巨大的圣母峰多年来让人如痴如迷盼望本人成为圣母峰上的第一人,也因而创下了很多豪举与喜剧。贝尔吉罗斯离开瑞士阿尔卑斯山这里的情况相似圣母峰,却邋只到圣母峰半山腰。掌管人举例先容圣母峰上主要的人类豪举从最年青!最凄惨!最极限到最远路程的圣母峰天下记录。在这个节目中不雅众得以一窥圣母峰壮阔却也残暴的一面。人们期望登顶之后,圣母峰能为他们发明出什么? 殊不知倒是圣母峰转变了他。
由掩护国际基金会(Conservation International)创意的“大天然在谈话”系列公益影片在美国宣布,并掉掉落了公家连续的存眷与支撑。该系列影片是首部以大天然元素为“第一人称”报告天然与人类关联的环保影片,以其奇特的视角!新奇的表示方法,掉掉落了好莱坞8位国际一线巨星的倾力支撑。“大天然在谈话”系列公益影片名目于4月登岸中国,现在,七部系列公益影片的中文版离开中国,从4月8日起,将以每周一部的频率涌现在中国不雅众眼前。七位在中国颇具影响力的演员蒋雯丽!葛优!姜文!周迅!濮存昕!陈建斌!汤唯分离为影片配音,助力推广环保运动。 “大天然在谈话”系列公益影片极具创意,以“大天然不须要人类,人类须要大天然”为宣扬标语,由苹果公司的告白创意奇才李·克劳(Lee Clow)创意并构造团队制造了8支精巧系列公益影片,内容波及大天然母亲!雨林!地皮!大陆!珊瑚礁!水!花!红木。该公益影片名目掉掉落了壮大的好莱坞一线明星支撑,茱莉亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)!哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)!凯文·史派西(Kevin Spacey)!爱德华·诺顿(Ed Norton)!佩内洛普·科鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)!罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)!伊恩·萨默海尔德(Ian Somerhalder)跟露皮塔·尼永奥(Lupita Nyong’o)纷纭为其“献声”,付与大天然以声响,通报大天然的心声,激发人类对本人行动的思考,并提倡人类意识及行动的转变。 日前,掩护国际基金会正尽力将“大天然在谈话”系列公益影片名目推广至寰球,约请人类一同谛听大天然的诉说,生机经由过程激起能让人们意识到大天然在咱们生涯中承当着主要脚色的对话,终极推进全部社会代价不雅跟行动的转变。大天然不须要人类,人类须要大天然,掩护大天然,刻不容缓。
ABC消息跟ESPN将在今晚的黄金时段特殊节目中报告已故的NBA传奇科比。早前美国主播Robin Roberts跟Michael Strahan将与ESPN记者Tom Rinaldi一同掌管该节目。长达一个小时的特殊报道将报道有关直升机坠毁的最新的细节的报道,该变乱夺走了全部人的性命,包含布莱恩特,他的女儿吉安娜跟明天上午在加利福尼亚州卡拉巴萨斯的其余七自我。特殊节目还将包含对篮球运发动跟意识科比的人的采访。科比(Kobe Bryant):传奇的逝世神于 1月26日礼拜日,美国东部时光(ET)/平静洋时光(PT)/晚上11 - 00在美国播送公司(ESPN)跟ESPN播出。这部记录片提前被咱们宣布,各人能够收费不雅看。NBA超等巨星科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)跟他的女儿吉安娜(Gianna)在加利福尼亚的一次直升机出事中丧生了9人。
Part 1 - Origin of Brexit Part 2 - The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi destabilized Africa refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 - Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam Defeated fleeing to Germany. —dncorp01 - Part 1 - Origin of the idea of the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union (EU), Part 2 - The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 - Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam Defeated fleeing to Germany. —dncorp01
CONOR McGREGOR: NOTORIOUS, filmed over the course of 4 - years, is a gripping access-all- areas account of McGregor's personal and professional journey from claiming benefits and living in his mum's spare room with his girlfriend to claiming multiple championship belts and 9-figure pay packets. Featuring exclusive interviews, unprecedented access and fight footage, this is the ultimate behind-the- scenes look at a sporting icon and his meteoric rise.
描写13世纪圣方济各‧亚西西彻底转变了上帝教,你能够从中看到他的不凡生涯,对于这终生的斗争!造诣及奉献。 从梵蒂冈!义大利到美国,天下上最有名的上帝教方济会学者们,都说明白备受亲爱的圣方济各怎样体当初教宗方济各中。
Russian president Vladimir Putin attacks the 2016 - American Presidential Election in collaboration with The Trump Campaign.
Donald Trump dominated the 2016 - Presidential with a master plan of political incorrectness, using The Art of the Insult to brand political opponents and bash the media all the way to the White House. In this film, Trump emerges as a marketing genius and performance artist who, despite being a Manhattan billionaire, captured the hearts of middle America. Critics are calling The Art of the Insult "the most entertaining political documentary ever!"
The Spy Who Raised Me follows the emotional journey of Chelsea Barsky, the U.S. born daughter of a former American-based Russian spy.
Roy Cohn personified the dark arts of American politics, turning empty vessels into dangerous demagogues - from Joseph McCarthy to his final project, Donald J. Trump. This thriller-like exposé connects the dots, revealing how a deeply troubled master manipulator shaped our current American nightmare.
He was a wisecracking World War II vet. She was an orphan, his kid sister’s best friend. Harold and Lillian eloped to Hollywood, where they became the film industry’s secret weapons. Nobody talked about them, but everybody wanted them. Theirs is the greatest story never told—until now.Academy Award–nominated director Daniel Raim presents HAR办公室D AND LILLIAN: A H办公室LYWOOD LOVE STORY, a fascinating and deeply moving account of the romantic and creative partnership between storyboard artist Harold Michelson (1920–2007) and his wife, film researcher Lillian Michelson (b. 1928)—a talented and generous couple once considered to be the heart of the industry.For sixty tumultuous years, Harold and Lillian weathered personal and professional setbacks while working on hundreds of films, many of them now classics, including The Ten Commandments, The Apartment, The Birds, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby, Fiddler On The Roof, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket. Although the couple was responsible for some of Hollywood’s most iconic examples of visual storytelling, their contributions remain largely uncredited.Through an engaging mix of love letters, interviews (including candid conversations with Harold and Lillian, Danny DeVito, and Francis Coppola) and film clips, home movies, and rare production art, HAR办公室D AND LILLIAN lovingly chronicles a remarkable relationship and two extraordinary careers spanning six decades of movie-making history.
A large immigration raid in a small Tennessee town leaves emotional fallout as well as far-reaching questions about justice, faith and humanity.
Reality Entertainment and The Sylvanic Cooperation presents "Discovering Bigfoot." Discovering Bigfoot is the first feature film documentary with real live interaction between a Bigfoot creature, wilderness experts, PhD's and other world renowned experts and researchers of the Bigfoot enigma. Journey into the heart of Sasquatch Country with Todd Standing who appeared with Survivorman's Les Stroud in "Survivorman Bigfoot". Experience three incredible days in the field with Bigfoot researchers, Todd Standing and renowned expert Professor Dr. Jeff Meldrum as they encounter a real live Sasquatch. What we think we know of human origins and e册ution is about to change forever as we discover the truth about a species that has remained elusive by outwitting and evading modern man for decades despite his best efforts. New evidence is revealed through scientific, systematic, and logical processes proving the existence of the Sasquatch species, modern day descendant of Gigantopithicus, a.k.a. Bigfoot. This unprecedented feature film includes - Never before seen, extraordinary Sasquatch footage that will shock the world. A terrifying altercation between Todd Standing and 3 - Sasquatch creatures in the wild. Five never before seen video encounters with the Sasquatch species and overview of the life and death struggle that was necessary to acquire them. YOU WILL FEEL THE FEAR.
有名小提琴家林赛·斯特林在三十岁诞辰前夜,经由过程「一往无前」一片报告在从前所阅历的人生中最具挑衅性跟创伤性的变乱。经由过程艺术,她追求并分享生机跟勇气,而本人也时常抚心自问:“我够大胆吗!” 这部片子对这位奇特的艺术家直接了密切触摸,包含她的出色扮演所源于的事实生涯中令平易近气碎, 高兴跟爱的启示。
这是一场对于美国干净动力上风的摸索之旅。片子制造人James Redford透过从德州的乔治敦社区到纽约的水牛城社区里最不像企业家的创业者们,展现了首创性的干净动力处理心划。这些计划能发明掉业机遇!发生利润!使社区变得更强更安康。这不只是一个对于科技跟破异的故事,他的发明凸显了人类的韧性!社会公理!拥抱将来!为人类的生活寻觅生机的主要性。
中心电视台与新西兰天然汗青公司(NHNZ)!美国大众播送电视台(PBS)!德国电视二台(ZDF)等机构结合摄制的5集大型天然类高清记录片「大平静洋」,将于2017年12月31日至2018年1月4日,天天21 - 00在记录频道播出。 平静洋笼罩了全部地球面积的三分之一。它的 面积超越地球全部海洋面积之跟,代表性的硕大无朋在这里安家落户,珍异物种在这里繁殖生息,另有有数尚待人类挖掘的奥秘生物埋伏在此。 记录片「大平静洋」应用4K高分辩率摄像机直接拍摄,攻破海洋与大陆的界线,从前所未见的方法出现平静洋的故事。本片拍摄的物种跟故事多达近30个,散布在寰球14个国度跟地域。推翻传统以地域!习惯!物种串联故事的方法,一集一个情绪主线,一个植物配角,经由过程它的迁移,将差别植物的故事串联在一同,而且每会聚焦于平静洋的某个标忘性特点:豪情!贪心!狂暴跟奥秘,将平静洋上的各色故事交错在一同,描绘出这片大陆丰硕多彩的每一面。为不雅众懂得平静洋供给新颖的视角,激发不雅众共识。
这是一场如史诗般的举世游览,一场可想而知的星际碰撞,这里记载了地球数十亿年中的每一次触目惊心的地球时辰。优酷!云集未来!国度地舆结合出品记录片「被点亮的星球」,由奥斯卡提名影片「黑天鹅」的导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基跨界执导实现。该片站在浩渺宇宙之上,以天主视角审阅地球上的地 质异景与性命传奇,彻底推翻了人类对天下原有的视觉意识,赞助新一代人类从新界说本日地球。
Are there limits to your love for your family? One family's acceptance is tested when a champion diver, destined for the Olympics, announces he's transitioning into a woman-and invites his YouTube followers along for every moment. It's a story about unconditional love and finding the courage to be yourself.
Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...
In 2017 - University of Illinois scholar Yingying Zhang goes missing and a suspect’s girlfriend works with the FBI to go under cover and secretly record a conversation that ultimately cracks the case.
A documentary about the origin and the up growth of the fashion label Ralph Lauren
A documentary about Ben Bradlee, the iconic editor of The Washington Post.
妇女游行发动了数百万妇女在特朗普总统就任后抗议。但跨认识状态的任务以袭击不公平也有其挑衅。奥斯卡奖——提名导演艾米·伯格重返圣丹斯片子节,她带着一个外部人士的视角审阅了妇女游行引导层中的跨部分保守主义奋斗。 Berg捕获到了2017年第一次游行的协作构造进程跟布满生机的能量,并花时光在幕后,夸大在人群衰退后连续直接的任务。对妇女游行结合主席塔米卡·马洛里跟社区构造引导人埃里卡·安迪奥拉来说,游行只是他们更普遍的活动的冰山一角,而安迪奥拉主意移平易近权力,马洛里支持枪支暴力。当马洛里因与路易·法拉坎部长的关联而遭到袭击时,马洛里跟拉比·雷切尔·蒂莫纳之间的一次强无力的对话开启了一场对于跨部分引导的对话。 鉴于包含马洛里在内的四位妇女游行首脑近来的争辩,伯格的片子为探讨困扰妇女活动一个世纪的疑问供给了一个实时的跳板。
故事比较Q Ball (2019);心惊胆战了一个半小时,幸亏不堕入福音片子的套路中,但“公理永不会出席”最后的审讯仅仅是站在道义跟本相基本上,不克不及躲避司法轨制的范围性,可比较彼时科比的性侵案乃至之后卡恩的性丑闻,乃至章莹颖案中为宽免逝世刑的交流前提;假如从主题进一步拓展来说,在现在MEtoo风潮下,这种相反的对男性的自我掩护也算是一股清流了;