The Spy Who Raised Me follows the emotional journey of Chelsea Barsky, the U.S. born daughter of a former American-based Russian spy.
1 - 2020年伊始,以逝世在中外赢得台甫,而实在他早已申明显赫 2 - 这是2019年3月BBC给他制造的记录片,描写其传奇终生 3 - 简略说,近20多年中东或伊斯兰各严重摩擦,都脱不来他的身影,并且是表演配角 4 - 跟美国或友或敌,努力扩大什叶新月,加入之多,无人可及
Roy Cohn personified the dark arts of American politics, turning empty vessels into dangerous demagogues - from Joseph McCarthy to his final project, Donald J. Trump. This thriller-like exposé connects the dots, revealing how a deeply troubled master manipulator shaped our current American nightmare.
A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The workers of the city’s self-managed small businesses only get one real break from their self-exploiting lives in the textile business: the annual Carnival. 柏林片子节全景单位
MAGICAL LAND OF OZ offers a blue chip, continent wide series ranging from the land's highest snow peaks to the depths of the frigid and wild southern seas; from its last populations of wild numbats to its largest diorama of giant cuttlefish. It's a land of diverse beauty, that delights and surprises. The series both entertains and deepens our understanding of how the natural world is made up of not just unique species, but distinct individuals, whose lives are far from predictable. Using the latest camera technology we capture animal populations only recently discovered and behaviours not associated with species we thought we knew well. We meet animal characters so enigmatic, most Australians are unaware they share not just their island continent - but their own suburban backyards. We reveal the challenges these animals must navigate in a land of extremes, and extreme human-induced change. To do this, we fill the screen with colour, dance, acrobatics, music, mating and murder - all performed by the animals which make Australia a truly magical land.
Gordon Buchanan travels to the remote Canadian Arctic in search of wolves that have never seen people.
He was a wisecracking World War II vet. She was an orphan, his kid sister’s best friend. Harold and Lillian eloped to Hollywood, where they became the film industry’s secret weapons. Nobody talked about them, but everybody wanted them. Theirs is the greatest story never told—until now.Academy Award–nominated director Daniel Raim presents HAR办公室D AND LILLIAN: A H办公室LYWOOD LOVE STORY, a fascinating and deeply moving account of the romantic and creative partnership between storyboard artist Harold Michelson (1920–2007) and his wife, film researcher Lillian Michelson (b. 1928)—a talented and generous couple once considered to be the heart of the industry.For sixty tumultuous years, Harold and Lillian weathered personal and professional setbacks while working on hundreds of films, many of them now classics, including The Ten Commandments, The Apartment, The Birds, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby, Fiddler On The Roof, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket. Although the couple was responsible for some of Hollywood’s most iconic examples of visual storytelling, their contributions remain largely uncredited.Through an engaging mix of love letters, interviews (including candid conversations with Harold and Lillian, Danny DeVito, and Francis Coppola) and film clips, home movies, and rare production art, HAR办公室D AND LILLIAN lovingly chronicles a remarkable relationship and two extraordinary careers spanning six decades of movie-making history.
Documentary film mixing rock and wine nature, Wine Calling has been turned in Occitania and everywhere where there are lovers of natural wine.
1918. As the roar of the First World War cannons is dying out, in Vienna, the heart of Central Europe, a golden age comes to an end. This Exhibition On Screen delves into the turn-of-the-century Vienna artworld and includes tours through exhibitions of Klimt and Schiele’s works. Today the masterpieces of these two artists attract visitors from all over the world, in Vienna as well as at the Neue Galerie in New York, but there are also pop images that accompany our daily life on posters, postcards and calendars. Inspired by some of the many exhibitions that are about to open on the occasion of the centenary, the film guides us through the halls of Albertina, Belvedere, Kunsthistorisches, Leopold, Freud and Wien Museum, retracing this extraordinary season: a magical moment for art, literature and music, in which new ideas are circulated, Freud discovers the drives of the psyche, and women begin to claim their independence. An age that revealed the abysses of the ego, in which today we’re still reflecting ourselves.
Just over 40 - years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consisted of one black and white passport photo of the couple (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as proof of the marriage. Now, China has fallen in love with love and its exploding wedding industry is worth 80 - billion dollars, and it is on an upward curve. Pre-wedding photography is one of the most significant and curious parts of the industry. Every couple marrying in China will take part in a pre-wedding shoot. It in册ves several costume and backdrop changes where you can become a character in any fantasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations couples pay up to $250 - 000 - AUD. Pre-wedding photo shoots have become an important national ritual. They are proof of the marriage but now also of love, romance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an expat living in Shanghai with a long history of coming to China, Sinophile photographer Olivia Mar- tin-McGuire was captivated by the construction of dreams through this booming photographic world. Once she started to delve deeper into this new traditional she found a unique window into China. One that revealed a country dreaming, a country rapidly booming and a country reconstructing its recent past trauma all through their own lens. China Love takes us on a wild journey into the warmth of the family web in China into the hearts of our characters and into their personal dreams with an understanding of why and where these aspirations come from. The project explores China's new position as a globalised country from its restrictive and highly traditional past - through the window of its booming wedding industry and asks what is the new China Dream when it comes to love.
A large immigration raid in a small Tennessee town leaves emotional fallout as well as far-reaching questions about justice, faith and humanity.
Reality Entertainment and The Sylvanic Cooperation presents "Discovering Bigfoot." Discovering Bigfoot is the first feature film documentary with real live interaction between a Bigfoot creature, wilderness experts, PhD's and other world renowned experts and researchers of the Bigfoot enigma. Journey into the heart of Sasquatch Country with Todd Standing who appeared with Survivorman's Les Stroud in "Survivorman Bigfoot". Experience three incredible days in the field with Bigfoot researchers, Todd Standing and renowned expert Professor Dr. Jeff Meldrum as they encounter a real live Sasquatch. What we think we know of human origins and e册ution is about to change forever as we discover the truth about a species that has remained elusive by outwitting and evading modern man for decades despite his best efforts. New evidence is revealed through scientific, systematic, and logical processes proving the existence of the Sasquatch species, modern day descendant of Gigantopithicus, a.k.a. Bigfoot. This unprecedented feature film includes - Never before seen, extraordinary Sasquatch footage that will shock the world. A terrifying altercation between Todd Standing and 3 - Sasquatch creatures in the wild. Five never before seen video encounters with the Sasquatch species and overview of the life and death struggle that was necessary to acquire them. YOU WILL FEEL THE FEAR.
有名小提琴家林赛·斯特林在三十岁诞辰前夜,经由过程「一往无前」一片报告在从前所阅历的人生中最具挑衅性跟创伤性的变乱。经由过程艺术,她追求并分享生机跟勇气,而本人也时常抚心自问:“我够大胆吗!” 这部片子对这位奇特的艺术家直接了密切触摸,包含她的出色扮演所源于的事实生涯中令平易近气碎, 高兴跟爱的启示。
这是一场对于美国干净动力上风的摸索之旅。片子制造人James Redford透过从德州的乔治敦社区到纽约的水牛城社区里最不像企业家的创业者们,展现了首创性的干净动力处理心划。这些计划能发明掉业机遇!发生利润!使社区变得更强更安康。这不只是一个对于科技跟破异的故事,他的发明凸显了人类的韧性!社会公理!拥抱将来!为人类的生活寻觅生机的主要性。
中心电视台与新西兰天然汗青公司(NHNZ)!美国大众播送电视台(PBS)!德国电视二台(ZDF)等机构结合摄制的5集大型天然类高清记录片「大平静洋」,将于2017年12月31日至2018年1月4日,天天21 - 00在记录频道播出。 平静洋笼罩了全部地球面积的三分之一。它的 面积超越地球全部海洋面积之跟,代表性的硕大无朋在这里安家落户,珍异物种在这里繁殖生息,另有有数尚待人类挖掘的奥秘生物埋伏在此。 记录片「大平静洋」应用4K高分辩率摄像机直接拍摄,攻破海洋与大陆的界线,从前所未见的方法出现平静洋的故事。本片拍摄的物种跟故事多达近30个,散布在寰球14个国度跟地域。推翻传统以地域!习惯!物种串联故事的方法,一集一个情绪主线,一个植物配角,经由过程它的迁移,将差别植物的故事串联在一同,而且每会聚焦于平静洋的某个标忘性特点:豪情!贪心!狂暴跟奥秘,将平静洋上的各色故事交错在一同,描绘出这片大陆丰硕多彩的每一面。为不雅众懂得平静洋供给新颖的视角,激发不雅众共识。
这是一场如史诗般的举世游览,一场可想而知的星际碰撞,这里记载了地球数十亿年中的每一次触目惊心的地球时辰。优酷!云集未来!国度地舆结合出品记录片「被点亮的星球」,由奥斯卡提名影片「黑天鹅」的导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基跨界执导实现。该片站在浩渺宇宙之上,以天主视角审阅地球上的地 质异景与性命传奇,彻底推翻了人类对天下原有的视觉意识,赞助新一代人类从新界说本日地球。
Are there limits to your love for your family? One family's acceptance is tested when a champion diver, destined for the Olympics, announces he's transitioning into a woman-and invites his YouTube followers along for every moment. It's a story about unconditional love and finding the courage to be yourself.
Water Lilies by Monet – the Magic of Water and Light tells the story of the origin of a massive work of art that broke with convention, of an artist resurrecting his life only thanks to painting. His human endeavor defied both space and conventions in his timeless masterpieces. In a war-torn country, the undisputed genius of French Art disrupted the art world and changes it forever. As the end of the First World War drew near it became clear to Monet that his work of art could not but be his final legacy to France: a symbol of peace, hope, and resistance, in a battered and bloody world. This is the tale of an obsession with light and water the painter could not escape from and how he transformed it into a kind of magic. A tale of the radical elements that re册utionized Modern Art: Monet’s clear intent was to transfer onto canvas the “first, pure impression” of forms and objects as they appear to the eye that has never seen them before. And this documentary will show the Water Lilies by Claude Monet, as they have never been seen before. A unique, exclusive look at the masterpieces housed at the Orangerie Museum, the Marmottan Museum, the Orsay Museum and Giverny, for the first time ever on the big screen for an unrepeatable experience. Inspired by the international bestseller Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies (2016) written by Ross King, also featured in the film.
片子「列侬跟洋子:仅限于天空」报告了约翰·列侬标忘性的「Imagine」专辑当面鲜为人知的故事,同时也报告了洋子跟列侬的相逢及货色方文明的融合。两颗艺术的脑筋在恋情与音乐中碰撞,爆收回无可比拟的美好火花,终极独特创作出这一辑传世之作。导演迈克尔·爱泼斯坦(Michael Epstein)网络了大批的列侬视频,音频跟相片档案,包含很多从前从未见过的材料,而且该片子中的部门画面仍是初次向众人表露。比方「Imagine」录的第一个小样(由他们的音频档案保存员在一个无暗号的八轨音箱里发明的),以及初次公然的对列侬的音频采访,同时也收录了这对匹俦在任务室里一同任务的镜头。记录片中还特殊收录了在创作「Imagine」专辑时期这对匹俦的亲友挚友的采访。
"覚えていますか!水辺で夢中になって遊んだ!子供時代之あ之日之ときめきを…" ○第57回イタリア賞/最優秀受賞 ○第38回アメリカ国際フィルム?ビデオ祭/クリエイテイブヱクセレンス賞 環境問題部門/教导部門 ○第11回上海テレビ祭/マグノリア(木蓮)賞天然ドキュメンタリー部門 ○第1回ワイルドサウス国際映像祭/ベスト?オブ?フェスティバル ○第28返国際野生生物フィルムフェスティバル/ベスト?オブ?フェスティバル/最優秀賞 優秀剧本賞/ 優秀撮影賞/優秀音楽賞 ○ニューヨーク?フェスティバル2005/金賞 天然?環境部門 滋賀県?琵琶湖畔には!水と深く関わった昔ながら之人々之暮らしがあります。集落之中には網之目之ように水路がはりめぐらされ!人々はそ之豊富な水を应用し暮らしています。そ之水路を棲家にする生き物達もまた!人々之暮らしと密接に関わりあっています。 春を告げるコイ之もんどり漁!初夏之ヨシズ作り!水辺で人知れず成仙するオニヤンマ!晩秋之ヨシ刈り!やがてやってくる冬…。 こ之52分之ドキュメンタリー作品は!滋賀県?琵琶湖北部を舞台に!人と天然が織り成す!命きらめく水之里之1年を!映像と音声に拘りハイビジョンカメラで2年近くをかけて撮影した珠玉之映像詩です。 NHKが継続的に取材を続けてきた[映像詩 里山 命めぐる水辺]は!水と緻密な関わりをもつ人と生き物之天下を!斬新かつ美しい映像で描いた作品として国際的にも高い評価を受けました。 2005年10月にイタリア賞最優秀受賞番組として放送しましたNHKスペシャル版と合わせ!動物学者で天然番組之プロデュサーとしても名高いデービッド?アッテンボロー氏がナレーションを担负しました国際版(英語版)も収録されています。