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  Bear biologist Lynn Rogers has devoted nearly forty years of his life to understanding the black bears of Minnesota's North Woods. He has developed a unique relationship with them over time. Watch as cameraman David Wright chronicles Lynn's extraordinarily close relationship with these bears as he demonstrates that black bears and people can live in relative harmony.
记录片 英国
  The film explores Iguacu National Park on the Brazilian-Argentine border, home to some of the largest waterfalls on Earth. The story follows animals native to this Atlantic rainforest habitat, including kamikaze-like swifts who live behind and fly through the thundering masses of falling water, as well as spotted jaguars and a family of coatis. The film also shows the struggle of park rangers to defend this threatened reserve from opportunistic exploitation. (Also entitled "The Megafalls of Iguacu") on National Geographic Channel.)
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  谷歌,苹果跟Facebook占有的Instagram经由过程同意跟供给用于在海湾地域贩卖家庭佣工的运用顺序,来树破一个合法的在线仆从市场。 对「咱们的天下」,BBC消息阿拉伯语的机密考察揭穿了科威特国平易近违背有关古代仆从制确外地跟国际执法,此中包含一名赡养儿童的妇女。 这部功效壮大的考察影片的中央是16岁的法图(Fatou),他在科威特市呆了9个月。 咱们追随她的救济行为,前往西非多少内亚,并讯问怎样掌握这些运用顺序。
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  Future Cities, a full-length documentary strand from WIRED Video, takes us inside the bustling Chinese city of Shenzhen.  We examine the unique manufacturing ecosystem that has emerged, gaining access to the world’s leading hardware-prototyping culture whilst challenging misconceptions from the west. The film looks at how the e册ution of “Shanzhai” – or copycat manufacturing – has transformed traditional models of business, distribution and innovation, and asks what the rest of the world can learn from this so-called “Silicon Valley of hardware".  Future Cities is part of a new flagship documentary strand from WIRED Video that explores the technologies, trends and ideas that are changing our world. Subscribe to the WIRED YouTube channel to ensure you never miss an episode.  「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的系列记录片,带咱们走进繁荣的中都城会深圳。  咱们探索了这个已矛头初露的奇特的加工制作生态体系:它占有天下一流的硬件原型文明,挑衅了来自东方的毛病印象。本片正视“盗窟”(或称仿制)的演化怎样转变传统贸易,产物分销跟破异形式,也讯问这个“硬件硅谷”对天下其余国度有何可鉴戒之处。  「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的新系列记录片,摸索正在转变咱们这个天下的技巧,趋向跟设法。订阅「连线」杂志YouTube频道,确保你不会错过任何剧集。
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记录片 冒险 纪录片 英国
游览记录片「摸索终生必游之地 Adventures with Purpose」将带你摸索终生必游之地,古希腊神话之旅,俏丽的欧洲故乡景色,英国奥秘古堡探奇,维京海盗大本营挪威探听北欧海盗实在面貌,法国神农索水上城堡阅读等。 1.十字路口摸索之旅 2.摸索污浊生涯 3.希腊之旅 4.古堡探寻记 5.摸索维京精力 6.摸索水上城堡
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  A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS.  On the morning of 12 - May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - putting not just data but patients lives at risk, and on every screen a simple - some may even say polite - message appeared. 'Ooops, your files have been encrypted!'  But what followed was far from civilised. It was very clear that all the data on an infected machine was now scrambled and only the hackers could unscramble it. For a price - and with an extra twist - after a few days the ransom money doubled, and if nothing was paid within a week, the hackers threatened to destroy all the data - forever.
记录片 英国
  Nadiya Celebrating the joy of creating and sharing her favorite homemade cakes, bakes and delicious pastries alongside exciting new recipes inspired by other passionate bakers.
记录片 英国
Expert historian, yet novice rider, Lucy Worsley learns the 17th century art of horse ballet leading up to a public performance. Along the way, she explores the origins of this peculiar pastime, witnesses spectacular displays abroad and discovers its surprising legacies.
记录片 英国
Iran and six world powers reached a landmark nuclear agreement in 2015 - and as a result the country has witnessed far-reaching changes.
记录片 英国
Carla Hall, Niklas Ekstedt and Heston Blumenthal will judge as three cooks will battle it out to create the best feast.The set will be entirely edible and will contain edible blossom, chocolate soil, and a drinkable babbling brook.
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BBC于2013年制造,CCTV于2015年引进,并于3月24-26日在「天然」栏目播出  全3集分离为:  第1集「风沙星斗」在海湾地域深处,藏匿着天下最后一片大荒野。多少十年来,它的奥秘魅力跟诱人气象始终不为众人所知。本片初次向天下展现它激昂听心的多样地质跟不凡的野生生物,以绝后的近间隔角度,带咱们到三座大陆穿插点的奥秘国家,感触富裕的文明跟令人梗塞的美景。  第2集「阿拉伯之珠」在阿拉伯南部的一个偏僻角落里,一段山脊隐蔽着一个伟大的机密。每年在印度洋旱季的潮湿下,阿曼佐法尔省的山区酿成了一个奥秘的隐蔽天下:在这里四处都是瀑布,云雾围绕着树林,到处都能发明变色龙跟偷食蜂蜜的獾,不计其数只绿色的海龟登陆来产卵……  第3集「戈壁剧变」多少个世纪以来,阿拉伯人会举办骆驼大赛庆贺特其余时辰。但在从前的半个世纪,正如全部阿拉伯产生的如许那样的变更,骆驼大赛也已焕然一新。现在的骆驼大赛增添了古代科技的元素。为了加重负重,人们用分量不超越一台条记本电脑的遥控安装取代了骑师。
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BBC8集大型电视系列片 - Human Planet (人类星球),探究人与天然的关联。8集节目分离探究极地!山区!大陆!森林!草原!河道!戈壁跟都会的人类运动。天下一流的天然与人类专家以及拍照师,从空中!海洋跟水下抓拍贵重镜头。BBC摄制组前去天下80个处所,抓拍了从未在电视屏幕上涌现过的习见出色的人类运动。
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CHC高清记录片星球神秘系列包含 星球神秘之咱们的大气层 星球神秘之落基山脉 星球神秘之土星的机密 星球神秘之致命湖泊 星球神秘之石器时期启发录 星球神秘之从新发明冥王星 星球神秘之冰川熔化 星球神秘之火星水天下 星球神秘之小行星警报 星球神秘之谁发明白美洲
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踏上难能宝贵的摸索之旅,懂得占有两千年汗青的残暴艺术文明,及其铸就的天下上最陈旧的帝国。 故事中的这片地皮占有两个名字:波斯——陈旧而奥秘,布满冒险气味,壮大的国王制作了大量宏伟的寺庙跟宫殿,美景超乎设想;伊朗——自满!孤破,对外界的烦扰嗤之以鼻。 BBC Studios掉掉落了史无前例的特许,得以深刻伊朗直接拍摄,展示这座古国不凡的汗青与文明。从迷宫式的集市到波斯现代君主的首都波斯波利斯,再到圣火熄灭逾千年的火神庙,主播兼记者萨米拉·艾哈迈德(Samira Ahmed)率领不雅众一起踏上这段唯一无二的难忘路程。 在三集的内容中,萨米拉将提醒波斯文明在汗青中的主要位置;在跌荡崎岖的演化进程中,进一步懂得其一次次的光辉与塌陷。在这趟路程中,萨米拉另有一个严重发明:波斯人曾有一度多少乎迷掉了自我,直到一本书的涌现,才使他们得以从新意识本身,继而实现波斯文明的中兴——「列王纪」(Shahnameh)。菲尔多西凝集终生精神的史诗巨著,没能在他生前为他博得希望中的赞成与财产,却在他逝世后久长传播——「列王纪」不只掀起了波斯言语与文明的中兴大潮,更在后代连绵千年的数度王朝更迭与社会变迁中,成为了维系波斯传统的主要纽带,为伊朗国平易近的文明认同供给了坚决的基石。
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  Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech companies is to get AI computers to diagnose diseases as well as a human doctor, which could ultimately result in accessible, more affordable, better healthcare for almost everyone.  In a world with a chronic shortage of doctors, but where even the very poor own mobile phones, it could be truly re册utionary. And in Britain, advances in AI are already radically changing how some of us see our GPs.  Dr. Hannah Fry uncovers the controversial inside story of this re册ution in healthcare, with privileged behind-the-scenes access to tech companies leading the way in healthcare innovation.  Ambitious British tech start-up Babylon Health launched its ‘GP at Hand’ app in London in late 2017 - and has already persuaded 30 - 000 - Londoners to quit their old GPs to register instead for this NHS ‘digital first’ service, where patients discuss symptoms with an AI chatbot and see a doctor in minutes 24/7 - via their phone. Babylon’s CEO Dr. Ali Parsa talks passionately about how he hopes “to do with healthcare what Google did with information”. Kheiron Medical have also opened their doors, with their Clinical Director Dr. Hugh Harvey explaining how Kheiron’s technology is already outperforming human radiologists at spotting signs of cancer in mammograms.  But this sector is new and challenging and GP at Hand’s arrival has proved controversial – with many GPs worried about the disruptive consequences for both patients and themselves. We hear from medical professionals such as Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair at the Royal College of GPs, who expresses caution about the hype around AI, voicing concerns about to what extent apps like ‘GP at Hand’ have been rigorously tested. Big questions are also raised about AI in healthcare: if it can be trusted, how it should be regulated - and what it means for all of us.
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In just over 100 - days, a new coronavirus has taken an unprepared world by storm, infiltrating every corner of the globe, sending entire nations into lockdown, killing thousands and infecting countless more. Across the world, governments are scrambling to react, hospitals are struggling to cope and an increasingly anxious public are starting to panic. The world’s media is awash with data, information and misinformation. But what are the facts? What is COVID-19 - and why is this strain of coronavirus so dangerous? What happens in our bodies when the virus attacks? How does this compare to previous pandemics? What do all the the numbers really mean, and how can data modelling help us look for an exit strategy? This programme investigates the scientific facts and figures behind the biggest public health crisis in living memory, and explores the latest research from the frontline of the medical and scientific fightback.
记录片 英国
Rob Greenfield, adventurer, humanitarian and environmentalist is setting out on a journey across South America with a difference. Along with Documentarian James Levelle, Rob will be travelling with no money at all, instead relying on the goodness of others, making money from working and sleeping rough
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BBC考古记录片,共四集。展示英伦三岛最新的的考古结果。从英伦三岛最早的原住平易近开端,汗青学家Alice Roberts报告考古职员的辛苦任务跟今年度英国最主要的考古发明。感激@猛犸君侯 供给资本。