恐怖片 美国
Three students went missing in October 2018. Sarah McCormick, Kyle Miller, Joseph Moore. Authorities have now come forward with the information that video surveillance was found inside of the abandoned Yost home that shows the crews last few moments documenting the Shadow People before their mysterious disappearance.
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
恐怖片 其它
恐怖片 惊悚 悬疑 恐怖 犯罪 美国
恐怖片 美国
After a freak accident kills one of her friends, Clover discovers that a group of elves have been scattered throughout town, each representing the seven deadly sins. It’s a race against time to survive the elves’ wrath before Christmas ends…
恐怖片 美国
Two "foodie" brothers kidnap and torture those who ruin their "dining experience".
恐怖片 美国
恐怖片 香港
日籍华商林保(冯德伦 饰)出生王谢,固然家景饶富,但自幼怙恃双亡的他,愈减轻视情感。林保与高中同窗川村(谷原章介 饰)私情甚好,但两人先后爱上了年青貌美的琉璃子(伊东美咲 饰)。因为川村出身卑下,借居林保家中,以是有力竞争,主动退出。林保如愿以偿抱得丽人归,川村情感一度掉控,并强奸了使女。林保出外做买卖染上伤寒,他交付川村照料老婆。成果,二人勾结成奸,并产下一子,川村畏惧东窗事发,狠心杀逝世婴儿。林保返来后,琉璃子怕事件败事,合身染皮肤病谢绝与林保同床,林保对其奸情毫无觉察,照旧心疼有加。琉璃子约林保前往滑雪,时期,林保不测滑到,川村乘隙杀戮了他。阳间的林保赫然发明老婆与挚友的通奸现实,疼痛不胜。面目面貌被毁的林保佩带面具,踏上了复仇之路……
恐怖片 美国
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
As four teenage graffiti artists run from the police, they hide in an old abandoned schoolhouse. They quickly discover that someone else is already using the building for their own dark purposes.
恐怖片 惊悚 澳大利亚
恐怖片 香港
恐怖片 美国
Andy made a deal with a demon. He manages a small but ambitious Italian eatery called Scoppa. The demon's black magic lures patrons to the restaurant; in return, Andy feeds guests to the demon, who dwells in the basement. It was all going smoothly, business was booming, reviews were glowing... Until the busboy found out.
恐怖片 恐怖 美国
A group of five young friends travel from Los Angeles to exotic Panama for a week of partying in lush tropical paradise. Befriending a beautiful local woman in their hotel bar, they learn of a secret jungle hike to a pristine waterfall nearby. The woman cautions them strongly against the hike, warning that other gringos in search of the legendary waterfall had mysteriously disappeared into the jungle, never to be seen or heard from again. Ignoring her warnings, the group convinces the woman to guide them to the picturesque waterfall, thinking that they have nothing to fear with a local as their guide. What begins as a fun outing quickly turns terrifying when their guide mysteriously vanishes after a romantic tryst at the falls. As night closes in, the friends realize too late the truth behind her warnings— horrific, bloodthirsty, flesh-eating creatures are now stalking them. The mangled survivors rush to jungle caves for shelter, only to realize they’ve entered the monsters’ lair!
恐怖片 加拿大
★ 依据实在超天然教训改编 ★ 奥秘 #黑帽客,当面隐蔽什麽惊人机密! ★ 苏醒,才是噩梦的开端 依据实在超天然教训改编,一个新婚的拍照师瑞秋在梦中老是被一个被戴著帽子的神祕[黑帽客]跟踪,但是这个[黑帽客]却垂垂涌当初她的事实生涯中,事实与梦幻的界线逐步隐约。某天,瑞秋碰见一名自称晓得[黑帽客]祕密的男子,他能否无方法拯救瑞秋解脱[黑帽客]的纠葛!
恐怖片 恐怖 剧情 美国
恐怖片 大陆
这是一部由海内导演执导的悬疑片,以跳舞剧团为配景娓娓开展。就在全城触目标大型跳舞剧「罗拉」公演前夜,星浩跳舞团的女配角小美(隋俊波 饰)新奇逝世在了化装间,固然逝世状恐惧,但是仍是不惹起各人的惊恐,剧团的一众女演员又开端了对配角之位勾心斗角的争取。终极,年青英俊的女演员田(田原 饰)怀才不遇,掉掉落了配角之位。这时,导演给了不雅众一个迷――小美是田原的灯光师男友镇宇(吴镇宇 饰)的前女友,而镇宇与田又在小美逝世后先后离开了化装间。凶手就是他们此中一个!又或许尚有其人!
恐怖片 美国
Three terrifying tales to keep you awake all night: ‘Night of the Sea Monkey’, ‘Lamb Feed’ and ‘Homewrecked’ – a trifecta of 80s throwback terror with mauling monsters, home invasions gone haywire and stomach-turning human sacrifice.
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
Private investigator Abel Walker along with his cameraman, Jim, is on the hunt for a missing woman. As they unravel the mystery of her disappearance, they become caught in a sick and violent game that will end in murder…
恐怖片 惊悚 剧情 美国
Eager to escape the grief and nightmares of the city, Louis Olsen travels to Southwest Minnesota, seeking the peace of the rural countryside. When he accidentally disturbs the grave of a supposed local 'witch' Mary Jane Terlinden, what began as a peaceful reprieve unravels into a haunting nightmare from which Louis cannot escape - but is it all just in his head?
恐怖片 美国
恐怖片 美国
In an attempt to reconcile the problems in their relationship, Myra (Carmen Anello) and James (Owen Lawless) venture to an isolated cabin in the mountains. It is there they encounter an ancient evil that haunts the landscape, capable of turning people into deformed monsters. Not only will they be fighting for their relationship, they will be fighting for their lives.
恐怖片 大陆
相传,为了让亲人常伴身边,官方常将逝去亲人的骨灰混入黏土烧制成精巧的瓷器,逝去亲人的灵魂就会缭绕在骨灰瓷器的周边久久不散。但一旦灵魂有怨气,则生人则会被带入恐怖深渊,直至怨气消掉…… 影片报告纯真仁慈的绮华的未婚夫青文因事变坠海身亡,悲哀欲绝的绮华为了与青文长相厮守,听取了闺蜜的看法,师法官方传说巫术,将青文的骨灰烧制成人骨花瓶。 自此,绮华时辰能觉得青文继承存在家里的迹象,青文的灵魂好像又回到了绮华身边,但逐步局势掉控了,绮华家里接连涌现种种灵异恐怖变乱……
恐怖片 美国
Tim and his team are the rising stars of the ghost hunting game. One thing they all like better than a good haunt is a great prank. When the team arrives at a new investigation, they cannot figure if the occurrences are part of some elaborate master prank or if the house is actually haunted. Unfortunately, they don't find the answer until it is far too late.
恐怖片 惊悚 悬疑 美国
Troubled artist Cassie suffers with reoccurring visions of murder, which she copes with by committing the violent acts to canvas. But when her visions begin to manifest in real life, her friends and family begin to turn up dead. Realizing her visions actually provide a direct link to the killer, Cassie must now confront her own past in order to stop the murders and save herself.
恐怖片 美国
A struggling photographer gets more than he bargained for, discovering the truth of what his new camera is really capable of.
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 美国
恐怖片 美国
A demonic creature not of this world impregnates a woman. 160 - years later a team of ghost hunters must set aside their quick buck party mentality when they discover one of their team is the offspring of the entity haunting the place - and its true target. The offspring and her friends become uneasy allies with the ghost of the mother to destroy the demon and restore harmony.
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
恐怖片 美国
Six friends become prey for a sadistic psychopath when they decide to ditch their high school's after prom party for their own celebration at a secluded house.
恐怖片 恐怖 美国
拉瑞·凡斯登将执导依据玛丽·雪莱的名著「弗兰肯斯坦」改编的独破恐惧片[腐化](Depraved,暂译),与此同时影片先导海报率先曝光。现在卡司为大卫·卡尔!乔舒华·莱纳德以及亚历克斯·布鲁。片中亚历克斯·布鲁表演怪物。制造公司Glass Eye Pix!Forager将打造该片。本片2月将在纽约开展制造。
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
An adventurous group of friends dare to break into the abandoned orphanage and quickly find themselves trapped and fighting against unnatural forces.
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
Two dysfunctional couples rent a modern luxury desert home for the weekend hoping to sort out their messed-up lives. Just as they are about to settle in for a fun night, a neighbour turns up at their front door saying she has car trouble. And thats when the murderous trouble really starts. Because without knowing it, the four friends have landed slap-bang in the wrong violent place at precisely the wrong bloody time. Hopefully your nerves of steel will hold for one of the most stylish, atmospheric and terror-filled home invasion horrors of them all.
恐怖片 惊悚 美国
自20世纪60年月起,美国当局便机密直接种种药物试,很多人关涉此中,很多人就此杳无消息。供职于新闻界的女记者安妮·若兰特(凯蒂娅·温特 Katia Winter 饰)得悉一个新闻,她在大学时间的好友人詹姆斯(麦克·麦克米兰 Michael McMillian 饰)服用了代号为DMT19的奥秘药物,并用摄像机记载上去。但是食物中出现恐惧独特的画面,詹姆斯着落不明。警方疑惑视频的拍摄者雷尼(Alex Gianopoulos 饰)杀戮了詹姆斯,但苦于找不到遗体无奈定案,未多少后雷尼也宣布掉落。安妮深感变乱的蹊跷,于是决议单身考察友人掉落的本相。他顺着詹姆斯在视频供给的线索,辗转找到了如雷贯耳的极其主义小说家托马斯·布莱克伯恩(泰德·拉文 Ted Levine 饰)。本相垂垂浮出水面,而莫大的伤害也向安妮迫临……
恐怖片 美国
A pizza delivery girl making her last stop of the night is lured into a trap. While attempting to escape, she encounters a group of campers who are enduring a terrifying nightmare of their...
恐怖片 印度
Netflix开辟其原创印度片子「Ghost Stories」。导演Karan Johar!Zoya Akhtar!DiBakar Banerjee跟Anurag Kashyap继片子「爱欲故事」后再次协作,报告由Ronnie Screwvala的RSVP跟Ashi Dua制造的令人不寒而栗的故事。