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艾克(理查•基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是一名专栏记者,他的老婆就是顶头下属。但是,这并不给他带来几多好福气,相反,跟老婆性情分歧仳离后,因这层关联艾克过得愈加烦闷。一次偶尔,艾克在酒吧里听闻了马里兰州一名男子玛琪(朱莉娅•罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)三次踏上红地毯时冲锋陷阵的故事。他对这件事深感兴致,并将其写成了专栏。当艾克去到实地采访外地人时,没想到人们广泛对他的做法觉得很末路怒。而行将第四次踏上红地毯的变乱主人公玛琪由于看了艾克的专栏后大感为难,第四次临阵逃走。玛琪以为是艾克害惨了本人,决议以眼还眼。
喜剧片 美国
Now You See Him, Now You Don't is a 1972 - Walt Disney Productions film starring Kurt Russell as a chemistry student who accidentally discovers the secret to invisibility. It is the sequel to the 1969 - film The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes and was followed by 1975's The Strongest Man in the World. Now You See Him, Now You Don't was the first Disney film to be shown on television in a two-hour time slot, in 1975.Previous television showings of Disney films had either shown them edited or split into two one-hour time slots. At Medfield College, science buff Dexter Riley and his friends, including Richard Schuyler and Debbie Dawson, eavesdrop via a hidden walkie-talkie on a board meeting led by Dean Eugene Higgins, discussing the small college's continuing precarious finances. Later that afternoon, Professor Lufkin shows Higgins around the science lab where Dexter is working on an experiment with invisibility and another student, Druffle, explores the flight of bumblebees. That night, during a powerful thunderstorm, the roof of the lab is struck by lightning, sending a current of electricity down a metal beam and through Dexter's complex experiment components. The next day, as Dexter examines his burnt equipment with dismay, Higgins meets with A.J. Arno, a recently released prisoner, who had also purchased Medfield's mortgage. When Dexter accidentally drops one half of his glasses into a container of his experimental formula, it appears as if the substance destroys them, but upon closer examination, Dexter realizes the frames are merely partially invisible. After several tests, Dexter places his fingers in the liquid and they disappear. Schuyler and Debbie arrive and are horrified to see Dexter with a partial hand, but Dexter insists Schuyler test the substance as well, admitting only afterward that he does not yet have an antidote. Just then, Higgins brings Arno to visit the lab, stunning the students, as only two years earlier, Dexter was instrumental in exposing Arno's crooked gambling scheme. Dexter and the others notice that Arno is more concerned with the campus architecture than Higgins' speech. Curious about Arno's behavior, Dexter convinces Schuyler to use the invisibility formula to sneak into Arno's office that night. Although they are nearly discovered when Schuyler steps into a puddle, making his tennis shoes visible, the boys get inside Arno's office where they find a model of Medfield College redesigned as a sprawling gambling establishment. After taking photos of the model, the boys flee with Debbie's help. The next day Dexter shows the photos to Lufkin and Higgins. Convinced that Druffle's bumblebee study would draw attention and investments to Medfield, Higgins reacts angrily when Dexter assures him that his invisibility formula could win the top prize money in the upcoming Forsythe science contest. Not having admitted to anyone that Medfield has been dropped from the contest for being too insignificant, Higgins contacts the contest's sponsor, millionaire Timothy Forsythe, and agrees to meet over a game of golf, despite his inability to play. Upon learning of Higgins' plan and suspecting it must be connected with raising money for the college, Dexter urges Schuyler to 册unteer to serve as Higgins' caddy while, hidden by the invisibility formula, he will take control of Higgins' golf ball. At the golf club, Forsythe and the state university dean, Collingsgood, are amazed by Higgins' quirky golfing abilities, which include numerous hole-in-one-shots, as is Arno who is also at the club. After the game, Forsythe agrees to reinstate Medfield into the competition. Meanwhile, Arno accidentally sees Dexter becoming visible in the club showers and grows suspicious. When the local television news covers Higgins' extraordinary golf game, he is invited to join an exclusive tournament in nearby Ocean City. Convinced that he will win enough money to pay the college's mortgage, Higgins brashly accepts and that afternoon departs with Schuyler. Learning of the tournament from Druffle too late, Dexter misses the plane and is forced to watch the competition on television where Higgins' game against two professionals is a disaster. Arno and his henchmen, Cookie and Alfred, also watch the tournament and ponder Higgins' odd inconsistency. Upon returning to the college, Higgins tells Lufkin that Druffle's bumblebee experiment is the school's last chance. Both men are stunned when Druffle appears swathed in bandages after being attacked by the bumblebees, to which he is allergic. Hoping to assuage the crestfallen Higgins, Lufkin suggests that they give Dexter's unproven formula a chance and the dean reluctantly agrees. That evening, Cookie, disguised as a janitor, sneaks into the campus lab where he witnesses Dexter and Schuyler using the invisibility spray and reports to Arno, who orders him to return and steal it. The following day, Forsythe and members of his committee arrive on campus to judge the best science experiment at the college. Unaware that their spray bottle has been replaced by Cookie, Dexter and Schuyler make their presentation and are stunned when it has no effect. Forsythe and Higgins depart as Dexter remains confused until he chats with Charlie the janitor. Learning that there is no night janitor, Dexter realizes that Cookie likely stole the formula. Concluding that Arno must be behind the theft, Dexter plants a walkie-talkie in his office. A couple of days later, Schuyler overhears Arno plotting with Cookie to rob the Medfield Bank by making themselves and the money invisible. Certain that if he could retrieve the formula before the Forsythe Award announcement that night he could still win the contest, Dexter sends Schuyler to the police and goes to inform the bank's president, Wilfred Sampson. When both the police and Sampson dismiss the boys' story about invisibility, Dexter and his friends gather outside of the bank. When an invisible Arno and Cookie knock out the guards and take the money, Dexter unsuccessfully tries to use a fire hydrant to hose the men down as they exit the bank. Sampson contacts the police, who join the college students in a wild chase of the car driven by the invisible robbers. After briefly eluding everyone, Arno orders Cookie to make the car invisible, but they are spotted on a dirt road in a park. Deducing Arno will not leave town but go to his home instead, Dexter drives there and forces Arno's car into a swimming pool where it, the money, and the men become visible. Arno and his henchmen are arrested. Dexter and the others dash to the presentation of the Forsythe Award and plead for one more opportunity to demonstrate their invention. Frustrated by Dexter's determination, Higgins intervenes just as Dexter sprays Schuyler, and, again, there is no result. Realizing the dip in the pool has diluted the formula, Dexter tries to explain to Forsythe. Just when Higgins tells everyone for the last time that invisibility does not exist, the top half of him becomes invisible, thus shocking the group and winning the top prize to save Medfield for another year.
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喜剧片 恐怖 美国
DeadTectives follows a team of hapless paranormal investigators on a reality TV series who go on a quest to Mexico's most haunted house in the pursuit of better ratings. However, when the true dark secrets of the mansion begin to reveal themselves, the hapless presenters quickly discover that this house is no hoax. With zero ghost-hunting skills (or really any other applicable skills) the team has to figure out how to bust the ghosts and escape the house with their lives.
喜剧片 犯罪 美国
  奇利·帕尔默(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Tra册ta 饰)已经是混迹黑道的嚣张人物,不外黑道混久了,也许是由于厌倦,许多人开端洗白本人,找份面子的任务,掉掉落社会的承认。奇利也不破例,从黑道退役后,他摇身变作好莱坞片子制片人,熟练的社比武腕使他的奇迹旭日东升,名望大增,尝到长处的奇利开端进军乐坛。他找来一位开唱片公司的友人,不意友人却不测逝世亡,奇利只好留意于这位友人的老婆艾迪(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰),艾迪也是个狠脚色,两人磨合很久才告竣共鸣,决意捧红一名有着优良音乐禀赋的黑人女孩琳达,但是事件却并非设想中顺遂,琳达的经纪工资了留住琳达,使尽刁钻霸术,而更令人意想不到的是,琳达居然同时在被俄罗斯的黑手党机密追杀。面临凌乱的局势,已金盆洗手的奇利能否要重操旧业,摆平所有呢!   本片为1995年经典笑剧片「黑道之家」续集,改编自滞销作家艾尔蒙·里欧纳德(Elmore Leonard)的同名小说。
喜剧片 喜剧 恐怖 奇幻 美国
喜剧片 美国
才干横溢,有一腔幻想志向的热血少年马克斯·费舍尔(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman饰),在休斯敦一间贵族准备黉舍就读。初入名校的马克斯,却把全体的心理都投注于社团上。凭仗着过人的聪慧才智,他很快在种种社团里左支右绌。但是过火疏忽作业的他,未多少就面对着被退学的威逼。人缘际会,他与奇迹胜利的贸易富翁赫尔曼·布卢姆(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)成为了忘年之交,学会了许多人生真谛。但是这所有都闭幕在了才貌双全的女教师露丝玛丽·克罗丝(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams饰)手里。马克斯深陷恋情的天下里,不克不及自拔。本片凭仗着到处布满针锋绝对的机灵对白与滑稽感,以及新老演员对脚色的胜利塑造跟解释,荣获1999年第56届金球奖片子类-最佳男主角提名及1999年独破精力奖最佳导演!最佳男主角等多项大奖。
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朱迪(简·方达 Jane Fonda 饰)!瓦莱特(莉莉·汤普琳 Lily Tomlin 饰)跟朵拉莉(多莉·帕顿 Dolly Parton 饰)独特在一间法人公司任务,三名女性有着差其余人生轨迹跟悬殊的特性,却同时由于下属富兰克林(达布尼·柯尔曼 Dabney Coleman 饰)的存在而觉得疼痛不胜。富兰克林是一个彻彻底底的伪正人,在任务中老是有意有意的排斥跟轻视女雇员,与此同时,他仍是个乐于听闻阿谀阿谀之词的浅陋之徒,在他的管控之下,公司内的气氛非常缓和。一次偶尔之中,朱迪!瓦莱特跟朵拉莉居然在误打误撞之中绑架了富兰克林,将他软禁起来,之后,三人在公司直接了一场大改造。
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喜剧片 美国
测验是先生们生涯中异常主要的一部门,它不只仅是判断进修结果的磨练,同时也决议了先生们的喜怒哀乐。为了经由过程测验,凯尔(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)跟马蒂(布赖恩·加连保格 Bryan Greenberg 饰)想出了一个损招,他们决议潜入普林斯顿测验中央盗取试卷的谜底。这一筹划很快就遭到了错误们的支撑,英俊惊艳的巨细姐弗兰西斯卡(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰),优等生安娜(埃丽卡·克里斯滕森 Erika Christensen 饰),活动健将罗兹(Darius Miles 饰)等身怀特技的妙手纷纭入伙。面临防备威严的测验中央,他们采用怎么的对策呢!而一场看似精细但实则破绽百出的行为又是否掉掉落最后的胜利呢!
喜剧片 美国
已经荣获奥斯卡人性主义奖的大编剧史蒂文(艾伯特·布鲁克斯 Albert Brooks 饰),现在却沦为了无人问津的无名英雄,其中味道,他只有本人冷静品味。在挚友杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)的举荐下,史蒂文结识了俏丽性感的莎拉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰),杰克告知史蒂文,现在恰是因为莎拉这位“缪斯”的存在,他才获得现今方兴未艾的位置。 莎拉古怪又怪僻的性情惹得史蒂文非常末路火,她一直的向史蒂文提出种种百般的请求,也逐步腐蚀着史蒂文的生涯。史蒂文正在写一个脚本,当他向莎拉讨教情节走向时,莎拉却请求史蒂文带她去水族馆,而恰是在那边,史蒂文掉掉落了伟大的灵感,也开端明确了莎拉并非冒名行骗之徒。在莎拉的影响之下,史蒂文逐步在任务中找回了自负,再一次到达了奇迹的高峰。
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IFC Films拿下笑剧[休假]北美刊行权。泰莎·汤普森跟梅丽莎·里奥任主演,劳瑞·科利尔执导。泰莎表演在牢狱任务,同时要照料年老母亲的女人。一天,她被调配陪一监犯(梅丽莎饰)去看望其垂逝世的母亲,两人在旅途中堕入凌乱。该片主演还包含乌比·戈德堡!安娜·帕奎因!埃德加·拉米雷兹等。
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Comedian Colin Quinn talks about American politics and how divided the country is.
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Tom Segura scores laughs with uncomfortably candid stories about mothers, fathers, following your dreams - and other things you'd rather not think about.
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斯蒂芬(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)安分守纪有板有眼的过了一辈子,早就曾经习气而且非常享用至死稳定的生涯。对圣诞节,斯蒂芬也是一个守旧主义者,有着本人积重难返的节日风俗,不克不及忍耐分毫的转变。   某一天,斯蒂芬有了一个名叫丹尼(丹尼·德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)的新街坊。这个男子的特性跟斯蒂芬有着寰宇之别。丹尼素来自在自在,为所欲为,不按常理出牌,脑壳里一堆奇思妙想,而且异常热衷于将这些设法变为事实。圣诞节快要,丹尼居然决议制作一个彩灯天下,这可不是正常的彩灯天下,丹尼的彩灯天下,要大到在外太空都能看得清清晰楚。眼看着丹尼开端动手制作他的白天梦了,斯蒂芬急坏了。
喜剧片 美国
Maya, a queer pixie artist, meets and falls madly in love with her insta-crush: the sexually fluid fashionista, Jasmine. It's all gumdrops and fairytales until Maya discovers Jasmine's passionate relationship with a secret sugar daddy.
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一个名叫Stella的年青男子被*迫在“自我”的吸血鬼Edward跟“好色”的狼人Jacob间挑选。哪个男孩能满意Stella更密切的需要掉掉落上演。期盼大批的笑话,分歧适年青的Taylor Lautner影迷。
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又一部报告灰女人故事的恋情轻笑剧片子。这回的女配角叫佩吉(朱莉娅·斯黛尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰),同样有着朴素的家景!俏丽的模样跟盼望真命皇帝快点涌现的萌动春情。她赶上了一个叫艾迪(卢克·梅伯利 Luke Mably 饰)的小伙子,他来自丹麦王室,前来寻觅印象中的狂野的美国大先生涯。二人因误解了解,从冰火不容渐突变得语言投机,互相搀扶,情感日渐深挚。佩吉更是约请艾迪前来故乡过故乡生涯,恋情在燕语莺声中生根抽芽。但是,艾迪身为丹麦王子,跟佩吉这个美国布衣丫头毕竟身份迥异。当佩吉好不轻易进入了丹麦皇室,预备跟王子长相厮守时,皇宫的繁文缛节却让她非常不适。佩吉再三斟酌,决议跟艾迪作别,回到美国继承读书。灰女人跟王子莫非注定属于差其余天下!
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安迪(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)是一个游览喜好者,现在,他正在兴趣勃勃的预备着他的第一次公路之旅。一自我的路程不免充实寥寂,挑选谁成为本人的旅伴成为了安迪首当其冲须要处理的疑问。安迪的友人未多少,无奈之下,他只得把眼光放在了本人的母亲乔伊斯(芭芭拉·史翠珊 Barbra Streisand 饰)的身上。刚上路,安迪就认识到本人犯了一个伟大的毛病,乔伊斯的独裁跟自卑让安迪觉得忍气吞声,两人的关联多少欲决裂。然而,跟着时光的流逝,安迪垂垂开端发明,本人与母亲并非冰火那般无奈共存,雷同的基因让两人之间一直保持着血脉相通的亲热。在乔伊斯的勉励跟赞助下,安迪也垂垂找到了人生的偏向。
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An overworked dad, missing out on his kids growing, takes an opportunity to start a "family business" thinking it will draw his family closer together - That is just mistake number one.
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故事发生在1994年的纽约,跟大少数反叛青年一样,卢克(乔希·佩克 Josh Peck 饰)跟家人之间的关联跌落到了冰点,整天无所作为的他全日在陌头彷徨,靠着销售大麻赚点零费钱。跟大少数心思大夫一样,斯奎尔斯(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)本人也有一大堆剪一直理还乱的费事事,他跟卢克之间独一的枢纽就是大麻——斯奎尔为卢克供给心思诊疗,而卢克则用大麻往返报他。同是江湖沉溺人,跟着时光的推移,卢克跟斯奎尔斯之间发生了一种奥妙的信赖跟友情。卢克一直暗恋着同班同窗斯蒂芬妮(奥莉薇·瑟尔比 Olivia Thirlby 饰),同时,表面爽朗悲不雅的斯蒂芬妮也对卢克情有独钟。令卢克不想到的是,斯蒂芬妮那不血统关联的父亲不是他人,恰是他的“老顾主”斯奎尔斯,一段有笑有泪的凌乱关联就此开展。
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菲兹修姆(切维·切斯 Chevy Chase 饰)跟梅尔巴格(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰)相互之间并不了解,却同时加入了美国国务院的测验。在科场里,两个老谋深算古灵精怪的男子共同默契,实现了一次完善的舞弊。这所有都被他们的下级看在眼里,过后,两人被国务院招募,成为了反特务。两个男子离开了巴基斯坦,要实现一项异常主要而又伤害的义务,这跟测验舞弊可纷歧样,假若有一丝忽视跟闪掉,他们分分钟要丢掉落生命。但是,不测跟偶合就是如许不尽善尽美地接连产生,菲兹修姆跟梅尔巴格必需凭仗着他们的伶俐跟勇气,将其逐一化解。终极,他们是否实现国度付与他们的特别义务呢!
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卡尔西克·库玛(Karthik Kumar)的「血肉酸辣酱」是一部单口笑剧,专门报告虚假,耻辱,戒烟以及此类弗成防止,悲催却风趣的生涯变乱。
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黑人影星David Palmer(「24小时」中的黑人总统)结合笑剧明星Dax Shepard初次执导的长片童贞作,报告一个妄想成为国际工夫巨星的小子的搞笑阅历。
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生动的小女孩秀兰•布雷克(Shirley Temple 秀兰•邓波 饰)生在一个一般的家庭,固然家景平平,但布满了快活跟幸福。秀兰素日随妈妈(Lois Wilson 饰)在刻薄!刻薄的史女士家里帮佣,空闲时便跟飞翔员爸爸及其教父詹姆斯(James Dunn 饰)一同游玩。 但是,如许微小的幸福也电光石火。爸爸在履行义务时逝世于空难,妈妈也被车祸夺去了性命。本来快活的秀兰转瞬之间成为孤儿。史女士家盘算将她送进孤儿院,而詹姆斯决议收养这名不幸无助的小女孩……
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