欧美剧 英国
该剧描写一个功效掉调的家庭怎样确保本身的稳固。花儿一家人的性情全都古里怪僻,招致他们难以连合分歧。他们住在一间拥堵!邋遢!纷乱!破败!老是吱吱呀呀乱响的老屋子里。毛瑞斯(Julian Barratt饰)是个儿童书作家,他的老婆狄波拉(Olivia Colman饰)是个 音乐先生。他们有一对双胞胎后代艾米(Sophia Di Martino饰)跟唐纳德(Daniel Rigby饰),但他们爱上了统一个女孩阿比格(Georgina Campbell饰),每天争风妒忌。毛瑞斯的母亲海蒂(Leila Hoffman饰)也住在他们家中。狄波拉跟毛瑞斯的婚姻良久从前就决裂了,但他们仍旧不仳离。毛瑞斯深受心魔跟机密熬煎,狄波拉疑惑老公与给他的儿童书绘制插画的岛国日自己瞬(Will Sharpe饰)在搅基。
欧美动漫 恐怖 美国
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 美国
Live Broadway cast production of Heidi Schreck's play presenting multiple facets, historical perspectives and personal experiences with the U.S. Constitution.
欧美剧 美国
欧美剧 喜剧 美国
这部多镜头家庭笑剧以今世为配景,报告了科罗拉多州丹佛郊野的一个牧场上产生的故事。由阿什顿·库彻!伊丽莎·库斯伯特跟山姆·艾里奥特担负主演。故事一开端,柯尔特(库彻扮演)停止了本人长久而掉败的半职业式橄榄球生涯,回到故乡,与父亲博(艾里奥特扮演)一同运营家属牧场。 在第 7 - 部门,柯尔特尽力保持生存,并与分家的老婆艾比(库斯伯特扮演)跟女儿重建旧好,而他的父亲在尽力顺应半退休生涯以及认为上了年事而涌现的种种状态。与此同时,卢克(戴克斯·夏普德客串出演)回到丹佛,向他独一的家人追讨饶恕。
欧美剧 美国
欧美剧 喜剧 科幻 美国
科幻重口笑剧「紧急关头(Crunch Time)」的故事从四个研讨生不当心翻开一个能够招致天下末日的黑敞开端。一群废柴极客在黉舍的试验室里莽撞地处置最尖真自我脑入侵科技,而不当心制作了一个有可能破碎地球的黑洞,他们的所作所为惹起了当局任务职员的留神。因为他们本人无奈找出试验究竟那里出了疑问,以是必需与当局机密机构协作,重新梳理剖析他们试验的每一个环节,找出疑问地点,挽救地球。
欧美剧 喜剧 美国
十年前,Wray Nerely(艾伦·图代克 饰)跟Jack Moore(内森·菲利安 饰)主演了广受欢送的科幻剧「Spectrum」。可怜的是,电视网(对,就是Fox)居然愚昧地撤消了「Spectrum」。在此之后Jack Moore敏捷走红,成为一线明星,而Wray Nerely的奇迹并未有任何转机。「Spectrum」成了人们对他的独一的影象。他也只能靠着这个身份,混迹于种种Sci-Fi Convention中,成了货真价实的Con Man。 本片由艾伦·图代克自编自导自演。灵感显然来自他的成名作「萤火虫」跟他之后的实在生涯。
欧美剧 英国
作风异常新奇,融会了真人秀!综艺秀!模拟秀跟整蛊秀的英国笑剧。剧情的一半是预设好的,而另一半是高朋跟牢固演员之间的暂时施展,有的时间笑场到无奈自已,有的时间相互调戏。胜利镇是一个名流集合的处所,住在这里的名流偶然间会冲撞罪律,好比开赌场的Justin Bieber,弹道剖析专家Taylor Swift,黑帮大佬Harry Styles,都由演员模拟表演,每集录制时光超越24小时,会有一个真正的名流作为高朋置身在这个真切的行刺案谜团中,高朋对小镇里要产生的事件一窍欠亨,就像玩脚色表演的实景游戏一样,其余演员都是NPC,而这位高朋要与配角Sleet探长一同依据线索破解谜案。
欧美剧 喜剧 美国
Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on Spectrum, a cult classic science fiction series. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learning to love the fans he has.
欧美剧 英国
The life of Tracey and the mishaps of her neighbourhood, friends and family. Oh, and obvs her boyfriend!
欧美剧 英国
方格菌是一个忧心如焚的污魔怪,努力于为人类天下带来恐怖,每晚去地表恫吓人类是他精打细算的职责地点。直到有一天,方格菌的儿子向他宣告了一个难以开口的机密,方格菌为了这个家不得不面对一系列的决定。本剧集依据英国插画家Raymond Briggs的同名作品改编。
欧美剧 美国
报告多少个背包客年青人游亚洲的英国剧情笑剧,有工资了追前女友,有工资了陪基友追前女友,有工资了寻根…第一站:中国北京长城。本剧男配角是英国跳舞演员兼男模Anders Hayward,从小学舞,12年开端当模特,MDC Top 50 - 男模之一 ,第一次出演影视作品,在剧里表演追爱千里的软萌小可憎。
欧美剧 英国
Successville is a surreal place with a high celebrity homicide count. DI Sleet enlists the help of a genuine celebrity sidekick to solve the latest high profile murder.
欧美剧 英国
1920年月的威尔士,男主Paul Pennyfeather( Jack Whitehall扮演)因放纵不羁的生涯被牛津大学开革,在一家女子私学找就任务,在那边他碰见女主Margot Beste-Chetwynde(Eva Longoria扮演)。女主来自南美的白富美,成为男主的追赶工具。该剧为3集,由英剧「烦忙的牧师」(Rev.)编剧James Wood担任改编,片子「茱莉亚的眼睛」跟英剧「9号秘事」导演Guillem Morales执导。
欧美剧 英国
It's 1974 - and 15 - year-old Danny is our guide through the ups and downs of life with the Baker family. With eldest daughter Sharon's wedding looming and the docks facing closure, times are challenging. So too are Danny's attempts to get closer to the opposite sex. Full of humour, warmth and drama Cradle To Grave is based on actual events and characters. Dad Fred (Peter Kay) is known to all and sundry as Spud, a proud South London docker with a penchant for rackets, fiddles and schemes. His wife Bet (Lucy Speed) loves him deeply but longs for the day when they do quaint things - like put money in the electricity meter. Then there's Danny's older brother Michael (Frankie Wilson), with his modish and much mocked head attire, and sister Sharon (Alice Sykes) who with her plimsole-wearing boyfriend is about to take Danny to the theatre for a West End experience he will never forget. Throw in a coveted item of clothing, a rogue tortoise and an early brush with death and it's business as usual at 11 - Debnams Rd.
欧美剧 美国
她们是三个集仙颜!伶俐于一身的女人:娜塔利(卡梅隆·迪亚茨饰)!戴兰(德鲁·巴里摩尔饰)!埃历克斯(刘玉玲饰),由于她们是为查理先掉效命,故交们又习气称她们是“查理的天使”。她们的任务就是在查理的率领下,除奸劝善,蔓延公理。 埃瑞克·克诺斯(山姆·洛克威尔饰)是克诺斯高科技工程的开创人,就在他刚计划了一套声响识别体系软件后,不测埠被人绑架了。由于这套声响识别体系软件比本来依附指纹识别罪犯的办法愈加准确,以是假如它落在坏人手中,效果将不胜假想…… 就在任务职员正为埃瑞克的掉落手足无措时,克诺斯工程的担任人伍德老师想到了当初只有查理跟他那三个聪慧性感的捕快能力救出克诺斯,于是伍德破刻雇佣了他们,并把生机全寄予在查理跟他的“天使”身上。 在娜塔利!戴兰跟埃历克斯懂得全部案情后,三自我不谋而合地把留神力会合在克诺斯高科技工程的敌手--红星体系,这个现在全天下最大无线通信天然卫星收集的担任人罗格的身上,分歧以为他的怀疑最大。 经由过程三人的乔装装束与昼夜跟踪,娜塔利!戴兰跟埃历克斯终于在罗格跟买卖合资人的身上发明白蛛丝马迹。就在她们筹划怎样营救出埃瑞克!并将罗格一伙一扫而光的时间,戴兰忽然接到了一个奥秘德律风,这个德律风不只把“天使”们的筹划通盘打乱,她们的性命同时也遭到了威逼 。
欧美剧 美国
Netflix宣告开辟隔切题材限制剧「坚持间隔 Social Distance」,这部剧由「男子牢狱 Orange Is the New Black Season」主创Jenji Kohan担任,灵感起源就是#新型冠状病毒#疫情下的断绝情形。 报导指此次拍摄形式比拟破异,幕后会在线上指点演员,而演员则在本人家里直接拍摄,务求反应实在景况。 P.S:Social Distance指特地坚持交际间隔,以阻拦沾抱病流传开去。
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 - year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is happy to tag along with her much-loved parents, Brenda and Tony Kennedy played by Katherine Parkinson and Dan Skinner. The Kennedy family has just moved into a new estate in Stevenage, New Town, where they find a concrete maze of identical houses. Delighted and enthused by the fact they are now on the cusp of being considered middle class, they quickly embrace the community spirit and organise activities for the whole neighbourhood to get in册ved with. In each episode, The Kennedys pursue every opportunity they can to climb the social ladder, from organising an ‘Opportunity Knocks’ style talent show to hosting the estate’s first ever dinner party. The Kennedys best friends are an unmarried couple: Tim the 70s alpha-male (played by Harry Peacock) and the young yet traditional Jenny (played by Emma Pierson). Shola Adewusi and Clive Rowe also feature in the series and play The Kennedys unassuming and often confused neighbours, Dee and David. The Kennedys (6x30’) was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One and Shane Allen, Controller of Comedy Commissioning. The series is written by Emma Kennedy and will be produced by Emma Strain (Miranda), directed by Christine Gernon (Gavin & Stacey) and executive produced by Myfanwy Moore and Richard Webb.
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
Pete Versus Life是Channel 4台的一部笑剧。它报告了年青体育记者Pete Griffiths的挣扎生涯,Pete发明本人的心态不敷成熟,无奈敷衍生涯中种种庞杂疑问,他真的生机本人的生涯像体育一样有肯定的规矩。
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
Photon solar energy group is aiming to build a solar farm in Danebury. Blissfully unaware of the plan Andy and Lance are still looking for buried treasure - construction worker Andy, with Becky and their baby living with disapproving mother-in-law Veronica whilst Lance is sharing his flat with his messy, noisy teen-aged daughter Kate. The group is shocked to read of Photon's intention in the local paper - but then Andy makes a potentially interesting discovery.
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
The lives of two eccentric metal detectorists, who spend their days plodding along ploughed tracks and open fields, hoping to disturb the tedium by unearthing the fortune of a lifetime.
欧美剧 美国
欧美剧 英国
Pete's mum Noreen has broken her arm and engaged a cleaner,Polish Gracja,who appears to be a good Catholic girl but is a right little raver desperate to screw Pete's brains out. She wants his body - which is how he ends up as a catwalk model at her fashion show, leading to an embarrassing encounter with his parents,who,thanks to his efforts to impress Gracja,take him to be a heroin addict. Just as disastrous is his stint as a dog walker for a befuddled old lady. When her dog is apparently killed in his care he buys a replacement,only for the original pooch to inevitably come home.
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
The British ambassador to Tazbekistan is tasked with securing a £2 - billion helicopter contract for the UK. Things begin badly when Davis accidentally shoots an Ibex, the national animal, while on a hunting trip with the president - and are further jeopardized when an arrogant young British human rights activist is arrested by the regime on trumped-up charges. This throws Davis into direct conflict with Neil, who believes Britain should be prioritising human rights over winning arms contracts. Neil, though, has ethical troubles of his own when the Tazbek secret police blackmail him into spying on the British for them. The embassy is hosting a 'Best of British Festival' which offers an opportunity for Davis to impress the Tazbeks and persuade them to go with the British helicopters. However, the best the festival can offer is a medieval folk group from Gloucestershire, a demonstration of how to make a pork pie and a one-man production of Frankenstein. Nobody, least of all Davis, is feeling too confident...Then news reaches them that the human rights activist is facing the death penalty and the ambassador and his team are forced to make a tough decision.
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
Them From That Thing is a sketch show featuring a host of Channel 4 - comedy stars. The series features Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners), Kayvan Novak (Facejacker), Sally Phillips (Smack The Pony) and Morgana Robinson (Very Important People) alongside with a host of famous faces from the world of drama. Set in the modern world where serious characters say and do very stupid things, Them From That Thing combines the look and feel of great British drama with a silly and slightly unhinged comic sensibility.
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
Murray (Miller) is shocked when his wife Bex (Catz) walks out on their marriage on her 40th birthday. The series follows his attempts to find out why she has left him and how he can win her back... though it's less a journey than a floundering stumble in the dark towards the prize of returning his life to something approaching normality. Friends, family and colleagues are only too ready to offer advice to Murray about what he should do, and each week sees him adopt a new strategy to achieve his goal.
欧美剧 美国
Netflix台出品,「绝命毒师」「风流状师」的Bob meijubar.net Odenkirk跟「开展碰壁」「最错决议」的David Cross独特编剧并主演的荒谬不羁的稀释段子秀,由二十年前两人协作的段子秀的原班人马打造。
欧美剧 英国
Jill Murphy的「The Worst Witch」系列曾是罗琳的「Harry Potter」系列出书前最滞销的儿童奇幻小说之一,1986年改编为片子,1998年改编为电视剧,播出了四序,深受爱好。2016年CBBC台决议重启这部剧,把故事配景搬到21世纪。 故事报告无邪生动的平常女孩Mildred Hubble进入女巫学院,进修种种邪术课程,尽力成为优良的女巫。这里的院长Cackle密斯跟气可亲,副院长Hardbroom密斯严格得吓人。Mildred在学院结识了两位好友人Maud Spellbody跟Enid Nightshade,也碰到了本人的宿敌——巫师家庭出生的Ethel Hallow。 2016年5月,CBBC台颁布了选角成果,Mildred Hubble由Bella Ramsey扮演。第一季将于2016年冬季拍摄,2017年终播出。
欧美剧 美国
欧美剧 喜剧 美国