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How far would you go to have a baby? Martin Compston, Sophie Rundle and Mirren Mack star in this emotional thriller about love, trust and the true cost of buying whatever you want. Dan (Compston) and Emily (Rundle) are crazy about each other. They live in a huge house in the nicest part of Glasgow and want for nothing. But they’ve been trying to have a baby for years with no success. When a chance encounter brings 18 - year-old Kaya (Mack) crashing into Emily’s life, and it seems that just maybe, fate has brought them together. From the other side of town, Kaya is determined to make a life for herself. Experiencing the luxurious interior of Emily’s Range Rover, she quickly starts to get a taste for how the other half live. Back in her bare local authority flat, Kaya decides to change her future. She tracks down Emily and makes her an offer: she’ll be Dan and Emily’s surrogate, if they help set her life on track. She can change their lives, if they can change hers. But with only one embryo left, can Dan and Emily trust a teenage girl they barely know with their last chance to have a family?
史蒂芬·莱诺是德国特警队的一位队员,任务性子的特别使他有了对头—银行暴徒团伙,他们预备暗害史蒂芬,却误杀了他的老婆芭芭拉,史蒂芬始终对此事铭心镂骨,无奈从老婆的逝世的袭击中规复,直到一次履行义务,他的痛恨全体暴收返来,私自枪杀了银行暴徒哈罗夫,他自己因而服刑三年半。 刑满开释之后,史蒂芬原想能够镇静地与女儿杰西生涯下去,但哈罗夫的女友塔嘉娜却不愿放过他,他要亲手毁掉落史蒂芬的生涯,为哈罗夫报复,以解心头之恨。 于是工于心计的塔嘉娜应用种种拙劣的手腕,妄图到达她的目标。先是搭救史蒂芬有投放炸弹!行刺一位女法官的怀疑,接着又绑架了史蒂芬的女儿杰西,以此引导史蒂芬步入她计划的连环计中。史蒂芬跟他的友人卡尔明知会有有数伤害在等着他们,但他们却绝不害怕,为的就是救出杰西,并破碎塔嘉娜的妄图。经由触目惊心的枪战与智斗之后,塔嘉娜的阴谋逐一被史蒂芬看破,塔嘉娜被逼无奈,挟持杰西站在高高的平台上,但因为多少天的相处,使塔嘉娜对杰西发生了母女之情,终极她放了杰西,但她仍不想放过史蒂芬,便应用激将法,妄图重演哈罗夫逝世时的情景,引导史蒂芬朝她开枪,如许史蒂芬就永久走不出内心的暗影,永久疼痛。在这岌岌可危的时辰,史蒂芬会怎样决定呢!
ppoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.…
唱爱新人生/Jak zostac gwiazda
Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps. There is money, fame and fan crowds in册ved. Will a young girl be able to fight for her dreams in this no-holds-barred world where fame is so elusive? A controversial talent show called "Music Race" keeps looking for talented singers all over the country. The decision on who will be started-up for a career and who will get a cold shower is always up to the three jurors: a once-popular singer, Olo (Maciej Zakoscielny), social media queen, Ewa (Julia Kaminska), and the dame of Polish jazz, Urszula Dudziak (playing herself). During an audition held in Olo's home town, there is a row. The person who starts it is "Ostra" (played by Katarzyna Sawczuk). The rebel teen is outraged by the juror's arrogant and dismissive behaviour towards her mother (Anita Sokolowska). The small scandal suits the show's producer (Tomasz Karolak), who pushes "Ostra" through to the next stage. There, it will turn out that the girl doesn't just have a fiery temper, but a great voice as well. Success, though, comes at a price. Being popular is not as pleasant as many people think. Our teenage hero will have to face a genuine test of integrity and character. The young star is about to take on her stage competition, the ruthless world of show business, and, most importantly, her own feelings.
健身世界 第二季
  Apple TV+正式续订罗丝·伯恩主演的《健身世界》第二季!安妮·韦斯曼担任剧集运作并操刀剧本。故事讲述在1980年代南加州的海滩社区,一个遭受折磨的家庭主妇(罗丝饰)寻找到了一条非常规的改变之路——踏入健美操的世界。