新季剧谍报告Synth的认识被片面觉悟的一年后,有所决裂的英国正处于人类及Synth之间那不太安定的跟平里,但是当一个Synth构成的社区树破起来时,两方生机达致的稳固将遭到威逼。Synth一行人Mia﹑Niska及Max(Gemma Chan﹑Emily Berrington及Ivanno Jeremiah扮演)将继承为生活而奋战;而人类方Joe﹑Laura,他们的孩子Mattie﹑Toby与Sophie(Tom Goodman-Hill﹑Katherine Parkinson﹑Lucy Carless﹑Theo Stevenson及Pixie Davies饰)则在尽力接收这全新情况。
他们是期待法庭裁决的原告,这是他们的故事第一集 威利关押在牢狱的威利·华里安(Christopher Eccleston扮演),正期待着刑事法庭的裁决。在此之前,咱们先看看产生了什么事件吧。威利只是一名四肢勤快的水督工,为了养家生活而冒死挣钱。毕竟是什么事件招致他堕入如许的地步!第二集 法兰奇年仅20岁的法兰奇·纳什(Ben Smith扮演)是一名流兵。在期待裁决的进程中,他出奇地缄默寡言。一系列恐怖的事件将这位年青人推上了原告席,陪审团能否晓得事件的全体本相呢!第三集 海伦身为小学先生的海伦·瑞兰德(Juliet Stevenson扮演)送家中的独子到一家工场做暂时工,不意竟产生了不测,她的生涯今后产生了天翻地覆的变更。站在原告席上的她,眼中泄漏出无所害怕的神色……第四集 连牧连恩·布莱克(Andy Serkis扮演)的职业是出租车司机。他嗜赌成瘾,希望以此逃离烦闷的婚姻生涯。正在此时,一名女搭客的涌现转变了他的人生。当他听到法庭的宣判,亲平易近气碎的声响清楚可辨。第五集 肯尼肯尼·阿姆斯特朗(Marc Warren扮演)有家有室,在外地火化场任务,现在与他的两个友人独特站上了原告席。两个友人闭口不言,惟有肯尼流露了现实本相,法庭最后会判谁有罪!第六集 艾莉森艾莉森·韦德(Naomie Harris扮演)在特需热情护理中央任务,现在正面对严峻的家庭胶葛。不意飞来一纸诉状,艾莉森自愿站上原告席,这让她深感弗成理喻。她的罪行能否成破呢!
他们是期待法庭裁决的原告,这是他们的故事。同性恋异装癖的特雷西(Tracie)遭遇着有数白眼跟讥嘲,当他认为本人终极找到真爱时,却不想到男友杀逝世老婆后骗他帮助沉尸,特雷西也因而被疑惑介入了行刺;独身母亲莫(Mo)因不愿向黑帮屈从,成果她的儿子遭黑帮威逼杀了挚友独子,为了掩护儿子,她忍耐着良知非难试图百口搬离, 但终极难逃法网;17岁的斯蒂芬(Stephen)正阅历掉恃之痛,他的父亲曾经与曾照顾母亲的护士同居,在他眼中狠毒的后妈想尽方法要撤除本人跟弟弟,于是他将芒刃捅向了对方身材;斯蒂芬在狱中自残,作为关照的蒂娜(Tina)本来想帮共事瞒哄,但她终极仍是揭穿了本相,而为了防止斯蒂芬的喜剧重演,蒂娜私下放走了转到本人牢狱的杰克(Jake),她也由于帮助监犯逃跑而成为原告。
Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. George's decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. "This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences," he hisses. However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, it's clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then "meteorites" begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle). As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the government's initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.
An unusually hot spell brings dozens of heat stroke sufferers to the hospital. Ruby faces a double baptism by fire as she performs her first operation, triumphing over both Gabriel and the domineering father of her young patient as well as taking her first solo qiwan.cc night shift. The latter is jeopardized by a power cut caused by a thunder storm, requiring emergency surgery which ultimately gains Lydia's approval and an admission from Gabriel.
这部10集的汗青剧重要描写百货业前驱者哈里·戈登·塞尔弗里奇(1858-1947)的传奇阅历。塞尔弗里奇是美国出身的英国贩子,1906年离开英国,开端在伦敦牛津大巷制作塞尔弗里奇百货市肆。该店于1909年停业,成为百货市肆的[鼻祖]。厥后,情妇跟赌瘾让塞尔弗里奇得到了巨额产业,在困窘潦倒中逝世去。与塞尔弗里奇有染的有名女性包含:伊莎朵拉·邓肯(Isadora Duncan),古代舞的开创者,使跳舞成为人类肢体与情感的天然抒发方法,因披肩卷入跑车轮胎中而不测身亡;安娜·帕芙洛娃(Anna Pavlova),俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员,今世有名的跳舞家,为流传跟遍及芭蕾舞艺术做出严重奉献。
「保镖 Bodyguard」前女主Keeley Hawes将主演ITV的实在题材英剧「声誉 Honour」,这部由Gwyneth Hughes执笔﹑Richard Laxton执导的两集剧报告了事实的「Banaz Mahmod行刺案」,在06年时Banaz Mahmod由于逃离包办婚姻而被家人杀戮,Keeley Hawes扮演的总督察Caroline Goode在搜寻进程上找到幕后本相。 P.S:声誉行刺指女性由于家人或本家成员以保护名声﹑清算流派为由而被杀。
霍利(西诺薇·卡尔森 Synnove Karlsen 饰)跟乔治亚(艾斯琳·弗兰乔茜 Aisling Franciosi 饰)是在统一所大学读书的挚友,相互之间友情非常坚固。一次偶尔中,两个纯真的女孩得悉了由她们的讲师朱迪(露易丝·布瑞丽 Louise Brealey 饰)所引导的一个机密的圈子,此中运动的都是校园金字塔里最顶真个女生们。很快,乔治亚便融入了这个精英集团之中,夜夜缺席隆重华美的挽回,触摸的都是名声大噪的下流社会人物,而霍利好像成为了被排挤跟被孤破的那一波人中的一员。但是,跟着时光的推移,乔治亚的行动举止越来越奇异,偏离了正轨,只有霍利晓得,这所有都跟谁人圈子有关,她开端了考察。
这部10集的汗青剧重要描写百货业前驱者哈里·戈登·塞尔弗里奇(1858-1947)的传奇阅历。塞尔弗里奇是美国出身的英国贩子,1906年离开英国,开端在伦敦牛津大巷制作塞尔弗里奇百货市肆。该店于1909年停业,成为百货市肆的[鼻祖]。厥后,情妇跟赌瘾让塞尔弗里奇得到了巨 额产业,在困窘潦倒中逝世去。与塞尔弗里奇有染的有名女性包含:伊莎朵拉·邓肯(Isadora Duncan),古代舞的开创者,使跳舞成为人类肢体与情感的天然抒发方法,因披肩卷入跑车轮胎中而不测身亡;安娜·帕芙洛娃(Anna Pavlova),俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员,今世有名的跳舞家,为流传跟遍及芭蕾舞艺术做出严重奉献。
该剧由圣丹斯频道跟BBC2结合出品,将于7月中旬开机拍摄,2014年播出。Maggie Gyllenhaal担负主演。 该剧描写了一个快节拍的!迷宫般庞杂的国际政治惊悚故事。主人公Nessa Stein的父亲是个支撑犹太复国活动的兵器出产商,在Nessa跟兄弟年幼的时间遭人暗害。Nessa长大后继续了父亲的公司并将其"弘扬光大"——她当初的主业不再是出产跟贩卖兵器,而是在以色列跟约旦河西岸地域架设高科技数据收集。因为她多年来保持促进以色列人跟巴勒斯坦人的跟解,因而被选入以色列议会,一个国际政治大漩涡由此造成。据称该剧的故事所在包含英国!中东地域跟以色列,全都市实景拍摄。
「哈利·波特」小重聚,“唐克斯”娜塔莉亚·特纳跟“马尔福”汤姆·菲尔顿将主演Youtube打造的新科幻剧「来源」(Origin),岛国日本名气男模Sen Mitsuji也出演重要脚色。由「生化危急」导演保罗·W·S·安德森执导前两集,Mika Watkins(「特洛伊:塌陷之城」)任运作人跟编剧,「王冠」「古疆场传奇」制造方Left Bank Pictures等出品。报告一群相互不料识的人发现本人被困在一艘本应前去悠远星球的宇宙飞船“来源号”中,这些遭抛弃的搭客们连合起来求生,但很快发现此中一人说了谎,身上藏着机密。特纳扮演Lana,精卫填海!倔强的她很快成了小团队的首脑人物;菲尔顿扮演Logan,末路怒的年青人,故事中的“反派”,对本人跟别人都极具威逼;Mitsuji扮演Shun,跟Lana一样很有首脑气质。
The novel centres on Yvonne Carmichael, an eminent geneticist in her early 50s, and begins with her giving evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee.On her way out of the building, the happily married Carmichael catches the eye of a man and they have sex in the crypt chapel – an event that has disastrous consequences for her.
「平常的假话」该剧描写了一个相似蝴蝶效应的故事:人们常常会说一些好心的假话,然而在某种极其情形下,这些好心的假话交错在一同将造成一种无奈掌握的局势,进而影响全部与之相干的人。 故事发生在一家汽车展销厅,每个脚色的机密跟假话加在一同激发了严峻效果,足以转变他们的人生。Max Beesley表演老板Mike,他对贩买主管Beth(Jo Joyner)发生了好感,这激发了他跟老婆Alison(Belinda Stewart-Wilson)的婚姻危急。Beth的老公掉落了,她的贩卖团队都是些乌合之众(Jason Manford表演居家男子Marty!Mackenzie Crook表演赌徒Pete!George Bukhari表演瘦子Jason),这些都让她觉得心烦。与此同时,公关担任人Kathy(Sally Lindsay)特殊爱好OL里的谣言流言,而她本人的私生涯也很不检点检点。前台招待员Tracy(Michelle Keegan)跟Viv(Cherrelle Skeet)都想傍大款,经由过程婚姻来掉掉落豪华的生涯。收集贩买主管Grace(Rebecca Callard)很想融入Tracy跟Viv的小圈子里,但她缺少自负
成擅长英国南部故乡景色中的玛格丽特(丹妮拉·丹拜-阿什 Daniela Denby-Ashe 饰)由于作为牧师的父亲辞了任务,一家人搬到了全然生疏的北方小镇米尔顿。差别于北方的暖和恬静,处于产业反动时代的米尔顿阴冷又脏乱。路上不再是芬芳花卉,取而代之的是粗暴的工人,棉絮 飘动的纺织车间。除了新情况的不顺应,另有来自纺织厂的厂主——年青的实业家约翰桑顿(理查德·阿米蒂奇 Richard Armitage 饰)的欺人太过及对工人的刻薄,这让玛格丽特对桑顿的第一印象极端蹩脚。 跟着米尔顿生涯的加深,玛格丽特垂垂意识到工人粗暴暴性格当面的温顺跟痛苦,坚决的站在他们一边。跟其破场相反的店主桑顿则对玛格丽特一见仍旧,但不善抒发的他好像在有形中把玛格丽特越推越远。二人犹如北方与北方,截然相反但又紧紧相连……
ITV has confirmed that hit detective drama Endeavour has been recommissioned for a seventh series. The announcement follows critical acclaim and consistently strong viewing figures for the most recent series. Produced by leading indie Mammoth Screen in partnership with PBS Masterpiece, the successful series charts the early career of the young Endeavour Morse, played by acclaimed actor, Shaun Evans. The new set of films will see Evans reprise his role alongside celebrated star of stage and screen, Roger Allam as mentor DI Fred Thursday. Written once again by Russell Lewis, who has penned all of the 27 - Endeavour screenplays to date, the new series will be set in 1970 - and production will begin later this year for transmission in 2020. Filming will take place in Oxford and the surrounding area. Creator Russell Lewis says: “We’re thrilled ITV has asked #TeamEndeavour to continue to add to the Casebook of Colin Dexter’s immortal creation, and take E. Morse and Oxford’s Finest into a new decade of decimalisation, package holidays, the Oil Crisis, Blackouts, Three Day Weeks, and Europa Endlos.” Mammoth Screen’s Managing Director, Damien Timmer added: “We’ve been thrilled with the response to Series 6 - – it's testament to Russell Lewis’ continuing cleverness and also the brilliant partnership between Shaun Evans and Roger Allam as Endeavour Morse and Fred Thursday. The 1970s are calling us, and we can’t wait!” Head of Drama at ITV, Polly Hill commented: “We’re incredibly proud of Endeavour and delighted to have recommissioned the drama for a seventh series. Writer and creator Russell Lewis continues to engage viewers with carefully crafted stories for Endeavour and Thursday as we move into the 1970s. We’re grateful to the production team at Mammoth Screen for continuing to deliver such a high quality drama.” Recently voted the fourth greatest British crime drama of all time in a poll conducted by Radio Times, the drama has gone from strength to strength since its first outing as a one-off film in 2012. The latest series launched with a consolidated audience of 6.9m and a 27% share, marking Endeavour’s biggest audience since 2014. Mammoth Screen’s Damien Timmer and Helen Ziegler will act as executive producers for the seventh series, alongside writer and creator Russell Lewis and WGBH’s Rebecca Eaton. The new set of films will distributed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment internationally.