欧美剧 英国
故事产生在十九世纪的伦敦,故事中所涌现的人物均为有名作家狄更斯笔下的脚色。亚瑟(约瑟夫·奎恩 Joseph Quinn)跟艾米莉亚(塔彭丝·米德尔顿 Tuppence Middleton 饰)悲哀的安葬了父亲的遗体,让亚瑟觉得震动的是,父亲居然不将一分一毫的遗产留给他,这让他在心坎里偷偷买下了复仇的种子。皮条客费金(安东·莱瑟 Anton Lesser 饰)盘算将女孩南希(Bethany Muir 饰)送往雅各布(彼得·弗斯 Peter Firth 饰)所掌管的晚宴助兴,为了确保南希的平安,小偷比尔(马克·斯坦利 Mark Stanley 饰)决议全程追随南希,一步也不分开。就在晚宴行将拉开尾声之际,世人却在雪地之中发明白雅各布的遗体,这一宗行刺案转变了全部人的运气。
欧美剧 犯罪 惊悚 英国
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
「癫狂中学」报告了一所中学里教人员工的任务跟生涯。威廉姆斯的脚色名为Mr.Church,是一名化学传授,他对本人的现今的职业绝望透顶,想要告退而且去寻觅其余的任务。但此时,黉舍来了一名新的法语教师,Miss Postern(凯瑟琳·塔特 扮演),Church先生对她一见钟情。不外费事的是,黉舍里跟他错误盘的体育教师Mr.Gunn(菲利普·格伦尼斯特 扮演)也异常爱好Miss Postern,固然他照旧跟本人的妈妈住在一同,不外力大无穷的他照旧对Mr.Church形成了必定的“威逼”,于是两人在黉舍开展了一场爱的对决。别的,弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦将扮演黉舍的校长Ms.Baron。她爱好喝酒!抽烟跟滥用药品,看待每一自我,包含教师跟先生,都想本大家生中的阻碍物。
欧美剧 英国
BELGRAVIA is the story of a secret. A secret that unravels behind the porticoed doors of London’s grandest postcode. The story behind the secret will be revealed in weekly bite-sized instalments complete with twists and turns and cliff-hanger endings that will be delivered directly to your mobile, tablet or desktop via a brand new app. You can read it, or listen to it, or jump between the two. Set in the 1840s when the upper echelons of society began to rub shoulders with the emerging industrial nouveau riche, Belgravia is peopled by a rich cast of characters. But the story begins on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. At the Duchess of Richmond’s now legendary ball, one family’s life will change for ever . . .
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 爱情 英国
依据莎拉·沃特斯同名小说「Tipping the Velvet」改编而成。 一支微微送上的滴露玫瑰,让18岁的小镇女人南(Rachael Stirling饰)万劫不复,终生的运气就此转变…… 南在不雅看杂戏团扮演时,碰见了反串男生上演的女角凯蒂(Keeley Hawes饰),南被后者残暴耀眼标抽象跟上演深深沾染,荣幸的她在举荐下跟凯蒂结识,满心高兴地成为偶像的小跟从。 凯蒂要去更大的舞台伦敦高人一等,南天然是当仁不让地追随,她的扮演才干不测埠被发掘出,初出茅庐的她俩一同错误扮演,敏捷成为舞台上一对最注视标角儿。此时,两人的关联也已进级为情人,凯蒂的毕生许诺让南坚信不疑。 但是变得最快的老是平易近气,凯蒂居然背离了南,要嫁为人妇,无奈接收袭击的南逃离了这所有,开端将本人放肆在这座暗中的都会里。
欧美剧 英国
这部BBC伪记录片式笑剧报告了BBC为深刻懂得现在在英国乡村地域的年青人觉得的史无前例边沿化,在科兹沃尔德地域村落跟拍了一些年青人。这是Charlie Cooper跟Daisy May Cooper姐弟俩依据本身阅历自编自演的伪记录片式笑剧,他们名不见经传,未多少前还无业住在怙恃家,糊里懵懂一事无成,以此阅历改编的故事却成了这部热点BBC笑剧。
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
BBC于阿加莎·克里斯蒂生日125周年之际推出电视剧版「无人生还」,由Sarah Phelps担负编剧。故事配景设定在1939年8月二战暴发前夜,八个素昧生平的人受邀离开海岛士兵岛上。他们到达后,招待他们的却只是管家匹俦俩。用晚餐的时间,餐厅里的留声机溘然响起,控告来宾以及管家匹俦这十人都曾犯有行刺罪。世人正在惊恐之际,来宾之一溘然逝世亡,恶梦由此开端了。现在其余英语国度翻拍的「无人生还」都采用了舞台剧中的终局,这是第一个采用原著终局的英语国度影视改编版本。
欧美剧 历史 爱情 英国
故事产生在美国独破战役时期,波达克(艾丹·特纳 Aidan Turner 饰)在火线奋勇杀敌,而且终极荣幸的成为了战役中的幸存者前往故乡,去见牵肠挂肚的未婚妻伊莉莎白(Heida Reed 饰),但是,早在此前,伊莉莎白误解波达克曾经战逝世疆场,伤心的她随后嫁给了波达克的堂兄弗朗西斯(Kyle Soller 饰)。 情绪上的变故让波达克深受袭击,意气消沉的他转而投向投身于奇迹之中,潜心开辟财族工业。一晃眼数年从前,伊莉莎白的身影垂垂在波达克的脑海中隐约,一位名为德米尔扎(埃莉诺·汤姆林森 Eleanor Tomlinson 饰)的俏丽男子成为了他的老婆。但是,就在生涯趋于镇静之时,曾经成为未亡人的伊莉莎白挑选再醮,而她的新一任老公乔治(杰克·法辛 Jack Farthing 饰)恰好就是波达克在买卖场中的强敌。
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
「神探夏洛克」第四序将于2017年新年归来BBC1,本季照旧为三集,题目分离为:第一集:六座撒切尔像(The Six Thatchers):编剧为Mark Gatiss,导演为Rachel Talalay;第二集:倒下的侦察(The Lying Detective):编剧为Steven Moffat,导演为Nick Hurran;第三集:最后的谜题(The Final Problem):编剧为Mark Gatiss跟Steven Moffat,导演为Ben Caron。
剧情,犯罪 英国
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
欧美剧 悬疑 英国
为封爵贤人部任务的耶稣会神父雅各伯(Martin Shaw主演),专门考察神迹!异象并向教廷推举封圣候选人。当一位10岁的小女孩试图让他信任其父已被附魔后,他自愿开端了驱魔的生活。
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
「追影逐凶」聚焦的是一个掉落生齿考察分队,他们的义务就是追究那些专门针对社会上的弱势人群动手的连环杀手,Reece Shearsmith此次扮演的是Sean Stone是一个患有交际阻碍的人,执迷于破解种种灯号,并从中发明行动形式。
剧情,传记 英国
剧情,喜剧,欧美剧,美国剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
The disappearance of Sir Julius Hanbury - and the theft of several of his erotic paintings - provide a new puzzle for Morse to solve. Assisted by DS Lewis, Morse interviews everyone at Hanbury House and it is in the course of searching the grounds that he finds Sir Julius' body, appropriately enough, in the family mausoleum. The pathologist notes that he was the victim of a frenzied attack but the lack of blood at scene leaves the police to conclude that he murdered elsewhere. Sir Julius was a candidate to become the Master of an Oxford college and was known to have a have had a bitter rivalry with another candidate for the position. When Roger Meadows, a friend of the Hanbury's au pair, is killed in a car accident, Morse concludes that that he too was murdered. Jealousy, revenge and greed all play part in the deaths.
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced between 1987 and 2000. Dexter made uncredited cameo appearances in all but three of the episodes.
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there's something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean's expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter's husband goes missing.
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
剧情,美国剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
名义上看来,米娅(科洛·塞维尼 Chloë Sevigny 饰)是一名一般男子,但现实上,她是受雇与黑社会老迈艾迪(彼得·怀特 Peter Wight 饰)的冷淡杀手。除此之外,米娅另有一个只有她本人晓得的机密,别看她现在样貌完善身材妖娆,可在良久之前,她实在是一个不折不扣的男子。 一个名叫瑞恩(乔顿·本尼 Jorden Bennie 饰)的11岁男孩走进了米娅的生涯,彻底转变了她的人生轨迹。本来,瑞恩是米娅的儿子,他的母亲,也就是米娅的前女友温蒂(Ethan Griffin 饰)现在身患绝症。就如许,米娅一边要照料性命告急的温蒂跟年幼的瑞恩,一边要表演好她“女杀手”的身份,穿梭在两个一模一样的天下里,米娅可以敷衍自若吗!
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
A shy and enigmatic Detective Sergeant is partnered with a wildly ambitious Detective Chief Inspector to solve crimes in the historic city of Bath.
欧美剧 英国
Jack Mooney is starting to settle in the sun-soaked island of Saint-Marie, and he has some impossible mysteries to solve. A champion poker player, apparently poisoned at the table in front of an astonished audience. A novelist, murdered in a plot more surprising than anything he’s ever written. And a spiritual leader, strangled at a time when all the suspects were each other’s alibis. Jack’s laconic belies a sharp mind and relentless determination. He’s a brilliant detective, and he’ll need all his instinctive genius to solve these perplexing murders.
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
Section 20 - are called into Bangkok, Thailand to rescue Chloe Foster, the daughter to British ambassador and longtim friend of Phillip Locke (Green), Robin Foster (Tim McInnerny). The team find the compound where she is being held, but during the raid the kidnappers escape with Chloe. After identifying the lead kidnapper as Ray McQueen (Max Beesley), Michael Stonebridge (Winchester), Damien Scott (Stapleton) and Julia Richmond (Lukes) track him to a nightclub and plant a tracker on him. However, McQueen soon realises he is being tailed and tries to escape with Chloe again, while also contacting Foster to deliver an armed bomb to the embassy where he is negoatiating with the North Koreans. With less than fifteen minutes, Scott and Stonebridge have to find McQueen and contend with a local gang. They ultimately rescue Chloe and apprehend McQueen, but Locke fails to stop Foster before the bomb detonated, killing Foster and a North Korean general
喜剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
  ITV has greenlit a second series of contemporary detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, following the success of the feature-length films which aired earlier this year produced by leading independent production company, Mammoth Screen.  The new series sees Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet) and BAFTA award winning actor Jason Watkins (The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies, The Crown) reprise their roles as the ambitious DCI McDonald and the humble, and quietly brilliant DS Dodds in three new murder mysteries.  Set in picturesque Bath, the series pairs fiesty DCI McDonald, who has recently transferred from London’s Met Police, with the modest and unassuming DS Dodds, who has been happy in the background for most of his working life. Thrown together seemingly with nothing in common, they forge a rumbustious, and ultimately highly effective crime solving partnership.  Created and executive produced by Robert Murphy, who is the lead writer for the series, McDonald & Dodds will once again be filmed in the West Country. The brand new episodes will be directed by Alex Pillai (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Riverdale), Rebecca Rycroft (Malory Towers, Danny and Mick) and Ian Aryeh (In The Long Run, Andy and the Band).  The new series has been commissioned by ITV’s Drama Commissioner Huw Kennair Jones and Head of Drama, Polly Hill. Huw will oversee production of the drama from the channel’s perspective.  Commented Huw Kennair Jones:  “We’re delighted with the audience reaction to the first series of McDonald and Dodds. The two characters couldn’t be further apart, which is what makes the series so intriguing to watch. They shouldn’t have chemistry, but they do, and they work brilliantly in partnership which is testimony to Robert’s script and Tala and Jason for bringing McDonald & Dodds to life.”  Commented Mammoth Screen’s Director of Drama, Preethi Mavahalli:  “We are thrilled that Robert Murphy’s clever storytelling was a hit with audiences earlier this year. McDonald & Dodds are a quirkily unique investigative team brought to life beautifully by Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins. We’re really pleased ITV have commissioned more films and look forward to returning to film in Bath.”  Damien Timmer (Endeavour, Noughts + Crosses, World on Fire) and Preethi Mavahalli (McDonald & Dodds, Noughts + Crosses, The War of the Worlds) are the executive producers for Mammoth Screen, an ITV Studios company, alongside writer Robert Murphy (McDonald & Dodds, Vera, Shetland, DCI Banks). The producer of the new series is Sarah Lewis (Noughts + Crosses, McDonald & Dodds, Victoria).  The first series is available to view via streaming platform Britbox. Series one launched with a consolidated rating of 6.4m and a 26\\% share of the available audience and boasted an impressive guest cast list alongside Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins which included Robert Lindsay, Rosalie Craig, Ellie Kendrick, Susannah Fielding, Joanna Scanlan, Michele Dotrice, Freddie Fox and Hugh Dennis.  ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally.
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
A shy and enigmatic Detective Sergeant is partnered with a wildly ambitious Detective Chief Inspector to solve crimes in the historic city of Bath.
剧情,动作,悬疑 英国