这部由时间网出品的五集片子人物纪实节目,初次将镜头聚焦于一群中国片子的幕后豪杰,来自美术!声响!殊效!拍照!配音5大片子幕后工种,他们是代表着当今中国片子工业水准的最优良的7位片子人。 怎样用声响去扮演!怎样用光影去外型!为了做「影」买下全天下的雨声是怎样回事!节目中,他们泛论各自的片子创作与职业故事,用一个个鲜活的集体故事,实在出现了 “一部片子的出生”; 中国殊效是不是五毛!中国能不克不及做得了“灭霸”!西方片子美学能不克不及驯服天下!他们直指行业的窘迫与疑问,也答复平易近众对中国片子的“成见”,用专业为不雅众答疑解惑,为当下中国片子工业找到准确的翻开方法。 「我在中国做片子」既是“给片子的一封情书”,也是给万千影迷!爱片子的人!努力于从事片子任务的新秀们的“一堂片子课”。
尼克松(弗兰克·兰格拉 Frank Langella 饰)在水门变乱后上台,却一直不曾对公家否认过本人的毛病,欠美国国平易近一个报歉。福斯特(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰)是一个在澳大利亚掌管脱口秀的英国纨绔后辈,在直播中瞥见尼克松搭乘直升飞机分开白宫时萌发采访他的意念并决议付诸实际。 不人对福斯特抱有希望,不电视公司违心出钱购置他的采访,友人约翰(马修·麦克费登 Matthew Macfadyen 饰)找来业内有名的消息人鲍勃(奥利弗·普莱特 Oliver Platt 饰)跟对尼克松研讨颇深的詹姆斯来构成一个小组,开端直接材料发掘。福斯特本人掏钱付了头笔的采访费,掉掉落了与尼克松会晤的机遇,而且敲定了持续采访的日子。小组冒死预备疑问以便逼尼克松在采访中认罪。尼克松的军师团也在劳碌地预备应对,他们从不把福斯特放在眼内。正式采访开端,福斯特抵挡不住尼克松滚滚不停的自辩,这所有让福斯特孤注一掷,寻觅打破口……
「地平线」栏目帮你发明宠物猫在猫门以外的生涯。 这是一个首创性的试验,研讨职员给在萨里郡的一个村落50只猫戴上了标签与GPS项圈,并记载他们的白入夜夜在后院!花圃围栏跟灌木佃猎跟巡查的行迹。 此片开辟了猫对这个天下的奇特视线。你认为你充足懂得本人的宠物猫!实在他们的机密生涯会让你惊奇。
植物天下中,哪一种生物最快最强! 什么生物能够跳得最远,有谁又能精确一击! 所有尽在这个神奇的植物奥运会傍边,场上布满着各种生物支撑者的喝彩唤嚷声-哺乳类!鸟类!虫豸类!匍匐植物及鱼类,各种参赛健儿将竭尽所能争取六个奥运名目奖牌。 为公正起见,所有植物在各项竞赛竞技时将被缩放成人类尺寸,令竞赛成果出乎预料。一只一点八五米(1.85M)高以时速八百公里(800KM/H)奔驰的虎甲虫,真的能够在百米竞走中赛过印度豹或走鹃!平静洋野生鲑鱼与果蝇蛆两位在跳高竞赛中决一胜败,另一方面在泳池中,鲛鲨正目睹敌手企鹅及帆蜥在竞赛时因跳出水面而被撤消资历……
This is the story of how our solar system will be transformed by the aging sun before coming to a spectacular end in about eight billion years. Astronomers can peer into the far future to predict how it will happen by analysing distant galaxies, stars and even planets in their final moments. In this film, Horizon brings these predictions to life in a peaceful midwestern town that has a giant scale model of the solar system spread out all over the city. As it ages, the sun will bloat into a red giant star, swallowing planets... as well as half the town. The fate of the Earth itself hangs in the balance. How will the solar system end?
Professor Jim al-Khalili takes a sharp-witted and refreshingly optimistic look at how we have created machines that can simulate, augment, and even outperform the human mind - and why we should not let this spook us. Following in the footsteps of BBC Four’s award-winning maths films like The Joy Of Stats and The Joy Of Data, this latest unreservedly geeky adventure sees physicist Professor Jim Al-Khalili tell the story of the pursuit of AI, the emergence of machine learning and the recent breakthroughs brought about by artificial neural networks. He shows how AI is not only changing our world, but also challenging our very ideas of intelligence and consciousness. Along the way, Jim will show how spam filters use AI to weed out ‘[email protected]’ as well as ‘Viagra’ from your inbox; meet a cutting-edge chatbot to find out how it keeps the conversation flowing (and where it really starts to struggle); see why just a few altered pixels makes a computer think it is looking at a trombone rather than a dog; and talk to Demis Hassabis, the AI wizard who heads DeepMind, whose stated mission is "to solve intelligence and then use that to solve everything else". Jim learns how AI is a potent new tool that can help enhance our lives, not replace us. And besides - Jim finds out - the average toddler is still smarter than any computer ever made (yet). In the name of research Jim also goes for a spin in a self-driving car, plays chess as if he were a computer programme written over 70 - years ago, and discovers why a
由荣获美国艾美奖导演R·J·卡特尔执导的全新记录片「玄月刊」,聚焦时髦界女王级人物安娜·温图尔,记载了这位任职「时髦」杂志长达20年的传奇女主编,以及环绕在她身边的时髦编纂团队们,独特预备!创作杂志2007年玄月刊的出书的全进程。全片历时三年计划,进驻位于纽约时期广场的VOGUE团体总部跟拍长达八个月,累积超越300小时的影像素材,详确记录史上最具份量的9月号VOGUE专刊,由企划到付印的出色全进程。 安娜·温图尔,她的名字不只在立体媒体行业里如雷贯耳,更成为时髦界极具影响力跟极富标忘性的代名词。这位片子「穿普拉达的女王」里报告的“时髦女魔头”,在本部记录片中褪下奥秘的面纱,泛论时髦以及家庭对本人的影响,让人见地到她隐蔽在冰凉表面下,对任务与亲情的酷爱与执着。
他与他的相遇,让是日放学会接收与原谅。UGC法国二区11年2月2日刊行DVD及蓝光碟 超越30万年前,尼安德特人统治星球,大概3万年前,他们永久消逝...尼安德特人血液能否仍旧在咱们的血管中流!不人晓得,除了AO人-最后的洞居人。
Liz Bonnin presents a controversial and provocative episode of Horizon, investigating how new scientific research is raising hard questions about zoos - the film explores how and why zoos keep animals, and whether they need to change to keep up with modern science or ultimately be consigned to history. Should zoos cull their animals to manage populations? Liz travels to Copenhagen Zoo, who killed a giraffe and fed it to the lions, to witness their culling process first hand. They think it is a natural part of zoo keeping that is often swept under the carpet. Should some animals never be kept in captivity? In a world exclusive, Liz visits SeaWorld in Florida and asks if captivity drove one of their orcas to kill his trainer. But could zoos be the answer to conserving endangered species? Liz examines their record, from helping breed pandas for the wild to efforts to save the rhinos. She meets one of the last surviving northern white rhinos and discovers the future of this species now lies in a multimillion-dollar programme to engineer them from stem cells. Veteran conservation scientist Dr Sarah Bexell tells Liz the science of captive breeding is giving humanity false hope.
自在软件基金会(FSF)周一宣布,报告软件专利的记录片「Patent Absurdity: how software patents broke the system(专利的荒诞性:软件专利怎样损坏专利体制)」正式在互联网上颁布。 这部记录片由独破制片人Luca Lucarini拍摄,掉掉落了FSF的赞助,探究了比年来越来越多的软件专利案件,以及软件专利对软件开辟者跟团体经济的损害。记录片的长度只有30分钟,应用创作共用允许证宣布,你能够从互联网档案馆下载“高品质版本”(BT下载)跟“高清版本”(BT),字幕供给了英语!法语!德语!意大利语!岛国日本语!波兰语等版本,中文版由阮一峰翻译并在其博客供给下载。
Pat Tillman gave up his professional football career to join the Army Rangers in 2002—and became an instant symbol of patriotic fervor and unflinching duty. But the truth about Pat Tillman is far more complex, and ultimately more heroic, than the caricature created by the media. And when the government tried to turn his death into war propaganda, they took on the wrong family. From her home in the Santa Cruz mountains, Pat’s mother, Dannie Tillman, led the family’s crusade to reveal the truth beneath the mythology of their son’s life and death. Featuring candid and revelatory interviews with Pat's fellow soldiers as well as his family, Amir Bar-Lev’s emotional and insightful film not only shines a light on the shady aftermath of Pat’s death and calls to task the entire chain of command but also examines themes as timeless as the notion of heroism itself.
「唐人街永存」报告了一位年过八旬!不为人所知!自学成才的艺术家Frank Wong有关唐人街影象的故事。他在四十余年的时光里,打造了占有丰硕场景!外型浪漫!过细入微!宛在目前的微缩唐人街景不雅,重塑了旧金山华埠逐步褪色的美妙回想。
Horizon goes behind the scenes at NASA as they countdown to the landing of a 2.5 - billion-dollar rover on the surface of Mars. In six days time, the nuclear-powered vehicle - the size of a car - will be winched down onto the surface of the Red Planet from a rocket-powered crane. That's if things go according to plan: Mars has become known as the Bermuda Triangle of space because so many missions there have ended in failure. The Curiosity mission is the most audacious - and expensive - attempt to answer the question: is there life on Mars?