Netflix将在2月19号一次性放出最新的美食记录片「Cooked」。该套记录片改编自滞销作家Michael Pollan的同名册本,并由曾获奥斯卡最佳长篇记录片导演Alex Gibney执导。Cooked共四集,将分离从火!水!氛围跟土壤四个元素论述跟食品的关联。
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father is an upcoming travel documentary/road trip comedy television series slated to debut on Netflix. The show will be presented by comedian Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael Whitehall.[2] The show will see the pair travel to South East Asia on a popular "gap year route", and will in册ve them travelling through countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia.[3] The series will be released on Netflix on September 22 - 2017.[4]
阿隆·埃尔南德斯来自康涅狄格州布里斯托尔,是一名禀赋异禀的年青足球运发动,他敏捷实现了本人的志向,在一个顶级学院名目中踢球,而后在 20 - 岁时当选美国国度橄榄球同盟。但在 2013 - 年,埃尔南德斯刚与新英格兰爱国者队签下一份代价 4000 - 万美元的五年期合约,之后却由于自辛普森杀妻案以来波及美国运发动的最有名的一偕行刺案而变得众所周知。埃尔南德斯因残暴杀戮奥丁·劳埃德跟两个波士顿地域的男子而接收审讯,并就此翻开了潘多拉魔盒,提醒了一系列机密:一段凌乱跟饱受迫害的生长阅历!对帮派生涯的日益留恋以及其余各种,皆描写了他暴力行动当面隐蔽着的伟大念头。「杀手心:分析阿隆·埃尔南德斯」是一部由三部门构成的记录片系列,此中包含独家的庭审录像!埃尔南德斯从牢狱打来的德律风,以及与意识埃尔南德斯跟劳埃德的人的访谈,本剧集细心研讨了招致审讯!治罪跟看似占有所有的运发动之逝世的各要素的“完善风暴”。
In 1977 - a book of photographs captured an awakening - women shedding the cultural restrictions of their childhoods and embracing their full humanity. Feminists - What Were They Thinking? revisits those photos, those women and those times and takes aim at our culture today that alarmingly shows the need for continued change.
In 1974 - 12-year-old Jan Broberg was abducted from a small community in Idaho. When Jan was returned 5 - weeks later, she assured her parents and the courts that "nothing had happened"....enabling a pedophile to go free, and paving the way for Jan's second abduction and years of sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse.
Disponible depuis ce vendredi 2 - septembre sur Netflix, Chef’s Table: France nous emmène dans les cuisines étoilées de quatre chefs français, à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes qui réinventent la sacro-sainte gastronomie hexagonale.L’innovation, sans renier la tradition. C’est tout le défi que se sont lancés Alain Passard de L’Arpege, Michel Troisgros de la Maison Troisgros, Adeline Grattard de Yam’Tcha, et Alexandre Couillon de La Marine. Ils ont dû bousculer le sacré, renverser les codes, embrasser d’autres cultures et les mêler à des recettes ancestrales.Et dans un milieu aussi conservateur que la haute gastronomie, l’affaire est loin d’être simple. Qu’ils officient à Paris ou en région, nos chefs se sont heurtés aux limites de l’imagination de certains. Qu’importe, les limites sont faites pour être dépassées…De Paris à Roanne, en passant par Noirmoutier, ces quatre orfèvres du goût ont accepté de se confier, de se raconter, devant la caméra de David Gelb, créateur de Chef’s Table. Leurs parcours, leurs échecs et leurs angoisses, mais aussi leurs victoires et leurs aspirations, chacune de ces histoires en dévoile autant sur l’homme ou la femme sous la toque que sur ses créations.Et une fois de plus, comme lors des deux premières saisons, la série documentaire émoustille les papilles et dépasse la contrainte de la vidéo pour exciter chacun des cinq sens. À l’occasion de ce troisième 册et en terre Gauloise, le poster de Chef’s Table: France se pare même des couleurs du drapeau français.
中文名稱:国度地舆:摸索者:美国末日筹划/最终国防(明珠台) 英文名稱:National Geographic Explorer.AmericanDoomsday (2010) 文件格局:MKV/45分钟 对 白: 英语 字幕言语: 中英笔墨幕 内容提纲 美国末日筹划 www.natgeo.com.cn 上世纪五十年月,来自美国军方!谍报机构及白宫的官员机密会见,制订美国的末日筹划。事先正值暗斗顶峰,他们制订 的这一筹划具体指明白美国当局怎样应答苏联的核袭击。多年来,这一筹划跟着新的威逼而转变,但其目的稳定,那就 是保持联邦当局的存续。 最终国防 tvb.com 自从暗斗时代,美国逾五十年来,早已预备了一个最终的国防应变办法,以敷衍国度可能面临的严重变故。家喻户晓,这 个应变机制,在九逐一时履行过。毕竟九逐一时,这个最终机制是怎样履行!「最终国防」带不雅众去到履行最终应变办法 的基地,以及是在“末日”时,美国总统仍旧能够办公的战机E4-B上不雅赏
「General Tso’s Chicken」一道在美国地域为人熟知的菜式,也成为了最受欢送的外卖菜式;但是追溯到该道菜的由来,还是一个谜。近来一部名为「The Search for General Tso’」的记载片便深刻追随该菜式的汗青,从美外洋地的餐馆以及唐人街等处所直接懂得,生机经由过程记录片能为各人解开这个美国最受欢送外卖菜式的谜。
Dogs have long been dependable companions by our sides. But it wasn’t always that way, and a look at their closest living relative, the wolf, makes it clear why. Research into dog domestication and intelligence offers clues into the human-dog relationship. And analyzing dogs’ brain activity and genes may even help answer whether dogs are in it for the food—or if they really love us.
The perplexing behaviors of cats have often raised the question of whether humans ever really domesticated felines.
In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo - 12 - years, 12 - manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.
2004 - 年,16 - 岁的辛托娅·蒂尼斯·布朗因行刺了一名见色起意而搭载她的 43 - 岁女子在田纳西州纳什维尔被拘捕。她以成人的身份接收审讯,并被判处毕生开释,辛托娅的运气好像已成定局。这部片子展现了一个孩子心坎的庞杂情感,她是本人亲生家庭三代暴力损害妇女的产品。2019 - 年,在阅历了近 10 - 年的执法质疑后,州长比尔·哈斯拉姆同意了她的赦宥要求。他是在国度针对青少年量刑执法的破法产生迟缓改变,并看到她的成熟!接收教导进程跟服刑时精良行动的证据之后,才做出这一决议。该剧由丹尼尔·H·伯曼执导。梅甘·E·查奥担负剪辑跟制片人。
宇宙是什么?宇宙的起源是怎样的?宇宙真的只存在我们地球人类吗?外星生物真的只是一个理论吗?你有没有想过,当你身处黑洞,或进入虫洞可以实现时间旅行,你会怎样?让我们一起跟随着奥斯卡影帝Morgan Freeman走进我们这个神秘的宇宙,一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!
宇宙是什么?宇宙的起源是怎样的?宇宙真的只存在我们地球人类吗?外星生物真的只是一个理论吗?你有没有想过,当你身处黑洞,或进入虫洞可以实现时间旅行,你会怎样?让我们一起跟随着奥斯卡影帝Morgan Freeman走进我们这个神秘的宇宙,一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!
In 1976 - Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.