Dutch students in Amsterdam accidentally open a portal to a demonic world from the Dutch Golden Age.
Season 2 - begins 13 - months after the events of the first season. A coastal tanker leaves the Öresund waterway and is headed straight for the Øresund Bridge. When the Coast Guard board the ship they discover there is no crew, and three Swedish and two Danish youths are chained below deck. Saga Norén, County Police, Malmö, is put in charge of the case and contacts Martin Rohde, who is still haunted by the death of his son. Soon it turns out the chained youths were just the beginning... Someone wants to direct our attention to the changing climate and the use of our planet's resources, and will stop at nothing to do it. It all turns into a race against the clock to prevent a disaster where many lives are at stake...
五个年青人。一辆老伏尔加牌汽车。怙恃的八百万卢布。恶劣而跋扈狂的小偷。切尔诺贝利核电站跟鬼城普里皮亚季,是他们追赶小偷的起点。在这场追赶外面,种种奥秘变乱一一涌现。幻影!劫难!穿梭!魔爪,禁区之中魔影重重。1986年切尔诺贝利劫难的产生能够禁止!他们当初的天下正在土崩瓦解 !所有答案,尽在迷雾之中。
“女王”凯特·布兰切特演而优则导,岂但导演片子,还涉足电视剧,首部介入执导的新剧命名为「Stateless」,依据2004年澳大利亚移平易近局的一则实在丑闻改编。 事先,一名少小起就生涯在澳洲的德裔妇女,被当成精力不健全的合法移平易近无端关押一年,该丑闻一经爆光,激发澳洲妇女构造的盛怒跟抗议,甚至于澳洲国会不得不介入此案直接考察。 这部名为「Stateless」的剧集将由Matchbox Pictures公司制造出品,澳大利亚联邦赞助机构宣告将为该剧供给开展资金。现在还未肯定布兰切特能否介入主演。
During a snowy Christmas season in Sweden, psychologist and profiler Inger Johanne Vik finds not only herself but also her autistic daughter drawn into the investigation of a number of disturbing deaths, through which she meets detective Ingvar Nymann at the Stockholm Police. Nymann is dispatched to Uppsala to investigate the shocking Christmas Eve murder of bishop Elisabeth Lindgren. In Stockholm, the bodies keep turning up - though the causes of death vary. But before long, Inger Johanne starts noticing a pattern. MODUS is a thrilling story that raises questions about religion, human rights, and the very nature of love itself. It goes beyond conventional crime and peppers the story with red-hot political issues and criticizing intolerance. Written by Miso Film
The story of young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.
1774年,叶卡捷琳娜大帝的统治遭到来自四周八方的伟大威逼。与土耳其的战役,可能会让俄罗斯功成名就,也可能今后一败涂地。而此时,在巴黎的流亡波兰人跟法国冒险家的手中把握着应付叶卡捷琳娜大帝的主要王牌——自称是俄国女皇伊丽莎白·彼得罗夫娜(Elizabeth Petrovna)女儿的伊丽莎白· 塔拉坎诺娃(Elizaveta Tarakanova)。在俄罗斯南部,一场由顿河哥萨克普加乔夫(Yemelyan Pugachev)引导的农夫叛逆正在暴发,他自称天子彼得三世。皇宫中的伤害也逐渐迫临:帕宁正在斟酌将权利从叶卡捷琳娜大帝手直达移,搀扶保罗下台。俄罗斯将来的运气取把握在女皇手中。
卡拉·苏扎(「逃出法网」)将主演亚马逊新剧「主席」(El Presidente),聚焦国际足联FIFA的丑闻,共8集。帕布罗·拉雷恩(「追捕聂鲁达」「第一夫人」)的制片公司Fabula制造,阿尔曼多·博(「鸟人」「美错」)执导。 基于2015年国际足联丑闻,从一个三流智利足球俱乐部主席Jadue的角度来探究这一变乱:他在如雷贯耳的前国际足联第一副主席!阿根廷足协主席胡利奥·格隆多纳的部下,从一个遐迩闻名的人成为一同1.5亿美元行贿诡计的症结人物。
Set in swinging '60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew, Phryne Fisher, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine sets out to become a world-class private detective in her own right with the unerring guidance of The Adventuresses' Club, a group of exceptional women of which her celebrated aunt was a member. A natural rule breaker, Peregrine is fearless, fun, and charmingly down-to-earth. Despite failing at a number of jobs - hairdresser, typist and sales girl - her survival instincts have kept her afloat. Armed with an impressive collection of life skills and having recently lost her dependent mother, Peregrine is perfectly poised for a new and challenging life and looking for a sense of belonging. She's a self-starter with an innate curiosity, moral integrity and an acute sense of justice; all of which delivers her an instinct for
一对年青的情侣Kemal(Burak Özçivit 饰)跟Nihan(Neslihan Atagül 饰)由于家属的纷争跟圈外人的诡计不得不自愿离开,悲伤欲绝的Kemal为此远走异域,一次机会让Kemal再次回到伊斯坦布尔,今后开端了一段虐心的复仇之战,终极两自我能走到一同吗!
农奴身份的波丽娜·列别杰娃(Татьяна Бабенкова饰)是无后代的阿列克谢·彼得洛维奇·戈洛文公爵(Владислав Ветров饰)的养女,是扬堡县最令人爱慕的未婚女人。在她的定名舞会上,阿列克谢·彼得洛维奇因心脏病突发逝世,而这般凄苦只是运气对波丽娜严重磨练的开端。波丽娜的“自在文书”跟养父的遗言被做了四肢,掉掉落束缚的是另一位女奴塔季扬娜。固然波丽娜受过精良的教导,是以贵族蜜斯的方法被造就成人的,但她毕竟跟其余农奴一样成为戈洛文的侄子——赌徒!酒鬼谢尔盖·戈洛文的财富。谢尔盖为偿清债权,急于把全体财富卖给叔叔的旧敌安德烈·克列切特斯基伯爵(Владислав Абашин饰)。扬堡县的下流社会鄙弃波丽娜,而安德烈的弟弟,从俄土战役返来的军官德米特里·克列切特斯基(Артем Крылов饰)对她发生了灼热的情感……
When a powerful amulet is broken on the eve of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Melbourne, a vengeful spirit is unleashed, bringing the dead with him. As they wreak havoc across the Vietnamese Australian community, reclaiming lost loves and repaying old grudges, a young woman who's never taken responsibility for who she could be, must finally step up and accept her destiny.
在他新的家中渡过了第一个晚上,马克斯与新的兄弟姊妹Tess,Anika,Sal跟Daniel醒来,找到寄养怙恃,Erik跟Kate曾经消逝了。为懂得决这个疑问,兄弟姊妹们开端追求线索,引诱他们直接史诗般的跟牵挂的家庭冒险,包含经由过程运河游船,摸索机密地道,揭开迷掉的宝藏。在每一个回合都有阻碍,他们也必需袭击故乡庭敌手跟双重继续人,以处理这个谜。猎人街明星Stony Blyden作为陌头智能Max; MaeMae Renfrow作为独破而又聪慧的妹妹苔丝;凯拉史女士作为自在豪放的最年青的猎人妹妹Anika; Daan Creyghton作为Sal,一群蠢才;跟托马斯·詹森作为凶悍掩护的年老丹尼尔
When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Trela) must break the silence permeating an Owl Mountain town. Years later another crime is committed similar to the decades old cold case. Commissioner Michal Trela faces a wall of silence from the Owl Mountain community, where everyone seems guilty - Will he be able to solve the crime or will it become another cold case?
An unknown virus turns Moscow into a city of the dead. There is no electricity, money has lost all value and those who are still not infected, are desperately fighting for food and fuel. The main character, Sergei, lives outside the city with the woman he loves and her autistic son. It's still safe there. In spite of that he rushes to Moscow to save his ex-wife and their son, although she hates Sergei . These people, who never believed they'd be under the same roof again, have to put the past behind them and set off on a long, dangerous journey north to find an isolated hunting lodge on a deserted island. The Outbreak is a family drama in the midst of a global disaster. It is one of the first post-apocalyptic TV shows in Russia and is based on bestselling book, Vongozero, which was written by Yana Vagner and translated into eleven languages. One of the parts will be played by Maryana Spivak (principle role in the film, Loveless by Andrei Zvyagintsev, which won the "Jury Prize" at ...