爱情片 惊悚 恐怖 科幻 美国
A reclusive video arcade repair technician experiences bizarre biomechanical mutations and Cronenbergian hallucinations when a mysterious new arcade machine appears in his shop. Reality itself threatens to fracture as he works to solve its mystery and the new chaos that has entered his life.
爱情片 美国
When successful New York marketing executive Katherine discovers her workaholic ways are taking a toll on her eight-year-old son, Zac, she decides to spend Christmas with him and her mother, Lilly in her home town on the bayou. When Caleb tries to rekindle a childhood romance and convince her to move back home, Katherine is torn between the bright lights of the big city and the quiet, gentler rhythms of her Southern roots. Only a Christmas miracle orchestrated by Papa Noel can steer her heart to her true home.
爱情片 美国
A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is perfectly innocent but the reason why the pants are there is as humouristic as incredible. So when he tells the truth she gets very angry though she was prepared to "forgive" his "side step". Another pattern is much more serious. Anne-Claire fears that Monpti would have no interest in her if she told that she is a nobody. So she builds up a story of being a rich girl with a private chauffeur. She even takes Monpti to a family church funeral and points out all her relatives, even telling which ones are not on speaking terms. When he finally exposes her lies a violent explosion results. She runs away in despair and is overrun by a car. At the hospital their love returns. But she will die after a few days. - In the background of many scenes we have seen the couple who overrun Anne-Claire, and their shallow emotions were recurrently contrasted with the genuine love of the young couple.
爱情片 美国
爱情片 美国
爱情片 美国
男女融合,寰宇全一,名气作品,票房金榜。 印度果阿从十六世纪起就传播一个凄惨的恋情故事。一对美国未婚匹俦来果阿游览,未婚夫倒是五百年前的恋情故事男配角的再生,碰到了已嫁人的女配角,经由生逝世的格斗,凄惨的故事好像要重演,但终极这对情人逃过了逝世劫。