For a small nation Latvia seems to have produced a disproportionate number of exceptionally talented documentary filmmakers. Perhaps owing to the development of the school of poetic documentary film-making in Riga in the 1960's the likes of Herz Frank, Juris Podnieks, the Selecki clan, Una Celma and Laila Pakalnina enjoy a global reputation. Out of them all it is quite possibly Frank who is the best known and well respected. The man behind such classics as "10 - Minutes Older," "The Seven Simeons," and "The Last Judgment," he has served as a teacher, mentor and an inspiration to several generations of Latvian filmmakers. In Flashback the man who devoted his entire career to examining and recording the lives of others turns inwards and focuses the lens on his own life and career. What emerges is a portrait of a man who has been driven by the need to understand the human condition and who at the age of 75 - facing open heart surgery, is not sure whether he has seen enough to understand and yet weary from having seen too much. Part travelogue, part biography and part mediation on the nature of documentary film-making and life, Frank mixes footage from his previous works with more recent work to accentuate and attempt to illuminate his present. Opening with footage of the OMON attack in Riga in 1991 - which took the lives of cameramen Andris Slapins and Gvido Zvaigzne, Frank freezes on an image of Juris Podnieks (a frequent collaborator and former student and cameraman of Frank's), as his face registers the shock and realization that his own cameramen have just paid with their lives for his and their desire to pursue and document reality. (Podnieks himself would die in a tragic scuba diving accident only a year later.) As Podnieks' facial expressions play out in slow motion, Frank cuts to an excerpt from his and Podnieks perhaps best known work Ten Minutes Older. Ten Minutes Older was a single take shot with minimal lighting recording the reactions of children as they are watching a puppet show. Their faces covering the spectrum of human expression and emotion from joy to sorrow. From there he cuts to the face of one of the children in Ten Minutes Older in the present day. The setting is now completely different. Rather than a play in which we expect emotion, we now find the child as a man in the middle of an international bridge tournament where the expression of emotion needs to be suppressed at all costs. The face is older, but unmistakable in its identity. What may be hidden from his opponents sitting only inches away across the table is evident in the naked eye of the camera. It is this nakedness and what it ultimately shows us, and our desire and need to see it that is at the core of Flashback. The film covers In this day of an endless glut of reality TV shows which play to our most prurient desires Flashback reminds of us our higher need for the nakedness of "reality" that the camera can provide, our fascination with it and what it can ultimately tell us about ourselves. The major weakness of the film is that it is at times disjointed and discordant. The film attempts to do too much all at once. Any of the topics he touches on, from his open heart surgery to his wife's long illness and death, from his relationship with Podnieks to the follow up to the characters in Ten Minutes Older, his father's life and legacy, his own journey from Riga to Jerusalem, among many others, deserved and would have been better served by their own films. We are often left wishing that he had stayed with a particular story line while Frank and his camera have already moved on. Even the footage from his past works, while poignantly accentuating the present, often leaves us desiring a second and longer look at the past rather than returning to the present or jumping to the next subject. Despite this flaw the film is a fascinating look at a man fascinated with looking at people and the lives they lead. A collage sometimes leaving us wanting for more, but also leaving us with no doubts as to the skills of its maker.
1995炎天,博比·罗布森被诊断出患有癌症,只活了多少个月。奇不雅般的是,不到一年的时光,罗布森厥后治理着传奇的巴塞罗那俱乐部——座右铭“不只仅是俱乐部”。但博比·罗布森不只仅是一个司理。矿工的儿子来自纽卡斯尔,为故国效率。当他把伊普斯威奇酿成欧洲冠军时,很显著他真正的禀赋在于导师。无畏的,他的礼品是他最好的时间,最严峻的威逼。经由过程天主之手,加扎的眼泪,英国最巨大的天下杯外的头衔在欧洲顶级联赛跟巴塞罗那的低音,罗布森战胜了最极真个挑衅的职业生活不像其余离开了一圈,当他前往之前他信心挽救他可爱的纽卡斯尔。现在很多巨大的治理者都把本人的突起归功于罗布森,他是一位大胆的导师,他能发来日才并赞助他生长。主演的名单(穆里尼奥,瓜迪奥拉,演员罗纳尔多,加斯科因,Shearer,莱因克尔,阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士爵士)从未见过的档案跟Lady Elsie Robson的情感的见证,这是一集体育最鼓励平易近气的跟有影响力的人物前锋导师转变游戏规矩的威望的画像埃西亚。罗布森
An investigation into the way sexual assault cases are handled by police departments across the United States.
The life of Dr Han has become a permanent quest for perfection. From the livestreamed operating theatre to art fairs via fashion shows, the famous Chinese plastic surgeon has only one aim: beauty. Through the implacable portrait of this character, the film questions beauty as a simultaneously essential yet vain element of society in the era of selfies.
很多孩子不懂得他们盘中的食物是那里来的,他们兴许会说,是在市肆买的。 在荷兰,黉舍庭园(school garden)体制曾经有了100多年的运转教训。每年,小先生由黉舍支配去原野进修怎样收获!培养!跟制造食物。从课堂到户外,他们会在休息中学到一些主要的货色,也就是性命的轮回。土壤弄脏了四肢,然而收获中布满高兴。怎样莳植蔬菜!怎样更好地反抗瘦削抑或树破生物多样性!孩子们会与大天然跟植物密切触摸。 著名荷兰EMS影业(EMS Films)制造人团队在一个完全学年中,记载了阿姆斯特丹五个班级的黉舍庭园筹划。孩子们的猎奇心!摸索才能,胜利跟掉败的阅历都被活泼!实在地记载上去,信息片面!布满兴趣。 在超越100年的时光里,黉舍庭园筹划代表了一种普遍的天然教导,使得孩子们进修常识并尊敬天然。经由过程摸索休会,独立重生掉掉落兴趣是这套课程的中心。生物多样性!性命的轮回!安康食物!食物跟可连续性等主题遭到了大批的存眷。 食物!生物多样性跟天然主题是当当代界的热点话题。古代人曾经与食物得到接洽。这种疏忽让咱们变得迟疑,并招致毛病的决议:太多的便利食物,太多的糖分跟脂肪,而新颖蔬菜又非常完善。比起教会先生怎样种某种蔬菜,怎么更好地启示他们认识到食物的内涵代价!假如你曾经种下了本人的蔬菜并赐与充足的照料,那么你确定也会想要吃掉落它。 EMS影业制造人团队掌握到这种平易近众趋向,并率先用记录片的方法来报告黉舍天井筹划。EMS影业以记载荷兰天然而著名,如The New Wilderness 跟Katwalk,所出品的影片曾经在荷兰的片子院掉掉落超越百万人的不雅看量,不雅众中的大部门来自海表里片子节!电视跟种种在线媒体。
记录片「上线了文物 第1季」共30集,每粗放6分钟报告一件来自华夏的文物。在这里,你能够听到8000年前的声响,看到5000年前的故里陈迹,明白到3000年前的奖杯。 本次创作,不范围于博物馆里奇珍奇宝的传奇故事,也有奇迹古修筑当面不为人知的弯曲阅历。联合文物展现!3D建模!情景再现!汗青小戏院!采访!MV等多种方法拍摄制造。将以全新的视角,生动生动的画风,艰深易懂的言语,解读占有厚重汗青的华夏珍宝。让咱们不忘初心,知来处,明行止。
2015年4月12日,25岁的非洲裔青年格雷在西巴尔的摩地域遭到警方盘问,他在试图逃跑时被警方掌握。警方从他身上搜出了一把弹簧刀,并据此将其拘捕。警方称,拘捕进程未应用武力,但格雷被捕后未多少即紧迫送医,后于19日在外地一家病院逝世亡,逝世因是脊椎严峻受伤。目睹者拍摄的视频表现,警员在人行道制伏格雷,用膝盖顶住他的背部跟头部,把他双手反铐在当面,而后将其脸朝下拖进警车。格雷在被拘捕进程中始终高声叫嚷,心情疼痛 。黑人青年“非畸形逝世亡”而激发的陌头动乱在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市愈演愈烈。马里兰州州长宣告该州进入紧迫状况,并出动公平易近卫队跟上千名警力保持秩序。巴尔的摩市俨然已酿成了一个“战区”。
Todrick Hall launches his most ambitious project yet: the full-scale original musical Straight Outta Oz. From a small town in Texas to big-time show business, comes an inspiring documentary of grit, perseverance and the redemptive power of art.
Hearts of Men is a timeless tale of a father's relentless pursuit of his son - interwoven with interviews of top thought-leaders on brokenness, identity and wholeness.
In 2016 - USA Gymnastics was rocked by the revelation that national team doctor Larry Nassar had been abusing young athletes for decades