Water Lilies by Monet – the Magic of Water and Light tells the story of the origin of a massive work of art that broke with convention, of an artist resurrecting his life only thanks to painting. His human endeavor defied both space and conventions in his timeless masterpieces. In a war-torn country, the undisputed genius of French Art disrupted the art world and changes it forever. As the end of the First World War drew near it became clear to Monet that his work of art could not but be his final legacy to France: a symbol of peace, hope, and resistance, in a battered and bloody world. This is the tale of an obsession with light and water the painter could not escape from and how he transformed it into a kind of magic. A tale of the radical elements that re册utionized Modern Art: Monet’s clear intent was to transfer onto canvas the “first, pure impression” of forms and objects as they appear to the eye that has never seen them before. And this documentary will show the Water Lilies by Claude Monet, as they have never been seen before. A unique, exclusive look at the masterpieces housed at the Orangerie Museum, the Marmottan Museum, the Orsay Museum and Giverny, for the first time ever on the big screen for an unrepeatable experience. Inspired by the international bestseller Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies (2016) written by Ross King, also featured in the film.
邓小平,一个雕刻在新中国史册上不容疏忽的主要名字。他曾单身赴欧洲勤工俭学,曾引导地皮反动!动员百色叛逆,与刘伯承带领刘邓雄师开拓晋冀豫抗日依据地,强渡黄河动员鲁东北战争,更切身批示主要的淮海战争。开国后他三起三落,从未屈从,挺过了残暴的文革时代,以总计划师的身份指点渺茫中的新中国走上了改造开放的亨衢。他途经了浦东!深圳,站在桥的一端久久远望香港,其倔强坚决的引导人作风连素有女强人之称的撒切尔夫人也不禁得甘拜上风。 本片以邓小一生前留下的20件遗物为契入点,为不雅众展示了一代巨人波涛壮阔且极不平常的终生……
70年前,国平易近束缚军渡海作战兵团逾越琼州海峡,同公平易近党军开展登岸夺岛之战,束缚了中国第二大岛—海南岛,发明懂得放战争史上的经典胜利战例。为留念束缚海南岛70周年,中心播送电视总台!海南省委宣扬部!海南播送电视总台结合摄制了三集文献记录片「束缚海南岛战争」,将于5月25日起在CCTV-4晚八点档「国度影象」栏目播出。该片全景再现了这场渡海登岸作战的光辉战争,出色出现了战地记者拍摄的大批贵重影像,包含兵团征集船只!培训海员!海上作战练习!海情敌情考察等外容。70年前,第四野战军构造渡海作战兵团共十余万人集结雷州半岛,在做了充足预备后,于1950年4月16日晚发动大范围渡海战争,千帆竞发强渡琼州海峡,同公平易近党海空军在海上开展鏖战。此战争以木风帆为主,配以部门机风帆直接大范围渡海登岸作战,捣毁了公平易近党军陆海空破体防备,不只是束缚战争史上的奇不雅,也是天下战争史上的奇不雅。为随后束缚沿海别的岛屿的作战供给了丰硕的渡海登岛作战的胜利教训。 该记录片活泼翔实展示懂得放海南岛战争的决议内情!渡海兵团海训情形跟四次机密潜渡!中共引导的琼崖纵队在海南的据守跟策应,再到渡海兵团大范围登岸!束缚海南岛的全进程。据先容,该片摄制组脚印踏遍海南!广东!武汉!北京等地,寻访遍布海南岛全岛!雷州半岛等地近百处相干遗迹!原址,寻访到数十位九旬以上的亲历者跟威望研讨专家学者,结合事先战地记者拍摄的汗青影像,这部记录片在鲜活的贵重影像中触摸人物的温度;在汗青文献的字里行间挖掘汗青本相;在亲历者的叙说中寻觅鲜为人知的出色故事;在疆场遗迹上重现70年前束缚海南岛的烽火硝烟。
「秘境神草2」,报告的是人与天然!人与本草的中国故事,为此,导演组,风雨无阻,摸清晰官方采药人的故事头绪。 在荒原导演吕岛与导演组的艰苦尽力下, 造诣了一视觉盛宴的中草药记录片。 「秘境神草」第二季将于3月24日起逢周日21 - 10广东卫视播出,共六集节目内容,包含「历险问药」!「神性之根」!「深山珍宝」!「原野福音」!「雪线珍异」!「母体奉送」。
For a small nation Latvia seems to have produced a disproportionate number of exceptionally talented documentary filmmakers. Perhaps owing to the development of the school of poetic documentary film-making in Riga in the 1960's the likes of Herz Frank, Juris Podnieks, the Selecki clan, Una Celma and Laila Pakalnina enjoy a global reputation. Out of them all it is quite possibly Frank who is the best known and well respected. The man behind such classics as "10 - Minutes Older," "The Seven Simeons," and "The Last Judgment," he has served as a teacher, mentor and an inspiration to several generations of Latvian filmmakers. In Flashback the man who devoted his entire career to examining and recording the lives of others turns inwards and focuses the lens on his own life and career. What emerges is a portrait of a man who has been driven by the need to understand the human condition and who at the age of 75 - facing open heart surgery, is not sure whether he has seen enough to understand and yet weary from having seen too much. Part travelogue, part biography and part mediation on the nature of documentary film-making and life, Frank mixes footage from his previous works with more recent work to accentuate and attempt to illuminate his present. Opening with footage of the OMON attack in Riga in 1991 - which took the lives of cameramen Andris Slapins and Gvido Zvaigzne, Frank freezes on an image of Juris Podnieks (a frequent collaborator and former student and cameraman of Frank's), as his face registers the shock and realization that his own cameramen have just paid with their lives for his and their desire to pursue and document reality. (Podnieks himself would die in a tragic scuba diving accident only a year later.) As Podnieks' facial expressions play out in slow motion, Frank cuts to an excerpt from his and Podnieks perhaps best known work Ten Minutes Older. Ten Minutes Older was a single take shot with minimal lighting recording the reactions of children as they are watching a puppet show. Their faces covering the spectrum of human expression and emotion from joy to sorrow. From there he cuts to the face of one of the children in Ten Minutes Older in the present day. The setting is now completely different. Rather than a play in which we expect emotion, we now find the child as a man in the middle of an international bridge tournament where the expression of emotion needs to be suppressed at all costs. The face is older, but unmistakable in its identity. What may be hidden from his opponents sitting only inches away across the table is evident in the naked eye of the camera. It is this nakedness and what it ultimately shows us, and our desire and need to see it that is at the core of Flashback. The film covers In this day of an endless glut of reality TV shows which play to our most prurient desires Flashback reminds of us our higher need for the nakedness of "reality" that the camera can provide, our fascination with it and what it can ultimately tell us about ourselves. The major weakness of the film is that it is at times disjointed and discordant. The film attempts to do too much all at once. Any of the topics he touches on, from his open heart surgery to his wife's long illness and death, from his relationship with Podnieks to the follow up to the characters in Ten Minutes Older, his father's life and legacy, his own journey from Riga to Jerusalem, among many others, deserved and would have been better served by their own films. We are often left wishing that he had stayed with a particular story line while Frank and his camera have already moved on. Even the footage from his past works, while poignantly accentuating the present, often leaves us desiring a second and longer look at the past rather than returning to the present or jumping to the next subject. Despite this flaw the film is a fascinating look at a man fascinated with looking at people and the lives they lead. A collage sometimes leaving us wanting for more, but also leaving us with no doubts as to the skills of its maker.
记录片「上线了文物 第1季」共30集,每粗放6分钟报告一件来自华夏的文物。在这里,你能够听到8000年前的声响,看到5000年前的故里陈迹,明白到3000年前的奖杯。 本次创作,不范围于博物馆里奇珍奇宝的传奇故事,也有奇迹古修筑当面不为人知的弯曲阅历。联合文物展现!3D建模!情景再现!汗青小戏院!采访!MV等多种方法拍摄制造。将以全新的视角,生动生动的画风,艰深易懂的言语,解读占有厚重汗青的华夏珍宝。让咱们不忘初心,知来处,明行止。
"I want to give a view of the world that can only emerge by not pursuing any particular theme, by refraining from passing judgment, proceeding without aim. Drifting with no direction except one's own curiosity and intuition." (Michael Glawogger) More than two years after the sudden death of Michael Glawogger in April 2014 - film editor Monika Willi realizes a film out of the film footage produced during 4 - months and 19 - days of shooting in the Balkans, Italy, Northwest and West Africa. A journey into the world to observe, listen and experience, the eye attentive, courageous and raw. Serendipity is the concept - in shooting as well as in editing the film.