纪录片 剧情 美国
斯派克·琼斯执导的聚焦Beastie Boys的记录片[野兽男孩的故事]释出正式预报。脚本将由琼斯跟集团成员Mike Diamond跟Adam Horovitz撰写。琼斯曾为其专辑热单「Sabotage」执导过MV。本片被宣扬为一次现场记录片休会,侧重于该集团的汗青跟业绩以及其私密的自我故事。 该名目源于Diamond跟Horowitz在2018年10月出书的「Beastie Boys Book」一书。本片将于4月24日登岸Apple TV+,别的另有特供版本将提前在IMAX影院4月2日限制开画。
纪录片 剧情 美国
In 1976 - Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
纪录片 剧情 美国
A story of enduring love between Leonard Cohen and his Norwegian muse Marianne Ihlen. The film follows their relationship from the early days in Greece, a time of ‘free love’ and open marriage, to how their love e册ved when Leonard became a successful musician.
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塔可夫斯基之子親自編導,由導演父親塔可夫斯基 的珍貴自述貫穿全片,並以詩人祖父阿爾謝尼的詩 作互相呼應,娓娓道出電影詩人面對藝術及性命的 哲思與信心。片中更罕見地泄漏塔可夫斯基對部份 作品的詮釋,為其如夢的影像天下留下註解。 以七部長片!一部短片的創作歷程為經,對電影藝 術的考虑及寻求為緯,八段章節串起塔可夫斯基的 藝術創作與成長經歷,在個人道命的生滅之間,鏡 頭下贱動的詩性與靈性如禱詞般信奉堅定!永恆不 墜。在性命真谛跟創作意義的叩問之餘,更見證藝 術家對故鄉的戀戀不捨。在導演眼中,在時間之流 裡,父親的身影永遠鮮明。 [我期盼引領觀眾一窺其創作源頭,分享我與他互 動時的感触。他是偉大的藝術家!偉大的人,也是 我的人生導師。他是我的父親。]──安德烈安塔 可夫斯基
纪录片 剧情 美国
In 2019 - the CrossFit Games consisted of dramatic changes to the season, and final competition. Can the top male and female athletes find their way in this new format to be crowned, the Fittest on Earth?
纪录片 剧情 加拿大
In1956 - four years before Jane Goodall ventured into the world of chimpanzees and seven years before Dian Fossey left to work with mountain gorillas, in fact, before anyone, man or woman had made such a trip, 23-year old Canadian biologist, Anne Innis Dagg, made an unprecedented solo journey to South Africa to become the first person in the world to study animal behavior in the wild on that continent. When she returned home a year later armed with ground-breaking research, the insurmountable barriers she faced as a female scientist proved much harder to overcome. In 1972 - having published 20 - research papers as an assistant professor of zoology at University of Guelph, the Dean of the university, denied her tenure. She couldn't apply to the University of Waterloo because the Dean there told Anne that he would never give tenure to a married woman. This was the catalyst that transformed Anne into a feminist activist. For three decades, Anne Innis Dagg was absent from the giraffe world until 2010 - when she was sought out by giraffologists and not just brought back to into the fold, but finally celebrated for her work.
纪录片 剧情 美国
Blaine's famous friends make appearances and allow him to work his mysterious talents on them.
纪录片 剧情 英国
纪录片 剧情 大陆
后代本应当孝敬尊重母亲。但是当母亲老了,兄弟二人却定下如许的规则,一人养母亲一年,这一年内假如母亲的体重降低,作为不孝的处分,则要再养一年。四月初八,大儿子来接娘的日子要到了。 二儿子名义上孝敬,给白叟吃许多好吃的,实则把母亲酿成了“母猪”。当母猪够称之时,也就是分割之日。
纪录片 剧情 美国
美国Dicovery频道在2006年前播出的无比震动的记录片: Living with tigers 曾牵动有数关怀山君这种濒危物种的人们的心.这部片的意思在于:使很多人懂掉掉落山君曾经濒危到必需直接异地挽救的地步了,更解释大型猛兽的野化并不是弗成能的,燃起了咱们从新彻底挽救这个物种的壮志!
纪录片 剧情 美国
纪录片 剧情 加拿大
Available on Netflix Friday, March 27 - Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Oscar and Emmy award-nominated actor-director Ellen Page and co-director Ian Daniel engage in deeply personal and political dialogue with women at the forefront of some of Nova Scotia’s most urgent environmental crises. Based on the book of the same name by Ingrid Waldron, There's Something in the Water explores the topic of environmental racism, poignantly shining a light on the Canadian government’s current and historical decisions to prioritize the profits of large corporations over the health of indigenous and black communities.
纪录片 剧情 英国
纪录片 剧情 美国
From the director of Generation Iron, comes the anticipated sequel that will depict 5 - of the top bodybuilding and fitness mega-stars on a quest of achieving the ultimate physique and taking it to the next extreme level. In the world of social media and internet, the rules have changed as to what makes an iconic bodybuilding mass-monster. Starring Kai Greene, Calum Von Moger, Rich Piana, among others, this film will explore an all new generation of bodybuilders and how this new world, and new people, carve their own path to physique perfection.
纪录片 剧情 运动 美国
「钢铁时期」是一部报告健美圈故事的纪实大片,摄制组追踪记录了职业健美巨星布兰奇·沃伦!罗利·温克拉!凯·格林!奥林匹亚老师菲尔·希斯以及许多其余健美明星备战2012年奥林匹亚老师赛的进程。 该片由美国传媒团体跟作家兼导演弗拉德以及弗拉达公司协作拍摄,旨在让主流社会对健美活动有更多懂得,从而有助于更好地清除平易近众对健美运发动的成见,更好地遍及健美活动。影片在拍摄阶段便开端了轰轰烈烈的宣扬造势,一直在网上放出新闻,接收媒体采访,吊足了各人的胃口。
纪录片 剧情 其它
网飞出品的记录片「正宗LA」宣布预报。这部记录片的配角是文身师Mister Cartoon跟拍照师!MV导演Estevan Oriol。兴许这两人的名字对正常人不是那么如雷贯耳,但他们对美国嘻哈文明影响异常深远。预报片中涌现的科比跟埃米纳姆等大牌明星都曾找Mister Cartoon文身。而Estevan Oriol曾拍摄过罗伯特·德尼罗!阿尔·帕西诺等浩繁好莱坞明星。这部记录片将为你展示好莱坞差其余一面。该片将于4月10日在网飞上线。
纪录片 剧情 美国
记录片「沙特阿拉伯王储--默罕默德·本·萨勒曼」(PBS 火线) 近来有两个最重磅的国际话题,一个是美国股市进入技巧性熊市,另一个就是俄罗斯跟沙特打石油价钱战。在石油价钱战方面,一边是涉足国际政坛多少十年的普京,另一边是1985年出身的沙特阿拉伯王储--默罕默德·本·萨勒曼。 自从2015年,他的爸爸当上沙特国王,而他被录用为副王储及沙特国防部长以来。他的每一次措施都市引来很大的国际争议,东方人习气称其为MBS,也有人给他起了一个愈加洪亮的绰号:Mr.Everything。 他的办事作风以保守!勇敢著称,使他在沙特海内掉掉落了年青人的狂热追捧。他刚担负国防部长就在不知会美国的情形下双方面动员也门战役。到厥后的群体拉黑卡塔尔,否认以色列在中东的存在,高调拜访美国并接收各路媒体的采访,强迫黎巴嫩总统告退,计划阿美公司上市,答应妇女开车,将天下500多名富豪跟王子抓到旅店里要钱等等。此中最让人张口结舌的变乱,是2018年10月15名沙特间谍在伊斯坦布尔领事馆内肢解记者卡舒吉。
纪录片 剧情 大陆
北京片子学院2013届结业结协功课「老寨」,导演周东。 黄岗村位于贵州省黔西北州黎平县双江乡,是一个异常偏僻的侗族寨子,有快要三百户一千多口人,位于贵州!广西跟湖南三省接壤的地位,因为因为地位偏僻,交通方便,信息闭塞,侗族特有平易近族文明与乡村景不雅,在这里掉掉落了异常完全的掩护。当初,村庄里在修路,能够设想这个已经阔别尘嚣的侗族寨子,跟着公路的修通,很快就会走进当初文明的度量,无论是是正面的仍是负面的,确定会给这个寨子带来比比皆是的深远影响。
纪录片 剧情 英国
“阿拉斯加”(Аляска)这个称号是在俄属北美时代引入的,事先是用来指阿拉斯加半岛。阿拉斯加这词来自于阿留申语的一熟语,意味的指全部阿拉斯加。从字面下去懂得,意思为"object to which the action of the sea is directed"或许源于阿留申语的“Alyeska”一词,意思是“很大的海洋”。本系列将视察阿拉斯加一年的气象,提醒富有摸索精力的生涯在阿拉斯加的人跟植物的故事,追踪他们与大天然奋斗并捕捉每个时节大天然付与的财产。
纪录片 剧情 美国
JERUSALEM takes audiences on an inspiring and eye-opening tour of one of the worlds oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5000 - years, Jerusalems enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions? Why does it still matter to us?
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A journey through Mongolia, Japan, China and South Korea, narrated by the journals of Finnish linguist, diplomat and journeyman G.J. Ramstedt (1873-1950).
纪录片 剧情 加拿大
纪录片 剧情 英国
BBC2’s new three-part documentary series Earth’s Tropical Islands explores the world’s most exotic and remote islands, starting with Madagascar  Escape our cold, dark winter and enjoy a glimpse of the world’s most colourful and amazing islands in BBC2’s new three-part documentary series, Earth’s Tropical Islands, narrated by actor David Harewood.  First up is Madagascar in the Indian Ocean – the oldest island on Earth and home to more than 15 - 000 - species found nowhere else in the world.地球寒带岛屿 第一季的图片 · · · · · · ( 增添视频
纪录片 剧情 美国
「幸存者」记载了被以为是这个时期最严峻的大众卫生危急中,塞拉利昂人巨大的故事。导演亚瑟·普拉特对疾病暴发奇特的切进口!叙说语气以及洞察深入的记录,成为了懂得安康劫难形成社会!政治影响的棱镜。「幸存者」记叙了多少自我的故事:默罕默德·班古拉,该国最大救护车调派点的一位 资深救护车司机;福代·科罗马,一个住在弗里敦穷人窟的 12 - 岁男孩;玛格丽特·西塞,一个在弗里敦埃博拉医治急诊任务的护士,她须要照料病情最严峻的病人。片子从沾抱病初期开端追随这些人物,始终到WHO宣告埃博拉在塞拉利昂被彻底扑灭。
纪录片 剧情 大陆
 湖南的湘东北的地位,外地经济不活泼,嫡平易近要么出去打工,要么上山开矿。因为矿难一直,当局虽尽力整理跟标准,但仍是不少人合法开采。矿工下矿井常不留心防护,多年后,许多矿工得了尘肺病。 本片从2010年开端拍摄,直至2018年,摄制周在即十年,直至跟拍的尘肺病主人公赵品凤逝世 ,留下年幼的后代跟弱智的老婆,他们的生涯何去何从。
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她以俏丽而著称。她有古代女性从未企及的势力。但在统治的顶峰时代,纳芙蒂蒂王后从汗青书中偃旗息鼓。现在,扎希 哈瓦斯博士正开展一项新考察以找到掉落的纳芙蒂蒂木乃伊。经由过程追踪古代石刻的残片,借助尖端DNA剖析追溯其血缘,哈瓦斯发明,纳芙蒂蒂的汗青记录与现实本相一模一样……为了寻觅线索,哈瓦斯的团队深刻撒哈拉戈壁的地下泉台,造访开罗市中央跟欧洲各地的古代试验室。来自柏林有名的纳芙蒂蒂半身像的惊人新证据为他们供给新线索以查明这位巨大王后的实在身份,与此同时,DNA新发明则无望解开她的遗传暗码……这兴许能让咱们在时隔那么多世纪之后再度注视纳芙蒂蒂的绝世芳容 - 已经的千年之谜……
纪录片 剧情 大陆
陕西终南山的一个村庄里,住着一些跟尚羽士,另有不肯搬下山的村平易近,当局曾经决议要开辟这里的新闻早就传开了,然而拆迁之前,山下去了一个墨客。墨客还带来了一群先生,他们有的刚退学,有的只是来看看。 分开都会的生涯,是一种回避,仍是一种大胆!他们将碰到怎么的生涯! http: //site.douban.com/widget/photos/5467525/photo/1270590094/
纪录片 剧情 美国
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在20世纪80年月中期,一对加拿大年青人Bruce LaBruce 跟G. B. Jones自办杂志跟克己片子向全天下先容了发达开展的多伦多酷儿同道庞克差别面孔。在这个因特网之前的时期,天下还没方法立锐意识这两个特破独行反骨反叛,无当局主义试验派的保守份子。 然而很快,他们的推翻性创作从他们的寝室往外流窜,吸引了一群跟随者,萌生出一种保守的次文明,挑衅了主流同性恋跟同道庞克的设想。影片自身就是布满颜色!音乐!艺术拼贴的次文明嘉光阴,活气豪放, 反水力实足。 这是Yony Leyser 第二部记录长片,他是一位当初驻柏林的美籍以色列/巴勒斯坦血缘的美国片子人,尽力在柏林布满活气的次文明的地下空间里摸索鲜为人知的出色故事,他异常具反判力,之前在CalArts的片子黉舍由于用他的艺术作品来批驳院长,而被踢出黉舍。他的作品特殊存眷同道与跨性别认同!风行文明跟反主流文明。他的影片在超越150个影展放映过。
纪录片 剧情 台湾
纪录片 剧情 英国
Everything or Nothing focuses on three men with a shared dream - Bond producers Albert R. Broccoli, Harry Saltzman and author Ian Fleming. It's the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history which began in 1962. With unprecedented access both to the key players in册ved and to Eon Production's extensive archive, this is the first time the inside story of the franchise has ever been told on screen in this way.
纪录片 剧情 美国
Traces the long and ferocious rivalry between Coke and Pepsi, centered on the “New Coke” debacle of 1985. For almost a hundred years, Coke had been the undisputed leader in the multibillion dollar global soda industry–stodgy, predictable, but indisputably top dog–while Pepsi had been the upstart No. 2 - forever poking at its big brother with cutting edge advertising. But in 1985 - in a stranger-than-fiction twist, Coca-Cola’s executives took a step so daring that no one in either company could believe it: they changed the formula of the most popular beverage on the planet.
纪录片 剧情 英国
Produced by the Emmy award-winning Banger Films, ZZ TOP: THAT LITTLE 办公室' BAND FROM TEXAS tells the story of how Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, and Frank Beard became one of the biggest, most beloved bands on the planet, all while maintaining a surrealist mystique that continues to intrigue fans and entice onlookers 50 - years after the band's inception. Buoyed by candid band interviews, never-before-seen archive, animation, celebrity fan testimonials (Billy Bob Thornton, Joshua Homme and more), and an intimate performance at the legendary Gruene Hall shot exclusively for this documentary, "That Little Ol' Band" runs the gamut, from the absurd to the poignant, from squalid Texas bars to MTV heroics, all in celebration of this notoriously private, but larger than life, power trio. In the end, ZZ TOP: THAT LITTLE 办公室' BAND FROM TEXAS unravels the extraordinary tale of a band whose image we know, but whose story we don't.
纪录片 剧情 英国
由Mark Gatiss执笔的奥秘博士50周年现实剧〖时空探险〗在英国时光21日晚9点终于登上大荧幕~该片报告了1963年史上最长命的科幻剧奥秘博士的出生由David Bradley, Jessica Raine, Brian Cox & Lesley Manville等演员主演试图复原昔时场景 与这部剧出生的崎岖之路..
纪录片 剧情 美国
从咱们的第一声哭泣到最后一次呼吸,咱们的身材正阅历着一直的奥妙变更。咱们的每一个天性举措以及从外界遭到的每一次安慰,都经由过程咱们的皮肤!骨骼!器官!肌肉以及细胞得以表现。咱们终生中均匀呼吸7亿次,成年人的骨架每7-10年改换一次,身材每分钟会逝世掉落3万个皮肤细胞,咱们吃下的食品从口至肛门要阅历9米的路程。这些看似稀松平凡的纤细霎时,实在都是咱们赖以生活的生物体系奥妙的变更进程。  当初,国度地舆频道(NGC)将采取显微拍照技巧!进步的医学技巧跟心脏断层(CT)显像技巧,率领你一起进入人体的肌肤深处,与你一起见证咱们从少小!青年!成年到老年进程中,人体是怎样运作!生长跟成熟的。
纪录片 文艺 生活 剧情 运动 美国
故事比较Q Ball (2019);心惊胆战了一个半小时,幸亏不堕入福音片子的套路中,但“公理永不会出席”最后的审讯仅仅是站在道义跟本相基本上,不克不及躲避司法轨制的范围性,可比较彼时科比的性侵案乃至之后卡恩的性丑闻,乃至章莹颖案中为宽免逝世刑的交流前提;假如从主题进一步拓展来说,在现在MEtoo风潮下,这种相反的对男性的自我掩护也算是一股清流了;