弗兰奇(达科塔•布鲁•理查兹 Dakota Blue Richards 饰)自小被一对gay收养,由于特其余家庭让她有着与四周心心相印的着装作风跟不太合群的性情。在之前的黉舍备受排挤,遭遭到同窗的欺辱,弗兰奇转校离开一个全新的情况。开学第一天就跟黉舍的风波人物米妮(弗雷娅•梅弗 Freya Mavor 饰)误打误撞的了解。米妮带着她的跟从丽芙跟格蕾丝自动示好弗兰奇,让她认为曾经融入了这个新情况,却不想当时再三遭受末路火的事件。堕入窘迫的弗兰奇碰到了奥秘女子马缇(塞巴斯蒂安•德•索萨 Sebastian De Souza 饰)的劝慰,暗生情愫,不测得悉他是米妮男友尼克(肖恩•蒂尔 Sean Teale 饰)的弟弟。而热爱重金属摇滚的反叛少年瑞驰(阿历克斯•阿诺 Alex Arnold 饰)也在格蕾丝芭蕾舞般的温顺中堕入爱情。
在伦敦最繁荣的苏活区(Soho)创办了一家种子市肆,他名义上看起来是个稳重的买卖人,现实上倒是俄罗斯大使馆支配的机密特务,担任监督伦敦的一个无政府主义群体。看到英国政府放纵暴力极其分子,俄罗斯政府觉得异常气愤。俄罗斯大使馆密令Verloc制造一次爆炸事变,栽赃给这群无政府主义者,激起一场政治骚乱,从而彻底摧垮英国现政府。Verloc被夹在俄罗斯人及英国警员之间举步维艰,他还将绝不知情的家人也拖进了这个恐怖筹划。Vicky McClure表演Verloc的老婆Winnie,对家庭异常真挚。Stephen Graham表演Verloc的主要朋友!伦敦警员厅总督察Heat。Iain Hart表演伤害的!弗成预知的-豆角片子网
「恐龙王国历险记」这部迷你剧集依据美国今世有名科幻作家詹姆斯·格尔尼(James Gurney)的小说「与世隔断的恐龙王国」(Dinotopia)改编而成,由迪斯尼电视制造公司(Disney Television)与贺曼文娱公司(Hallmark Entertainment)独特制造,全三集共四小时,于2002年5月12日在美国播送公司(ABC)首播,并夺切昔时美国电视艾美奖的“最佳视觉后果奖”。
在托马斯看守的一个派对上,一个叫做索菲亚的女孩自残,惹起了这多少个少年生涯的一场波涛。库克(杰克•奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)因抛售毒品被警方认定为是凶手而被关进了牢狱。而纳奥米(莉莉•拉芙莱斯 Lily Loveless 饰)在警方问话中的结结巴巴惹起了女友艾米莉(凯瑟琳•普雷斯科特 Kathryn Prescott 饰)的疑惑,发明纳奥米曾跟索菲亚产生过关联。艾菲(卡雅•斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario 饰)在三角关联中终极挑选了弗雷德(卢克•帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰),却由于由于精力状态出了疑问,被送进病院医治。她的主治医师约翰由于爱上艾菲而对她催眠。故事内容连续第三季,多少个少年渡过渺茫凌乱的芳华期后,垂垂生长起来,各自的运气也产生了差其余转机。
Ross (Turner) must defend Cornwall from an empowered George Warleggan (Jack Farthing), and risks everything he holds dear as he embarks on a political journey which takes him to the nation's capital. Demelza (Tomlinson) finds her loyalties torn, Elizabeth (Heida Reed) tries to strengthen her marriage, Morwenna (Ellise Chappell) continues to be oppressed by husband Reverend Ossie Whitworth (Christian Brassington), and the Enyses (Luke Norris and Gabriella Wilde) are tested as never before.
弗瑞德(卢克•帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰)高中开学第一天偶遇托尼的妹妹艾菲(卡雅•斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario 饰),两人一见仍旧。可由于一个反叛的赌约,他的逝世党库克(杰克•奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)跟艾菲发生了关联。三人阴错阳差卷入一段纠结的三角挑选关联。凯蒂(梅根•普雷斯科特 Megan Prescott 饰)跟艾米莉(凯瑟琳•普雷斯科特 Kathryn Prescott 饰)是一对双胞胎姊妹,姊姊装束时髦,样貌出众,另有一个帅气的男友。而妹妹艾米莉始终生涯在姊姊的光环下,不善外交跟言辞,却对同性挚友纳奥米(莉莉•拉芙莱斯 Lily Loveless 饰)发生爱意,虽碰到了姊姊凯蒂的支持跟纳奥米对性取向的迟疑,仍敢于寻求。故事连续第一二季对于芳华期反叛,滥交,吸毒等主题,展示在放纵不羁中浪费芳华后的反思。
安娜·帕奎因主演新剧「公关危急」(Flack)宣布首款预报,第一视角有点意思。设定在竞争剧烈的名流公关天下里,美国危急公关战略师罗宾栖身在伦敦,是这一行业的专家,她的任务节拍很快,为行动不真个着名流士供给征询,但一波及到本身生涯,罗宾就会成为一个自我损坏者。该剧由Oliver Lansley(「良庖怀特」)打造,帕奎因跟老公史蒂芬·莫耶担负履行制造人,彼得·卡坦纽(「光猪六勇士」「烦忙的牧师」)执导,索菲·奥克妮多(「卢旺达饭馆」)!马克·沃伦(「兄弟连」「奥秘博士」)!瑞贝卡·本森(「权利的游戏」)等参演,第一季共6集,来岁2月21日在Pop TV播出。
Them From That Thing is a sketch show featuring a host of Channel 4 - comedy stars. The series features Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners), Kayvan Novak (Facejacker), Sally Phillips (Smack The Pony) and Morgana Robinson (Very Important People) alongside with a host of famous faces from the world of drama. Set in the modern world where serious characters say and do very stupid things, Them From That Thing combines the look and feel of great British drama with a silly and slightly unhinged comic sensibility.
曾上演过「浴血黑帮 Peaky Blinders」演员Jack Rowan以及新演员Masali Baduza将主演BBC 6集反乌托邦剧「Noughts + Crosses」,这部剧改编自Malorie Blackman的同名YA小说,脚本由Toby Whithous e﹑Lydia Adetunji﹑Nathaniel Price及Rachel De-Lahay独特执笔,于南非开机拍摄。 「Noughts + Crosses」男女配角是Sephy跟Callum(Jack Rowan及Masali Baduza扮演),Sephy来自黑人统治阶层「Cross」,父亲是有名政治家﹑Callum是低下白人阶层「Nought」;配角两人是两小无猜,但是长大后他们关联变得庞杂,同时光权利及成见又想二人离开。 其余演员包含Paterson Joseph﹑Bonnie Mbuli﹑Kike Brimah﹑Helen Baxendale﹑Josh Dylan﹑Shaun Dingwall﹑Rakie Ayola及Jonathan Ajayi。
When a botched potions experiment leaves Mildred with a whole new look, can she complete three impossible challenges and reverse the spell before the sun goes down?
连续第一季的内容,托尼(尼古拉斯•霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)由于车祸大脑遭到严峻的损害,得到了一样平常的自理才能,乃至忘却了跟米歇尔爱的回想。被托尼当成生疏人这件事令米歇尔(艾普萝•皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)异常难过。而此时希德(麦克•拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)也因误解远在英格兰的女友卡瑟(汉娜•穆雷 Hannah Murray 饰)背离本人,而堕入情感的疼痛中,跟已经的女神米歇尔产生了一段不测的爱情。麦克西(麦切•赫威 Mitch Hewer 饰)在阅历了表达被安瓦(戴夫•帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)谢绝的纠结疼痛后,从新跟安瓦规复了友人的关联,并阴错阳差的结识了一个本人第一个同性爱人。克瑞斯(约瑟夫•戴浦西 Joe Dempsie 饰)照旧生涯的放纵不羁,却不想将要重蹈欧巴逝世亡的运气…
「追影逐凶」聚焦的是一个掉落生齿考察分队,他们的义务就是追究那些专门针对社会上的弱势人群动手的连环杀手,Reece Shearsmith此次扮演的是Sean Stone是一个患有交际阻碍的人,执迷于破解种种灯号,并从中发明行动形式。
The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been in册ved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on two bodies found floating in the river.
故事环绕着一群特性宣扬的年青人开展。托尼(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰),是一个长相帅气!素性反叛的男生,在友人圈里处于引导位置。在好友人希德(麦克·拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)诞辰的是日,托尼决议要给他一个大“惊喜”——让本人的女友米歇尔(艾普萝·皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)帮希德离别处男之身。这夜将要举办一个狂欢派对,托尼把友人都招集过去,各式百般的年青人一一上场,他们都沉迷在音乐!毒品跟性中……一夜狂欢后,六个年青人驾车分开,却由于一个小小的不测,连人带车地冲进了一条小河中……这是一个对于这多少个少男美女的芳华故事,他们一度沉迷于酒精!毒品跟迷幻派对中,将来的走向怎样,他们以后又将要面临什么,他们一窍欠亨……
The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 - year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is happy to tag along with her much-loved parents, Brenda and Tony Kennedy played by Katherine Parkinson and Dan Skinner. The Kennedy family has just moved into a new estate in Stevenage, New Town, where they find a concrete maze of identical houses. Delighted and enthused by the fact they are now on the cusp of being considered middle class, they quickly embrace the community spirit and organise activities for the whole neighbourhood to get in册ved with. In each episode, The Kennedys pursue every opportunity they can to climb the social ladder, from organising an ‘Opportunity Knocks’ style talent show to hosting the estate’s first ever dinner party. The Kennedys best friends are an unmarried couple: Tim the 70s alpha-male (played by Harry Peacock) and the young yet traditional Jenny (played by Emma Pierson). Shola Adewusi and Clive Rowe also feature in the series and play The Kennedys unassuming and often confused neighbours, Dee and David. The Kennedys (6x30’) was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One and Shane Allen, Controller of Comedy Commissioning. The series is written by Emma Kennedy and will be produced by Emma Strain (Miranda), directed by Christine Gernon (Gavin & Stacey) and executive produced by Myfanwy Moore and Richard Webb.
Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wakes up on her 60th birthday alone. The first she’s spent by herself in the 35 - years she was married to Ted (Alex Jennings), before he left her. Determined to have a good day, Julia leaves her Devon home and heads to London to celebrate with her children - but one by one they let her down. Leo (Archie Renaux), her youngest, simply because he forgets. Della (Jemima Rooper), her only daughter, marooned abroad and guilt-stricken, and her firstborn Patrick (Sebastian Armesto) who is struggling to maintain a hectic work and home life - all whilst fighting an attraction to a colleague. Feeling adrift, Julia’s at a low ebb when she happens upon a young man in a museum, Benjamin (Ben Barnes). The pair get talking and before she’s quite sure what’s happening they’re beginning a whirlwind romance. All that’s left to do - introduce him to her children. But they are suspicious of this younger man’s motives, and soon start plotting how to remove him. Pictured: Julia Day (Julia Ormond), Benjamin (Ben Barnes)