「走近皮克斯」共有四个章节,共20集。这一系列记录短片将率领各人深刻懂得皮克斯动画台前幕后的出色故事。第一章“灵感”于2020年11月13日在Disney+上线,每粗放12分钟。 Produced by Pixar Animation Studios, Inside Pixar is directed by Erica Milsom and Tony Kaplan, the series offers insights into the personal and cinematic stories that provide an inside look into the people, artistry, and culture of Pixar Animation Studios.
「佳节」是由五洲流传中央!企鹅影视结合出品,国度地舆结合制造的大型中国传统节日文明记录片,腾讯视频全网独播!国度地舆海内同步播出。 「佳节」聚焦中国最具代表性的传统节日,经由过程报告中国传统节日的故事,从节日里精巧的手工艺跟传统的食品到每个家庭暖和的团聚跟隆重的庆典,展示每一个节日庆典是怎样从农耕社会开展而来,而这些陈旧的传统又是如安在古代中国倏地的开展中随同人们的生涯与时俱进;同时,展示中国人的家庭不雅点!传统继续与时期破异的结合。在表示中国海内节庆传统的同时,节目也将摸索海内华人如安在异国文明跟社会中,经由过程对中国传统节日的庆贺展示“我的中国心”中的文明属性跟认同。
Reporter John Ware investigates one of Britian's most important spies since WWII - Freddie Scappaticci, code-named "Stakeknife". A British spy who became the IRA's spy-catcher.
Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans documents the most authenticated case of possession in American history.
2013年,中心电视台前资深记者柴静外出采访时期得悉本人有身的新闻。但是作为母亲的高兴很快被女儿良性肿瘤的诊断成果所冲淡,固然小天使的手术顺遂实现,但她好像开端为无时不在的雾霾传染担心起来。紧闭的门窗无奈锁住孩子盼望在蓝天白云下奔驰的悸动之心,无奈隐形的杀手不时辰刻都在 残害人们的安康以致性命。“我不是多怕逝世,我只是不想那么活。”抱持着如许的设法,柴静对雾霾的成因!构成以及激发的严峻效果开展考察。咱们才晓得,本来2004年被人们看成雾的货色就曾经是霾了。本来重要构成物资苯并a芘竟超标14倍之多。本来60%的雾霾传染物来自燃煤!燃油及其复合体。本来国度执法法例中竟有着如斯多的破绽。本来款项好处的驱策下人类能够如斯毫无所惧拿着本身以致子孙的性命开顽笑。 穹顶之下,你我无奈逃离,却也并非不方法……
位于印度东南部的科塔都会是补习黉舍的中央有着超越200 - 000名青少年日复一日!年复一年地窝在隔间巨细的房间里跋扈狂背书。为了1%的登科率,这群游子们能否能怀才不遇,胜利拿到印度顶尖工程学院的offer!怙恃的压力,教导机构跟同龄人的压力对这群学子来说究竟是可以驱动他们斗争的气力,仍是压榨骆驼的最后一根稻草!
「当人们抛弃的食品比吃掉落的还多,咱们正对地球直接无声的施暴。」——「糟蹋:寰球食粮危急解密」,史都华(Tristram Stuart) 依据结合国食粮及农业构造统计,寰球一年抛弃食品的总分量高达十三亿吨,佔食粮供给给花费者数目标三分之一,同时,却有3600万人逝世于飢饿,糟蹋掉落的食品足足是飢饿生齿所需食粮的四倍。肥沃完熟的无机柠檬,却由于太大而被超市拒收,招致被摈弃的运气;田裡三分之ㄧ新颖现採的香蕉,由于表面轻微黑斑,而被压碎堆肥。古代食品出产体制从产地开端,到储运!批发!餐厅等等环节,都一直在製造食品糟蹋。
「幸存者」记载了被以为是这个时期最严峻的大众卫生危急中,塞拉利昂人巨大的故事。导演亚瑟·普拉特对疾病暴发奇特的切进口!叙说语气以及洞察深入的记录,成为了懂得安康劫难形成社会!政治影响的棱镜。「幸存者」记叙了多少自我的故事:默罕默德·班古拉,该国最大救护车调派点的一位 资深救护车司机;福代·科罗马,一个住在弗里敦穷人窟的 12 - 岁男孩;玛格丽特·西塞,一个在弗里敦埃博拉医治急诊任务的护士,她须要照料病情最严峻的病人。片子从沾抱病初期开端追随这些人物,始终到WHO宣告埃博拉在塞拉利昂被彻底扑灭。
在王久良的最新的记录片「Plastic China」中,小村落里的两个家庭的运气与来自天下各地的塑料渣滓冤家路窄。情况传染与社会的不公再次光秃秃地展示在众人眼前。在刚停止的阿姆斯特丹国际记录片片子节上,「Plastic China」拿到“新秀单位评委会大奖”,之后又入围圣丹斯国际片子节主比赛天下记录片单位。 评委会在给「Plastic China」的授奖词中特地提到,这部佳构是彼得·温托尼克全部创作准则跟幻想的绝佳范本:“作品拥有巨大又专一的献身精力,以切近凡人的故事提醒了一个事关寰球的景象。咱们在两个家庭营生开展的故事中发明白本人的身影,而且能够清晰地看到咱们对经济生涯方法的挑选在他们那令平易近气碎的际遇中留下的陈迹。”不任何言语能比这段授奖词更好地归纳综合「Plastic China」的目标跟代价。 影片对山东某地一个直接渣滓接纳处置的家庭工场直接深描,环绕厂长坤跟他仅有的雇工彭两户人家开展,特殊是家中的孩子。它以洋渣滓在中国的接纳处置为题,让每一自我在银幕上看到本人,看到一些人的花费习气怎么成为了另一些人的魔难。IDFA揭幕没多少天,该片全部公映场次的票就全体售罄,主理方在片子节最后多少天加映一场,又被一抢而空。 兴许恰是这种振聋发聩的魅力,继在IDFA寰球首映之后,准则上偏向于全新片的圣丹斯片子节也把它放入了国际记录片主比赛,「Plastic China」来岁一月会在北美最威望的片子节上代表华语记录片的高度。影片的海内刊行还在酝酿准备中,制片方表现将尽力尽快让海内不雅众一睹其真容。
Celebrity cat owners and online experts explore how the humble house cat has captured hearts and imaginations to become pop culture icons and the darlings of the Internet.
In 1976 - Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
Everyone knows Sue, the majestic Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton that is the pride of Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. Less known is the bizarre seven-year tale of intrigue, perfidy, double-dealing, and government intervention that resulted in the dinosaur-hunting discoverers, members of South Dakota’s Black Hills Institute, being divested of their find, cheated of recognition, and even sent to prison. Assembly of the gigantic fossil is something of a metaphor for filmmaker Miller’s meticulous reconstruction of a story that includes home movie footage of Sue’s discovery and recovery, her 1992 - kidnapping by heavily armed FBI agents, a rip-roaring courtroom drama as her ownership falls into dispute, and her eventual sale at auction for a heart-stopping sum.
Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech companies is to get AI computers to diagnose diseases as well as a human doctor, which could ultimately result in accessible, more affordable, better healthcare for almost everyone. In a world with a chronic shortage of doctors, but where even the very poor own mobile phones, it could be truly re册utionary. And in Britain, advances in AI are already radically changing how some of us see our GPs. Dr. Hannah Fry uncovers the controversial inside story of this re册ution in healthcare, with privileged behind-the-scenes access to tech companies leading the way in healthcare innovation. Ambitious British tech start-up Babylon Health launched its ‘GP at Hand’ app in London in late 2017 - and has already persuaded 30 - 000 - Londoners to quit their old GPs to register instead for this NHS ‘digital first’ service, where patients discuss symptoms with an AI chatbot and see a doctor in minutes 24/7 - via their phone. Babylon’s CEO Dr. Ali Parsa talks passionately about how he hopes “to do with healthcare what Google did with information”. Kheiron Medical have also opened their doors, with their Clinical Director Dr. Hugh Harvey explaining how Kheiron’s technology is already outperforming human radiologists at spotting signs of cancer in mammograms. But this sector is new and challenging and GP at Hand’s arrival has proved controversial – with many GPs worried about the disruptive consequences for both patients and themselves. We hear from medical professionals such as Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair at the Royal College of GPs, who expresses caution about the hype around AI, voicing concerns about to what extent apps like ‘GP at Hand’ have been rigorously tested. Big questions are also raised about AI in healthcare: if it can be trusted, how it should be regulated - and what it means for all of us.
Facebook is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 - billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive online, tracking and profiling users and non-users alike. Cracking the Code looks at the insides of this giant machine and how Facebook turns your thoughts and behaviours into profits—whether you like it or not. And it's not just a one-way transaction either. Cracking the Code also explains how Facebook uses vast troves of web data to manipulate the way you think and feel, as well as act—all in the sole interests of Facebook, masquerading as "community." What are the social implications of this—when one company basically controls the insights and experiences of the entire online world, with extremely personalised and targeted social and behavioural engineering on a scale never before seen?
In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo - 12 - years, 12 - manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.