BBC考古记录片,共四集。展示英伦三岛最新的的考古结果。从英伦三岛最早的原住平易近开端,汗青学家Alice Roberts报告考古职员的辛苦任务跟今年度英国最主要的考古发明。感激@猛犸君侯 供给资本。
MAGICAL LAND OF OZ offers a blue chip, continent wide series ranging from the land's highest snow peaks to the depths of the frigid and wild southern seas; from its last populations of wild numbats to its largest diorama of giant cuttlefish. It's a land of diverse beauty, that delights and surprises. The series both entertains and deepens our understanding of how the natural world is made up of not just unique species, but distinct individuals, whose lives are far from predictable. Using the latest camera technology we capture animal populations only recently discovered and behaviours not associated with species we thought we knew well. We meet animal characters so enigmatic, most Australians are unaware they share not just their island continent - but their own suburban backyards. We reveal the challenges these animals must navigate in a land of extremes, and extreme human-induced change. To do this, we fill the screen with colour, dance, acrobatics, music, mating and murder - all performed by the animals which make Australia a truly magical land.
Reporter John Ware investigates one of Britian's most important spies since WWII - Freddie Scappaticci, code-named "Stakeknife". A British spy who became the IRA's spy-catcher.
特破獨行的電影巨头赶上曾叱吒風雲的時代伟人,識豪杰重豪杰,三次會面坦誠交鋒,走過歷史繁重,毋忘笑看人間。荷索(42 - 屆)以詩人眼光看戈巴卓夫怎样突起成為前蘇聯領導人,揮舞改造開放紅旗,藉切爾諾貝爾核災炸破美蘇冷戰頑石,致令鐵幕崩溃!天下變天,讓跟平得以絕處逢生。談自愿上台壯志未竟的滄桑落寞,未若憶念亡妻相知相愛的黯然神傷。现在步入晚年,俱往矣!瞻顧目前新冷戰崢嶸再露,[問蒼茫大地,誰主沉浮!]
Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech companies is to get AI computers to diagnose diseases as well as a human doctor, which could ultimately result in accessible, more affordable, better healthcare for almost everyone. In a world with a chronic shortage of doctors, but where even the very poor own mobile phones, it could be truly re册utionary. And in Britain, advances in AI are already radically changing how some of us see our GPs. Dr. Hannah Fry uncovers the controversial inside story of this re册ution in healthcare, with privileged behind-the-scenes access to tech companies leading the way in healthcare innovation. Ambitious British tech start-up Babylon Health launched its ‘GP at Hand’ app in London in late 2017 - and has already persuaded 30 - 000 - Londoners to quit their old GPs to register instead for this NHS ‘digital first’ service, where patients discuss symptoms with an AI chatbot and see a doctor in minutes 24/7 - via their phone. Babylon’s CEO Dr. Ali Parsa talks passionately about how he hopes “to do with healthcare what Google did with information”. Kheiron Medical have also opened their doors, with their Clinical Director Dr. Hugh Harvey explaining how Kheiron’s technology is already outperforming human radiologists at spotting signs of cancer in mammograms. But this sector is new and challenging and GP at Hand’s arrival has proved controversial – with many GPs worried about the disruptive consequences for both patients and themselves. We hear from medical professionals such as Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair at the Royal College of GPs, who expresses caution about the hype around AI, voicing concerns about to what extent apps like ‘GP at Hand’ have been rigorously tested. Big questions are also raised about AI in healthcare: if it can be trusted, how it should be regulated - and what it means for all of us.
Stacey Dooley travels the world to uncover the hidden costs of the addiction to fast fashion. She sees for herself how toxic chemicals released by the garment industry pollute waterways that millions of people rely on. She witnesses the former Aral Sea, once one of the largest bodies of fresh water, now reduced almost entirely to dust. These are shocking discoveries likely to make you think twice about whether you really need those new clothes.
130年前,开膛手杰克在伦敦陌头犯下惊天血案。从那当前,很多人都试图解开这名如雷贯耳的连环杀手的实在身份,但都以掉败了结。如果凭仗古代法医学,终极可以了却 此案吗!经由过程对伦敦警员厅“旧案”考察部分的深度拜访,以及进步的法医学侧写技巧的参与,本片将第一次以迷信的方法对天下刑事史上最大未解之谜之一开展考察。一个由法医专家跟高等警官构成的精英小组将应用21世纪的罪犯特点 剖析跟法医心思学技巧来肯定这个世纪凶手的身份。同时,他们将以此契机,向不雅众展现今世警员的破解连环行刺案之道。
Lucy Worsley tells the story of Britain’s royals and photography. It’s a tale that begins with Albert and Victoria’s enthusiasm for having their pictures taken – and for taking pictures. Closer to our own time, such figures as Princess Margaret, often photographed by her husband, Lord Snowden, and Princess Diana loom large.
你晓得過去 100 - 年,讓最多人致逝世的災難是什麼嗎! 是碳排放!海嘯!天下大戰! 還是…… 1918 - 年爆發的西班牙流感,曾經造玉成天下約五億人沾染,逝世亡人數上看一億人,比一戰跟二戰逝世亡人數的加總還多。這場橫掃天下的瘟疫,距今不過一百年,流感帶來的致命威脅也從未遠離。英國大众電視 BBC 與科學家协作,製作了本集節目,以大規模的社會實驗,模擬致命流感爆發的情况。 风行病學的數學形式專家指出,英國现在的风行病計畫憑藉的是樣本僅有數百或數千人的无限資料集,這表现风行病學家必須尽力揣測人的行為,如果揣測錯誤,結果也就可能錯誤。僅管現代的人已經有許多可被追蹤的數位資訊,但是,以疾病傳遞方法為主軸的資料集卻還缺乏,因為這樣的資料集须要串連兩方面的數據:移動的動態,以及接觸人群的情況。 於是,网络數據的任務,被交到 BBC 风行病團隊手上,數學形式專家開出的幻想資料庫人數是一萬人,不過,在數位時代,BBC 风行病資料庫的規模順利成長為兩萬八千多人的巨型資料庫。应用手機應用程式,讓各人自願[沾染]虛擬流感病毒,藉以获得移動地位的數據,請參與者供给年齡!性別,並共同記錄下 24 - 小時內接觸的對象。 BBC 的另一場风行病實驗,由漢娜.弗萊博士表演[零號病患],在黑索米爾小鎮閒晃,觀察病毒人傳人的途徑,以把握疫病爆發時該怎样防堵。黑索米爾有五百名志願者參與這個實驗,但是,僅是一天時間,該小鎮的參與者已經有 77 - 人遭到沾染,三天之後,疫情更是一發弗成整理,高達 86% 的參與者都被傳染了。透過這個實驗,指認出哪些人可能成為[社會超級散布者],並应用程式模擬為這 10% 的超級傳播者接種疫苗,就讓沾染人數降低 40%。 為何區區流感竟有這麼大的殺傷力!在擁有抗生素與疫苗的現代醫療體系下,我們還须要擔心流感的爆發嗎! 谜底竟是确定的。根據 BBC 风行病應用程式推算出來的結果,一旦爆發大規模风行病,在疫苗供應前,英國的沾染人數推估將達到四千三百萬,可能會有八十萬人逝世亡。 在人!物與資本都倏地流動的寰球化時代,防疫體系好像也變得越來越软弱。歷史殷鑑不遠,大規模流感必定會發生,只是遲早的問題。所幸,藉由數學模擬與電腦程式等現代科技,能幫助我們預作準備,面對生逝世攸關的严重決策。
Future Cities, a full-length documentary strand from WIRED Video, takes us inside the bustling Chinese city of Shenzhen. We examine the unique manufacturing ecosystem that has emerged, gaining access to the world’s leading hardware-prototyping culture whilst challenging misconceptions from the west. The film looks at how the e册ution of “Shanzhai” – or copycat manufacturing – has transformed traditional models of business, distribution and innovation, and asks what the rest of the world can learn from this so-called “Silicon Valley of hardware". Future Cities is part of a new flagship documentary strand from WIRED Video that explores the technologies, trends and ideas that are changing our world. Subscribe to the WIRED YouTube channel to ensure you never miss an episode. 「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的系列记录片,带咱们走进繁荣的中都城会深圳。 咱们探索了这个已矛头初露的奇特的加工制作生态体系:它占有天下一流的硬件原型文明,挑衅了来自东方的毛病印象。本片正视“盗窟”(或称仿制)的演化怎样转变传统贸易,产物分销跟破异形式,也讯问这个“硬件硅谷”对天下其余国度有何可鉴戒之处。 「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的新系列记录片,摸索正在转变咱们这个天下的技巧,趋向跟设法。订阅「连线」杂志YouTube频道,确保你不会错过任何剧集。