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纪录片,运动 美国
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A documentary about the making of the award-winning video game 'God of War (2018),' which reframed and reformed the central character and told a story of fatherhood and betterment.
纪录片 美国
Experts agree there are some very basic - and universal - rules for surviving in the wild. Find shelter, find water, find food, find help. Beyond that, there's not much they agree on. Meet military trained Dave Canterbury and naturalist Cody Lundin - trained survival experts who have very different methods of meeting survival challenges. Together, with their drastically different backgrounds, the pair are dropped into scenarios that could happen to anyone: marooned sailors, lost hikers, trapped divers and stranded mountain climbers. Equipped with minimal gear that would have been carried in the real-life situations, Cody and Dave must draw upon their arsenal of skills to devise extraordinary ways to use what they can find in their surroundings to demonstrate what it takes to stay alive.
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记录片 美国
纪录片,运动 美国
记录片 美国
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纪录片 剧情 美国
时髦“男魔头” 安德烈·莱昂·塔利是美国版「VOGUE」时髦杂志后任总编,此次时髦的聚光灯会聚到了他身上。本片经由过程采访与安德烈熟悉的诸位计划巨匠跟时髦名流,如Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Bethann Hardison, Valentino, and Manolo Blahnik,将他的职业生活以致人生展示给不雅众。
纪录片 美国
Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...
记录片 美国
「走近皮克斯」共有四个章节,共20集。这一系列记录短片将率领各人深刻懂得皮克斯动画台前幕后的出色故事。第一章“灵感”于2020年11月13日在Disney+上线,每粗放12分钟。 Produced by Pixar Animation Studios, Inside Pixar is directed by Erica Milsom and Tony Kaplan, the series offers insights into the personal and cinematic stories that provide an inside look into the people, artistry, and culture of Pixar Animation Studios.
纪录片 美国
Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans documents the most authenticated case of possession in American history.
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「幸存者」记载了被以为是这个时期最严峻的大众卫生危急中,塞拉利昂人巨大的故事。导演亚瑟·普拉特对疾病暴发奇特的切进口!叙说语气以及洞察深入的记录,成为了懂得安康劫难形成社会!政治影响的棱镜。「幸存者」记叙了多少自我的故事:默罕默德·班古拉,该国最大救护车调派点的一位 资深救护车司机;福代·科罗马,一个住在弗里敦穷人窟的 12 - 岁男孩;玛格丽特·西塞,一个在弗里敦埃博拉医治急诊任务的护士,她须要照料病情最严峻的病人。片子从沾抱病初期开端追随这些人物,始终到WHO宣告埃博拉在塞拉利昂被彻底扑灭。
纪录片 剧情 美国
In 1976 - Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
纪录片 美国
Everyone knows Sue, the majestic Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton that is the pride of Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. Less known is the bizarre seven-year tale of intrigue, perfidy, double-dealing, and government intervention that resulted in the dinosaur-hunting discoverers, members of South Dakota’s Black Hills Institute, being divested of their find, cheated of recognition, and even sent to prison. Assembly of the gigantic fossil is something of a metaphor for filmmaker Miller’s meticulous reconstruction of a story that includes home movie footage of Sue’s discovery and recovery, her 1992 - kidnapping by heavily armed FBI agents, a rip-roaring courtroom drama as her ownership falls into dispute, and her eventual sale at auction for a heart-stopping sum.
纪录片 美国
Facebook is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 - billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive online, tracking and profiling users and non-users alike. Cracking the Code looks at the insides of this giant machine and how Facebook turns your thoughts and behaviours into profits—whether you like it or not. And it's not just a one-way transaction either. Cracking the Code also explains how Facebook uses vast troves of web data to manipulate the way you think and feel, as well as act—all in the sole interests of Facebook, masquerading as "community." What are the social implications of this—when one company basically controls the insights and experiences of the entire online world, with extremely personalised and targeted social and behavioural engineering on a scale never before seen?
纪录片 剧情 美国
In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo - 12 - years, 12 - manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.
纪录片 美国
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Fox Rich, indomitable matriarch and modern-day abolitionist, strives to keep her family together while fighting for the release of her incarcerated husband. An intimate, epic, and unconventional love story, filmed over two decades.
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Elvis Presley's e册ution as a musician and a man.
纪录片 美国
纪录片 美国
美国疾病掌握与防备中央的呈文表现,美国人的预期寿命100多年来初次涌现降低,Dr. Sanjay Gupta对此觉得非常震动。在「“压力山大”的美国人」一片中,Gupta动手考察事件的本相并试图找出起因地点。在存眷社会安康的同时,Gupta发明因为美国社会的压力日益增大,“掉望的逝世亡” (由药物适量!慢性肝病跟自残惹起)已成为一种风行病。该片还探索了文明!宗教!迷信以及自我对逝世亡跟濒临逝世亡的立场。
纪录片 美国
The documentary follows "the life and work of artist Shepard Fairey, going deep into the world of street art and its role in politics and pop culture. Obey Giant follows Fairey's rise from his roots in punk rock and skateboarding, to his role as one of the most well-known and influential street artists in the world - through his iconic Obama "HOPE" poster and the controversy that surrounds it."
纪录片 美国
Part road-movie and part intimate portrait of lives in transit, IT WILL BE CHAOS unfolds between Italy and the Balkan corridor, intercutting two unforgettable refugees stories of human strength and resilience.
纪录片 美国
This documentary profiles women who were tested in 1961 - for spaceflight, but had their dreams dashed when only men were chosen to become astronauts.