首季中Nick Cutter传授跟他的团队在Dean丛林考察时光异样情形,同时太古时期的恐龙也穿过异样点离开当初,这给小组的考察带来了更多压力跟挑衅。Cutter传授掉落8年的老婆Helen在异样点中穿越往来,她毕竟把握何种本相...上季中,大志勃勃的Helen回到从前,妄想灭尽人类先人。为阻拦Helen紧追而去的Abby!Connor跟Danny却被困在了太古… 先后涌现的职员伤亡与掉落,使当局对ARC(异样点研讨中央)得到了信念,在本季中,私家财团开端参与… 新的步队将怎样面临种种史前猛兽!恐怖的将来生物? 迷掉于太古的队员们又将何时归来呢?
Section 20 - are called into Bangkok, Thailand to rescue Chloe Foster, the daughter to British ambassador and longtim friend of Phillip Locke (Green), Robin Foster (Tim McInnerny). The team find the compound where she is being held, but during the raid the kidnappers escape with Chloe. After identifying the lead kidnapper as Ray McQueen (Max Beesley), Michael Stonebridge (Winchester), Damien Scott (Stapleton) and Julia Richmond (Lukes) track him to a nightclub and plant a tracker on him. However, McQueen soon realises he is being tailed and tries to escape with Chloe again, while also contacting Foster to deliver an armed bomb to the embassy where he is negoatiating with the North Koreans. With less than fifteen minutes, Scott and Stonebridge have to find McQueen and contend with a local gang. They ultimately rescue Chloe and apprehend McQueen, but Locke fails to stop Foster before the bomb detonated, killing Foster and a North Korean general
BBC跟Netflix颁布协作新剧:日英双语的8集惊悚剧「职责/耻辱」(Giri/Haji),曝光剧照(图1)跟卡司:主演为平岳大跟窪冢洋介;凯莉·麦克唐纳!查理·科里德-米尔斯!贾斯汀·朗!本木雅弘!中村优子!伊川东吾!丘光子!福田知盛!Katsuya Minato!Yoshiki Minato!Tony Pitts等也出演。 该剧设定在伦敦跟东京,报告一偕行刺案在两地惹起的效果:本来密切的兄弟俩由于一个布满暴力的霎时决议而垂垂疏远,欧巴Kenzo(平岳大扮演)是一个东京警员!爱家男子,弟弟(窪冢洋介扮演)某天忽然掉落,Kenzo去到伦敦寻觅他,却在到达后被卷入奥秘贩子错误Abbott跟Vickers的昏暗天下,Abbott想要把本人的工业延长到西方。麦克唐纳扮演一名英国警探,在考察一偕行刺,也成为了Kenzo对本人的老婆能否忠实的一个磨练。 Joe Barton(「咱们的天下大战」)任主创跟编剧,Julian Farino(「奥妙人生」)执导。BBC剧情类剧集部分的总管Piers Wenger表现,该剧将是“英剧里你前所未见的货色”。已在伦敦开拍,往年晚些时间将去东京拍摄。
Big Talk Productions宣布开发超自然题材剧集《路德灵异侦探社 Lockwood & Co》,该剧根据Jonathan Stroud所著同名畅销小说系列改篇,小说首集《The Screaming Staircase》背景在伦敦,这世界有着不同鬼怪,而只有少数少年才有观察到这些超自然现象的能力(书中设定成人不会有这类能力),因此少年灵异侦探社应运而生,而路德灵异侦探社则是众侦探社中最小型及摇摇欲坠的一间。
间隔第三季开头曾经从前一年时光了,Christine Johnson在第三季开头的喜剧中丧生,异样点研讨中心的三名中心队员(Danny!Connor跟Abby)仍旧着落不明,英海内交部对Lester的引导才能发生了疑惑--他们以为Lester基本有力径自批示如许一个伤害而耗资伟大的名目。外交部决议为异样点研讨中心注入新颖血液:Philip Burton。Philip既是一个有名的迷信家,也是一个金玉举座的贩子。异样点研讨中心变革为[公私合营]后,总部也搬到了Philip的产业大厦里--这里天天都有许多迷信家进收付出,与本来异样点研讨中心的[军管]气氛完整差别。也恰是由于如斯,[谁是异样点研讨中心的现实掌握者!]成了一个无解的疑问--只管Lester继承担任研讨中心的一样平常事件,但财务大权跟部门行为的决议权却在Philip手中。为了弥补Connor!Abby跟Danny掉落后留下的空缺,异样点研讨中心聘任Matt担负新的外勤队长,担任处置怪兽入侵变乱。Matt当过兵,也当过植物学家,对植物有着超乎凡人的亲跟力。Matt寡言少语,很少议论本人的从前,他参加异样点研讨中心的实在目标一直是个谜。Connor从前担负的[科技总监]的职责由新秀Jess接收,这位对技巧非常痴迷的女孩当初掌握着异样点研讨中心的所有技巧活。与此同时,Jess静静爱上了Becker上尉,但马虎的Becker浑然不知。自从异样点研讨中心被毁后,Becker便分开了部队。他以为本人该为Connor等人的掉落担任。他当初以布衣的身份担负新异样点研讨中心的保镳队长,装备了新的礼服跟新的泰瑟枪。与此同时,被困在白垩纪的Connor跟Abby依附树根跟虫子为食,艰苦地熬过了一年时光。在这一年里,他们学到了许多应付远怪僻兽的办法,听觉!感到!触觉!嗅觉跟举措都灵敏了许多。正所谓患难见真情,Abby跟Connor愈加密切了……但当初好像不是谈情说爱的好机会。务虚的Abby比爱理想的Connor更能顺应他们当初的处境,更况且Connor是个科技迷,分开那些高科技装备让他感到很难熬难过。他们终极回到了准确的时光芒,但……异样点研讨中心的变更其实是太大了。
配景设置在切尔滕纳姆的当局通信总部,David Schwimmer扮演一名渴求权利﹑特破独行的美国国度平安局捕快,他参加一个愚笨﹑不油滑的盘算机剖析师(Nick Mohammed饰)的新团队协作追捕收集犯法者……多[靠谱],对吗!
在享用一个难过的假期之后,Scott(Sullivan Stapleton)跟Stonebridge(Philip Winchester)被召回20分部接收新的义务。另一名20分部间谍在黎巴嫩贝鲁特追踪精深莫测的恐惧分子al-Zuhari可怜丧命,Scott跟Stonebridge必需查清事件的本相。一条新线索引诱他们离开哥伦比亚的偏远森林——拒信al-Zuhari的一个盟友正躲藏在这片由权势宏大的贩毒团体掌握的地域。Rhona Mitra将继承在本季表演Rachel Dalton少校,Michelle Lukes表演Julia Richmond中士,Liam Garrigan表演Liam Baxter中士。本季新加盟的演员包含:Robson Green表演Philip Locke上校;Dougray Scott表演反叛间谍James Leatherby;Milauna Jackson表演反恐行为组在履行义务进程中碰到的症结人物Kim Martinez;Zubin Varla表演奥秘的可疑工具Leo Kamali。
「太古入侵」是由Impossible Pictures公司为英国ITV电视台制造的重头电视科幻剧集。第一部中Nick Cutter传授跟他的团队在Dean丛林他们考察时光异样情形。同时太古时期的恐龙也经由过程异样点离开了当初的地球,给小组的考察带来了更多压力跟挑衅。Cutter传授与其掉落8年的老婆Helen穿过异样点,离开了太古时期,返来后代界产生了无奈挽回的巨变。而他与Helen则是独一晓得本相的人...第三部开篇,一只锯鳄穿过异样点走上了伦敦陌头。Cutter, Abby, Connor跟小组的新成员Becker上尉与博物馆美艳的考古学家Sarah Page联手,试图在锯鳄形成更多伤亡之前捕捉它。在这一季中,Cutter跟错误不只要面临史前猛兽,另有恐怖的将来生物,以及在其当面隐蔽的本相。。。而独行侠般的警官Danny Quinn将参加小组。
For the Goodman family, Friday Night meijubar.net Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and youve pretty much got it. Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night dinner as a necessary annoyance - necessary because they get fed, and annoying because, well, they have to spend the evening with Mum and Dad. Its not that Mum and Dad arent wonderful. But Dad slugs ketchup straight from the bottle, Mum is obsessed with Masterchef, and Grandma likes to wear her new bikini around the house.
The hit Irish comedy from producers Vico Films will be back on BBC Three for a third series in the new year. Created by Peter Foott, The Young Offenders tells the coming of age adventures of Conor (Alex Murphy) & Jock (Chris Walley) and their mother/guardian Mairead (Hilary Rose) as she tries to keep them on the straight and narrow. The best friends navigate their awkward teenage years, hatching plans and adventures to help distract from their tough home lives and their inability to stay out of trouble. The whole second series launched as a BBC iPlayer box-set earlier this month and has picked up an amazing 4.1 - million requests so far. Combined with the 13.5 - million for series one and last year’s Christmas special, that over 17.6 - million requests to date. Kate Daughton, Head of BBC Comedy, says: "Young Offenders is spit-your-tea out funny and heartbreakingly emotional. A rare combination that’s testament to the talents and passion of a very special cast, crew and writing team, led by creator and show-runner Peter Foott. We can’t wait to share series three - Cork’s finest have never looked finer." Fiona Campbell, Controller BBC Three, says: "At BBC Three, we love championing local voices and The Young Offenders are a brilliant success story for us. With great characters and on-point writing that is hugely relatable to our audience, we’re delighted they’re coming back for another series." Peter Foott, creator of The Young Offenders, says: "We are so grateful to BBC Three and thrilled that they had such faith in the stories and characters of The Young Offenders that they commissioned a third series from us. We had a lot of fun filming series two and three back to back over the summer in Cork, and we can't wait for everyone to see more of Conor, Jock, Mairead and all the characters next year in our third series. "We've been amazed at the huge reaction to series two so far, and we're so happy that we can officially announce that there's more on the way for fans of the show." The Young Offenders has been commissioned for BBC Three by Fiona Campbell, Controller of BBC Three and Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning. The Commissioner for the BBC is Alex Moody. The Executive Producer for Vico Films is Peter Foott, the Producer is Tim Whitby. The Young Offenders series two continues on Monday nights on BBC One and is available on BBC Three & BBC iPlayer.
「太古入侵第二季」剧中人物产生严重变更:起首,Lucy Brown表演的女配角Claudia Brown将不会在第二季中涌现,取而代之的是一名新脚色:Jennifer。跟尺度的英国淑女Claudia差别,新脚色Jennifer美艳性感,勇敢开放。依据Lucy Brown的先容,Jennifer跟Claudia应当是统一自我,由于第一季中时光芒被转变,人物身份也随之变更。其次,将增长两名惯例脚色。Oliver Leek(Karl Theobald表演)将代替被毛病的时光芒淹没的Claudia,成为Lester的新助手。他可能是本季中的重要反派脚色。Caroline Steel(Naomi Bentley表演)则是Connor的新女友。这个心眼里只想着钱的女人异常厌恶蜥蜴,也异常厌恶 "准情敌" Abby,下信心要 "除之然后快" 。有迹象标明,Caroline很可能黑暗替Oliver Leek办事。(以上先容转载自飞行科幻网跟海角小筑,转载请注明出处)
(以下先容转自飞行科幻网跟海角小筑,转载请注明出处)「太古入侵」是一部投资伟大的科幻电视剧(绝对英国的科幻剧来说),首播于英国ITV电视一台。故事报告了Nick Cutter传授跟他的小组在迪恩丛林(Forest of Dean)考察时发明白时空异样景象,这种异样发生的反感化直接招致太古时期的恐龙跟很多令人难以设想的生物离开明天的地球。考察中,Cutter传授的老婆掉落了,Cutter传授掉落臂所有地想要找到她。
In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is changed forever. Plus we meet former MI-5 - turned MI-6 - officer Ros Myers (Hermione Norris), who discovers a shocking family connection to the season's game-changing conspiracy.
ITV has greenlit a second series of contemporary detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, following the success of the feature-length films which aired earlier this year produced by leading independent production company, Mammoth Screen. The new series sees Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet) and BAFTA award winning actor Jason Watkins (The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies, The Crown) reprise their roles as the ambitious DCI McDonald and the humble, and quietly brilliant DS Dodds in three new murder mysteries. Set in picturesque Bath, the series pairs fiesty DCI McDonald, who has recently transferred from London’s Met Police, with the modest and unassuming DS Dodds, who has been happy in the background for most of his working life. Thrown together seemingly with nothing in common, they forge a rumbustious, and ultimately highly effective crime solving partnership. Created and executive produced by Robert Murphy, who is the lead writer for the series, McDonald & Dodds will once again be filmed in the West Country. The brand new episodes will be directed by Alex Pillai (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Riverdale), Rebecca Rycroft (Malory Towers, Danny and Mick) and Ian Aryeh (In The Long Run, Andy and the Band). The new series has been commissioned by ITV’s Drama Commissioner Huw Kennair Jones and Head of Drama, Polly Hill. Huw will oversee production of the drama from the channel’s perspective. Commented Huw Kennair Jones: “We’re delighted with the audience reaction to the first series of McDonald and Dodds. The two characters couldn’t be further apart, which is what makes the series so intriguing to watch. They shouldn’t have chemistry, but they do, and they work brilliantly in partnership which is testimony to Robert’s script and Tala and Jason for bringing McDonald & Dodds to life.” Commented Mammoth Screen’s Director of Drama, Preethi Mavahalli: “We are thrilled that Robert Murphy’s clever storytelling was a hit with audiences earlier this year. McDonald & Dodds are a quirkily unique investigative team brought to life beautifully by Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins. We’re really pleased ITV have commissioned more films and look forward to returning to film in Bath.” Damien Timmer (Endeavour, Noughts + Crosses, World on Fire) and Preethi Mavahalli (McDonald & Dodds, Noughts + Crosses, The War of the Worlds) are the executive producers for Mammoth Screen, an ITV Studios company, alongside writer Robert Murphy (McDonald & Dodds, Vera, Shetland, DCI Banks). The producer of the new series is Sarah Lewis (Noughts + Crosses, McDonald & Dodds, Victoria). The first series is available to view via streaming platform Britbox. Series one launched with a consolidated rating of 6.4m and a 26\\% share of the available audience and boasted an impressive guest cast list alongside Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins which included Robert Lindsay, Rosalie Craig, Ellie Kendrick, Susannah Fielding, Joanna Scanlan, Michele Dotrice, Freddie Fox and Hugh Dennis. ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally.