perceive the friendship, as well as the bond and ideological solidarity that exists in the struggle for common ideals. Suhaib Gasmelbari puts the history of Sudanese cinema at the centre of his film and at the same time sheds light on the current situation in a country shaken by ongoing crises.
Documentary film mixing rock and wine nature, Wine Calling has been turned in Occitania and everywhere where there are lovers of natural wine.
Patricio Guzmán left Chile more than 40 - years ago when the military dictatorship took over the democratically-elected government, but he never stopped thinking about a country, a culture, and a place on the map that he never forgot. After covering the North in Nostalgia for the Light and the South in The Pearl Button, his shots get up-close with what he calls “the vast revealing backbone of Chile's past and recent history.” La Cordillera de los sueños is a visual poem, an historical inquiry, a cinematographic essay, and magnificent personal exercise in soul-searching.
un film en cinq episodes de Dominique Deluze Depuis quasiment 15ans et 5film ,Dominique Deluze filme au Havre les diverses apparition d'une figure legendaire cree par le Royal de Luxe ,le Geant!
在与天相连的莽莽群山之中有一座藏族村寨,因为出产的食粮不敷自给,生生世世靠运盐为生。老首级天尼的儿子本应是下一任村子的头人,却在运盐的路上不测身亡,而众望所归的继任者卡玛在天尼的眼中则是为夺头人之位而蓄意害逝世本人儿子的罪犯。在一次新的运盐路程开端前夜,村庄里以老天尼跟卡玛分离为首的两派各持一辞,各执己见。终极卡玛率领年青人在提前于白叟们占卜的日子动身,而天尼而率领本人当喇嘛的儿子跟孙子从前一群老侍从按占卜的日子上路。运盐步队不只一起跋山渡水还要应答群山之中意想不到的伤害,两支运盐的步队谁能战胜艰苦险阻先达到旅途的起点!本片影像作风粗狂绚丽!勾魂摄魄,好像仙乐般的藏密梵音贯串一直,令人赏心顺眼。 该片是由法国!尼泊尼!瑞士跟英国四国协作,历时9个月拍摄的剧情与记录大片,曾入围第72届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖提名以及2000年欧洲片子最佳拍照奖提名,并于昔时掉掉落了恺撒最佳拍照奖跟音乐奖。
大麻,長期以來被當作緝毒的目標,不過最新的研讨發現,大麻拥有許多意想不到的療效,现在有數十個實驗室,正研讨大麻分子的机密,摸索大麻的醫療潛能。 說起來,真正發揮治療后果的大元勋,其實是人體自身,人體內部有一個[內源性大麻素系統],能够調節!守護人類身體機能;內源性大麻素系統遍及人體各處,能夠調節就寝!消化!發炎反應跟神經系統。天然界中的大麻素,不過是模擬了人體的[內源性大麻素]這把鑰匙,開啟了大腦神經活動。
When 850 - 000 - bitcoins -half a billion dollars- disappear from Mt. Gox in Tokyo, its unconventional CEO, Mark Karpelès, is arrested. After a year, he's finally released for lack of evidence. Mark Karpelès is now free and breaks its silence.