ITV及AMC将合拍3集剧「问答 Quiz」,这部剧报告了事实人物Charles Ingram的故事,这个前陆军少校在2001年时加入英国版「百万大亨 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?」时,靠着舞弊博得100万欧元大奖。厥后剧组发明他与老婆Di ana及合谋Tecwen Whittock的舞弊行动,三人因而被捕及得面临庭审。 Matthew Macfadyen扮演Charles Ingram﹑Michael Sheen扮演节目掌管Chris Tarrant﹑Sian Clifford扮演Diana Ingram﹑Mark Bonnar扮演节目制片公司Celador Television的主席Paul Smith﹑Helen McCrory扮演Sonia Woodley QC﹑Michael Jibson扮演Tecwen Whittock﹑Aisling Bea扮演ITV文娱部专员。
How far would you go to have a baby? Martin Compston, Sophie Rundle and Mirren Mack star in this emotional thriller about love, trust and the true cost of buying whatever you want. Dan (Compston) and Emily (Rundle) are crazy about each other. They live in a huge house in the nicest part of Glasgow and want for nothing. But they’ve been trying to have a baby for years with no success. When a chance encounter brings 18 - year-old Kaya (Mack) crashing into Emily’s life, and it seems that just maybe, fate has brought them together. From the other side of town, Kaya is determined to make a life for herself. Experiencing the luxurious interior of Emily’s Range Rover, she quickly starts to get a taste for how the other half live. Back in her bare local authority flat, Kaya decides to change her future. She tracks down Emily and makes her an offer: she’ll be Dan and Emily’s surrogate, if they help set her life on track. She can change their lives, if they can change hers. But with only one embryo left, can Dan and Emily trust a teenage girl they barely know with their last chance to have a family?
本剧叙说在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在赞助本党大选得胜之后掉掉落行政事件部(DAA)部长的职务,今后开端面临以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公事员体制,而他的公派私家秘书!同属公事员的Bernard则夹在了傍边。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公事员之间因施政而产生的各种摩擦之中,两人的关联不绝地产生变更,既有相互捂盖子,也有相互揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包含政党体制跟公事员体制)中的各种不为外人所知弊病跟内幕也展示在不雅众面前。固然全部这些都是经由过程大批笑剧情节跟台词开展。在本系列后半部门的「Yes Prime Minister」中,Hacker经由过程党内角力当上了宰衡,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了宰衡秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继承开展。
The series follows cash-strapped couple Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira) and Kieran (Gary Carr), after they decide to open their small apartment up to a third resident. Surprisingly, new resident Ray (Ariane Labed) seems to make things easier for the couple. She makes the apartment feel bigger, not smaller, and the extra pair of hands makes life easier. But they soon enter a polyamorous relationship and each resident finds themselves learning to navigate love and relationships in an entirely new way.
Revival of the iconic '70s series. Portrayal of life in a London townhouse in 1936 - where the fates of the servants "downstairs" and their masters "upstairs" are intimately linked.
该剧由加拿大CBC跟英国ITV合拍,是一部政治惊悚剧。故事描写犯法考察记者与警方的庞杂关联。Daisy Channing(Elyse Levesque)是一个盛气凌人!颇具野心的记者,正试图在蹩脚的自我生涯跟[多数会报纸记者]的职业生涯之间寻觅均衡。Daisy目击了一偕行刺案,她的生涯今后产生剧变。她一开端以为那起案件与黑帮有关,但很快发明本人堕入了庞杂的犯法收集——这里不只有黑帮,另有企业与当局权利的比赛,显然有人想要掩饰现实本相。Daisy跟她的编纂Mary Fowler(Alex Kingston)!共事Simon Olendski(Lucas Bryant)跟担任案件考察的命案侦察Frank Lutz(Lyriq Bent)都在寻觅线索,然而线索越来越多,情形也越来越庞杂。故事的主题是[数字时期公与私的界限毕竟在那里]。
A larger-than-life working-class sitcom that follows the trials and tribulations of 'geezer diva' Gary King and his childhood sweetheart Terri as they aspire to achieve moderate material success in competitive suburbia.
曾上演过「浴血黑帮 Peaky Blinders」演员Jack Rowan以及新演员Masali Baduza将主演BBC 6集反乌托邦剧「Noughts + Crosses」,这部剧改编自Malorie Blackman的同名YA小说,脚本由Toby Whithous e﹑Lydia Adetunji﹑Nathaniel Price及Rachel De-Lahay独特执笔,于南非开机拍摄。 「Noughts + Crosses」男女配角是Sephy跟Callum(Jack Rowan及Masali Baduza扮演),Sephy来自黑人统治阶层「Cross」,父亲是有名政治家﹑Callum是低下白人阶层「Nought」;配角两人是两小无猜,但是长大后他们关联变得庞杂,同时光权利及成见又想二人离开。 其余演员包含Paterson Joseph﹑Bonnie Mbuli﹑Kike Brimah﹑Helen Baxendale﹑Josh Dylan﹑Shaun Dingwall﹑Rakie Ayola及Jonathan Ajayi。
A shy and enigmatic Detective Sergeant is partnered with a wildly ambitious Detective Chief Inspector to solve crimes in the historic city of Bath.
改编自Daphne du Maurier的小说Jamaica Inn Set in 1820 - against the backdrop of the windswept Cornish moors, the story follows Mary’s journey when she is forced to live with an aunt at the eponymous inn after the death of her mother and discovers it to be the hub of a smuggling ring.
1934年,苏联海外谍报机构在英国剑桥大学秘密招募了三个青年学生,他们的名字是菲尔比,伯格斯和迈克林。当时英伦三岛仍然被世界经济危机的阴影所笼罩,法西斯德国和意大利又在欧洲大陆崛起,斯大林铁腕统治下的苏联被很多西方理想主义的青年视为希望和拯救和平的力量。在英国,剑桥大学成了左派的大本营,他们组成了在世界情报史上大名鼎鼎的剑桥间谍帮(CAMBRIDGE SPY RING)。第二次世界大战爆发后,剑桥间谍帮的成员几乎全部被英国政府雇佣,安排在一些关键的部门工作。菲尔比1940年加入了特别行动处(Special Operations Executive),这个机构的任务是指挥在欧洲大陆的情报工作,第二年转到著名的M16,即英国对外谍报处,1944年成为一个部门的领导。具有讽刺意义的是这个部的任务就是对苏联的情报工作。在其它成员中,伯格斯加入了英国外交部,在驻美大使馆工作,实际上为英国M15,即反间谍处工作。迈克伦在英国外交部担任美洲处主任。在二次大战中,这些打入英国政府要害部门的苏联间谍向苏联提供了难以计数的重要情报,包括英国在苏联的情报工作,英美秘密会谈,美英核武器的发展等等。在苏联和德国进行的库尔斯克会战中,由于得到了这个间谍帮提供的由英国密码部门破译的德国密码,苏联掌握了德国的军事情报,从而在这次关键的会战中掌握了主动。大战后期苏联向东欧的快速扩张,很大程度上也要归功于这个间谍帮提供的这些地区反法西斯力量的情报和美英对这些地区战后的安排,但这个间谍帮对苏联的贡献实际上超出了提供情报。菲尔比等人利用他们所处的特殊地位向英国--常常包括美国,因为英美分享情报--提供假情报或夸大某些情报的价值,使得决策部门作出错误判断。1951年,剑桥间谍帮的两个元老人物伯格斯和迈克伦因为身份败露而逃往苏联,他们的叛逃自然使得反间谍机构怀疑和他们关系密切的菲尔比。但菲尔比不但没有一起叛逃,反而镇定自若。对他的怀疑和审查持续了好几年,直到1955年11月7日,当时的英国首相兼外交大臣麦克米兰亲自在英国下院声明:菲尔比是个忠心耿耿的不列颠臣民。从那以后,菲尔比又在英国情报部门为苏联工作了好几年,直到1963年,当英国反谍报机构掌握了确凿的证据时,他才不慌不忙脱身前往苏联,和他的老同志们会合,领取苏联政府的最高奖赏:红旗勋章。布兰特一直与皇室保持密切关系,担任女王私人收藏画作的鉴定员,直至1979年被剥夺爵位,但未受到其他制裁。
维多利亚时代的伦敦,是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。《绛红雪白的花瓣》改编自Michel Faber的畅销同名小说。 香水制造商的儿子William Rackham(Chris o’ dowd饰)无心打理家族的香水生意,立志成为作家,偏偏郁郁不得志,与此 同时,神经质的妻子也让他尴尬痛苦,仿佛生活在无形的枷锁之中。直到有一天,他经朋友推荐遇到了神秘的妓女Sugar(Romola garai饰), 至此以后,仿佛找到了释放的出口…这是一个关于爱情,欲望,复仇的黑暗故事,其中包含了各种阶级的矛盾与碰撞,细致的描写了女性在这个特殊年代的角色和地位,原著中有许多关于情欲的露骨描写,在拍成电视剧时也做了适量删减和修改,同时这部古典剧的对白充满诗意,让人欲罢不能。
一战之后,30岁的Sarah Burton从伦敦返回约克郡家乡,担任当地一所高中女校的校长。她是个时髦的女人,仿佛她的同辈们还在1935年而她已经来到了2010年。满腔抱负,热情洋溢,她用自己的双手发挥特长,让生活过得有声有色。但是这次返乡比她想象中更复杂,不久之后,她的理想与对一个男人的情愫发生了冲突,而对象却是她曾以为最不可能动心男人,他叫Robert Carne,一个之前有过争执的英俊农夫。
这是1938年的九月。Hallam先生在为德国的事务担忧,并决定去说服当权者,希特勒会变得无人能约束。但当他遭到上级的轻视,看到妻子对再次爆发可能的战争给他们小家庭带来种种的担忧,他不得不考虑自己的做法是否正确……当在德国见到一张他意想不到的脸,他对自己的怀疑不仅仅局限于政治信仰了。在楼下,Rose得了结核病,所有人都很庆幸精力充沛的新女仆Berly来得正是时候,她吸引了Harry的注意。但Berly却在努力适应服侍生活,并有着更大的志向。在伊顿广场,Hallam先生的妻子Agnes夫人在生完他们的第二个孩子后极度虚弱,但仍然回来支持她的丈夫。在Hallam的母亲Holland夫人去世后,这对夫妻一直对Hallam的阿姨Blanche Mottershead医生招待有加。在葬礼后的几个星期她仍很舒适的住在165号,这使Hallam先生和Amanjit先生很惊愕。然而,Agnes夫人很感激Blanche能在这么不稳定的时期伸出援手。但是,尽管有Blanche的支持,Agnes夫人仍然为她家人的安危感到担心,她的担忧引发一连串的事件,并导向一个关于Prichard先生的惊人发现……
Scott’s life is in freefall: his girlfriend has just left him, he’s dropped out of studying medicine and he’s desperate for cash to help save his brother. Out of the blue his terminally ill neighbour comes to him for a favour – to help him commit suicide. Scott reluctantly agrees, and in the process, he and his two friends decide to set up their own illicit assisted-suicide business.
故事产生在一个景致奇丽的英国小镇中,安吉拉带着儿子卢克像如今一样离开了儿童游乐场,两人都以为明天也只不外是他们日复一日的平常生涯的一个缩影罢了,但是,喜剧产生了,当卢克分开家人跟其余孩子一同游玩时,安吉拉被一个奥秘的凶手杀逝世了。而独一的目睹证人是一个名叫露西(莱斯利·夏普 Lesley Sharp 饰)的女人。 妮娜(因迪拉·瓦玛 Indira Varma 饰)跟错误鲍比(罗伯特·格林尼斯特 Robert Glenister 饰)担任考察此案,依据露西的证言,这个凶手很可能是一个流窜在各国直接跨国作案的连环杀手。但是鲍比却保持以为,料事如神有些神经质的露西才是真正的凶手。
ITV’s six part factual drama, White House Farm, produced by New Pictures re册ves around one fateful night in August 1985 - when five members of the same family were murdered at an Essex farmhouse; Sheila Caffell, her twin six-year-old sons, Daniel and Nicholas, and her parents, Nevill and June Bamber. The series will seek to provide fresh insight into this family tragedy and the contested accounts of the events that took place at White House Farm. Based on extensive research, interviews and published accounts including, ‘The Murders at White House Farm’ by Carol Ann Lee with additional material from ‘In Search of The Rainbow’s End’ by Colin Caffell, husband of Sheila and father to Daniel and Nicholas Caffell. Essex Police initially believed that Sheila, who had mental health problems, had murdered her own family before turning the gun on herself. But Detective Sergeant Stan Jones had doubts about the murder-suicide theory, and about Sheila’s brother Jeremy Bamber, who first called the police to the farm. Eventually it was Jeremy Bamber who was charged and convicted of the murders of his own parents, sister and nephews. Bamber is currently serving life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He is one of the few prisoners in the UK subject to a whole-life order. Bamber still maintains his innocence.
气质英刑侦剧。当一名警员发明一名被近间隔射杀的女子的遗体,他很快认识到这名受害者是harvey Wratten,英国最大犯法构造的喽罗。Wratten的逝世亡案件被调配给了DI Jonah Gabriel(切瓦特·埃加福特扮演),Gabriel追踪着这条日益庞杂的考察线索,他疑惑本人能否能够信任赖何人,乃至是他本人。 燕迹秦清增添。
The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been in册ved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on two bodies found floating in the river.
The series is about a Customs Officer, Marcus Ashton (Ash) who is recruited to a new law enforcement team tasked with hunting down some of Britain's most wanted criminals. The series is inspired by the book of the same name which details the career of former customs agent Cameron Addicott, written by Kris Hollington.