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片子以一个带弹孔的钢盔特写画面开端。钢盔的主人,美国上士扎克刚在敌方的一次枪杀俘虏中幸运存活,并被怙恃双亡的韩国小友人(这个韩国小友人叫“Short Round”。跟夺宝奇兵第二会合福特的谁人西方小错误叫一个名。显然,卢卡斯跟斯皮尔伯格的在编剧时,有意模拟鉴戒了富勒的这部作品。乃至连脚色的名字都没改。)所救。结伴而行的两人,又连续碰上黑人卫生兵跟一个美国侦察小队。小队的义务是找到一个制高点直接瞭望视察,而后给炮兵军队供给朋友的详细方位以便后者实行炮火袭击。多少经伤害周折,他们终极来找到一个感性的所在:一座寺院。但是,在随后的清算寺院,架设视察装备,视察转达敌情进程中,他们遭受了敌方的严峻烦扰跟激烈袭击……
The impressive title work is the viewer's first clue that producer William Alland and director Eugene Lourie squeezed considerable artistry and style from a shoestring budget. Look past the economic limitations; the suspenseful and imaginative story in册ves the death of a humanitarian genius whose father (a famous surgeon) and brother (a robotics expert) team up to keep the genius' brain alive in a robot body (well designed by ace effects artist John P. Fulton). The film's message concerns the nature of the soul and the role which physical sensations play in making humans act humane. Other affects by Fulton include one of sci-fi cinema's best death rays. All in all, a moving and intelligent movie