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JERUSALEM takes audiences on an inspiring and eye-opening tour of one of the worlds oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5000 - years, Jerusalems enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions? Why does it still matter to us?
剧情,纪录片 美国
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Bedlam is the first major documentary to explore the crisis in care of severely mentally-ill citizens. Set in Los Angeles, the film tracks wrenching individual stories of mentally-ill patients caught on an endless merry-go-round of ineffective care, exposing the anatomy of a broken healthcare mill. What was once a system built around long-term asylum care has essentially become a crude horror show for thousands who are detained, medicated, and tossed onto the streets with no means of recovery. There, petty crime and drug addiction land many in prison, where they are detained and medicated again, creating a tragic loop. As one psychiatrist points out, this government-sanctioned loop is the actual definition of insanity. Add to that the fact that few psychiatrists are even willing to treat those most severely afflicted, and you’ve got an all-out crisis that’s also a major source of homelessness and incarceration. With a mixture of pained intimacy and sweeping historical context, Bedlam shows how deep-seated shame, stigma, and decades-long political negligence have led to the single largest social catastrophe of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. 「精力病病院」是首部探究严峻精力病患者热情护理危急的大型记录片。这部片子以洛杉矶为配景,报告了精力病患者被无休止的有效热情护理的扭转木马缠住的疼痛故事,揭穿了一个粉碎的医疗工场的剖解构造。 已经树破在临时呵护热情护理基本上的体系,对被扣留!服药!被扔到街上无奈痊愈的数千人来说,已经基本上酿成了一个粗鲁的恐惧秀。在那边,稍微犯法跟吸毒成瘾使很多人落入牢狱,在那边他们再次被关押跟服药,形成了一个凄惨的轮回。正如一位精力病学家指出的,这个当局承认的轮回是精力紊乱的真正界说。除此之外,多少乎不精力病大夫违心医治那些受熬煎最严峻的人,并且你有一场片面的危急,这也是无家可归跟开释的重要起因。
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'Scandalous' is the sensational true story of The National Enquirer, the infamous tabloid with a prescient grasp of its readers' darkest curiosities.
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To Hell and Back: The Kane Hodder Story is the harrowing story of a stuntman overcoming a dehumanizing childhood filled with torment and bullying in Sparks, Nevada. After surviving a near-death burn accident, he worked his way up through Hollywood, leading to his ultimate rise as Jason Voorhees in the Friday the 13th series and making countless moviegoers forever terrified of hockey masks and summer camp. Featuring interviews with cinema legends, including Bruce Campbell (Ash vs. Evil Dead), Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), and Cassandra Peterson (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark), To Hell and Back peels off the mask of Kane Hodder, cinema's most prolific killer, in a gut-wrenching, but inspiring, documentary. After decades of watching Kane Hodder on screen, get ready to meet the man behind the mask in To Hell and Back - an uniquely human story about one of cinema's most vicious monsters.
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故事件节8次获奖者-洛杉矶片子奖最佳片子奖-洛杉矶片子奖最佳导演奖-洛杉矶片子奖-月度最佳影片奖-好莱坞片子节奖-2016亨利片子节奖-最佳导演奖-最佳片子-迈阿密独破片子节奖-片子节官方评比出20个天下片子节“我见过的最棒的屏幕呆板人之一”——「英国片子批评」(UK FILM REVIEW)镌汰赛冠军。这部片子提醒了在世跟做人的意思。一部精彩的片子'-洛杉矶片子奖的官方多获奖科幻独破短片'人'。「人类」由屡获殊荣的片子制造人帕特里克·莱德执导,报告了安娜的故事,一个迷路孤单的女人偶尔发明白一个看似放弃的堆栈,但她在外面的发明将永久转变她的生涯,由于她发明白由亚历克斯·菲利普斯表演!米奇·劳斯配音的呆板人阿里姆。智能呆板可以。。。
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An epic journey revealing the real Mars, as you've never seen it before. Using data from orbiters and rovers to build accurate views of the red planet and uncover its secrets. On a single circuit of Mars from dawn to dusk, encounter monster 册canos, ancient lakes, alien ice-worlds and spacecraft crash sites. Explore humanity's Martian obsession, join the relentless search for life there, and hunt for a human home on the red planet's surface.
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The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down Duchamp's ideas and applies them to both historical events and the modernist explosion that blanketed the early 20th century. Art of the Possible isn't simply a biopic; rather, the film shows how Duchamp's ideas changed the public consciousness, and our understanding of aesthetics, art, and culture. The film highlights the singular impact of Duchamp's philosophy on art, and, more importantly, examines how Duchamp's re册utionary ideas from the early 20th century have shaped the 21st century and modern day.
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本片基于吉娜·基廷的书「网飞传奇」(Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America's Eyeballs)改编。从1997年出生至今,Netflix的开展进程,几乎就是一部跌荡崎岖的商战片。这本书中,会给你一个过细入微的复原。
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Neuroscientist David Eagleman taps into the creative process of various innovators while exploring brain-bending, risk-taking ways to spark creativity.
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Academy Award Nominated director Michèle Ohayon's Verite film follows women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds who heal trauma and body image shame through sensual dance and daring pole dance artistry.
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克丽丝·梅斯(「咱们这一天」「美国恐惧故事」)将主演新片「弗成能的事」(The Impossible),Fox 2000制造。基于Joyce Smith所著自传「The Impossible: The Miraculous Story of a Mother’s Faith and Her Child’s Resurrection」,报告一个差别平常的实在故事:Joyce14岁的儿子John在某个冬天掉落进了密苏里州的一条冰河里,被宣布逝世亡,经由过程Joyce的祷告跟信奉,1个小时后,John的心脏再次跳动了起来,16天当前,John不靠外力走出了病院,完整痊愈了。 罗斯安·道森(「美国谍梦」「纸牌屋」)执导,Grant Nieporte(「七磅」)改编脚本,3月温尼伯开拍。
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Go behind the music as Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band record together live for the first time since Born In The U.S.A. in this intimate documentary that captures reflections on love, loss, and the way music has shaped Bruce Springsteen’s life. Coming October 23 - to Apple TV+
剧情,运动 美国
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时髦“男魔头” 安德烈·莱昂·塔利是美国版「VOGUE」时髦杂志后任总编,此次时髦的聚光灯会聚到了他身上。本片经由过程采访与安德烈熟悉的诸位计划巨匠跟时髦名流,如Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Bethann Hardison, Valentino, and Manolo Blahnik,将他的职业生活以致人生展示给不雅众。
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「幸存者」记载了被以为是这个时期最严峻的大众卫生危急中,塞拉利昂人巨大的故事。导演亚瑟·普拉特对疾病暴发奇特的切进口!叙说语气以及洞察深入的记录,成为了懂得安康劫难形成社会!政治影响的棱镜。「幸存者」记叙了多少自我的故事:默罕默德·班古拉,该国最大救护车调派点的一位 资深救护车司机;福代·科罗马,一个住在弗里敦穷人窟的 12 - 岁男孩;玛格丽特·西塞,一个在弗里敦埃博拉医治急诊任务的护士,她须要照料病情最严峻的病人。片子从沾抱病初期开端追随这些人物,始终到WHO宣告埃博拉在塞拉利昂被彻底扑灭。
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In 1976 - Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
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In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo - 12 - years, 12 - manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.
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Fox Rich, indomitable matriarch and modern-day abolitionist, strives to keep her family together while fighting for the release of her incarcerated husband. An intimate, epic, and unconventional love story, filmed over two decades.
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大型科技公司如Google, Facebook, Twitter怎样影响交际媒体!
纪录片 剧情 犯罪 美国
聚焦2018年震动美国的沃茨一家行刺案:科罗拉多女子Chris Watts否认杀逝世本人怀着孕的老婆跟两个年幼女儿。在与老婆Shanann在家中产生争斗后,Chris掐逝世了她,并把遗体与目击了所有并问“妈妈怎样了”的4岁女儿Bella跟3岁女儿Celeste一并开车带走,拉到他事先的店主所有的一处油田上,闷逝世了两个女儿,将妻女的遗体扔到了油罐中。 Chris尔后被捕并判毕生开释。后来他宣称老婆有外遇,并表现是本人在婴儿监控器中看到老婆勒逝世了女儿,他在震怒之下掐逝世老婆并弃尸。尔后在一次长时光的牢狱采访中,Chris泄漏是本人杀逝世了妻女,考察也发明是Chris有外遇。
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Every year, the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings premieres of the best new climbing films to communities around the world, with 500 - locations in 40 - countries - and counting... REEL ROCK events feature athlete and filmmaker appearances, prize giveaways, sponsor activation and fundraising for non-profit organizations.
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2019岁末的一场跨年大火无情的吞噬了澳大利亚数百万公顷的丛林跟地皮,夺去了数以千计幼小生灵的生命。此中憨态可掬的澳洲标记小植物考拉也未能幸免,他们被困于熊熊火海之中无奈逃离,无奈自救。熄灭着的熊熊大火让人们发生了担忧:考拉会就此从地球上消逝吗!不了大丛林这个赖以生活的故里他们还能衣食无忧的生活下去吗!与时光竞走的寻觅!救济!安顿等一系列行为跟筹划能够如愿吗? 本片拔取了最活泼!最实时的第一手素材,不只记载了大火的无情跟凶悍同时也记载了人类点点滴滴的勇敢业绩。大面积断电断网,外地住平易近在面临本人故里被销毁的窘境下仍不丢下树上掉望的小考拉...一个个小生灵也牵动着天下各地植物掩护者跟爱心人士的心。据迷信家跟植物学家研讨标明历时半年已久的丛林大火已将考拉这个物种,由生活遭到威逼演化到了成为天下濒危物种,迷信家表现寰球天气变更是形成此次大火的主要要素。「大火后的更生:考拉救济」的拍摄主要会合在澳大利亚本次受灾最严峻的四个地域,摄制组采访了来自天下差别国度的考拉救济者跟植物学家,报告了他们争分夺秒,暖和平易近气的勇敢故事。
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A moving and triumphant love story about two trailblazing women who break barriers and conventional norms, coming out to their conservative families as they face the difficulties of aging.
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中文名稱:国度地舆:摸索者:美国末日筹划/最终国防(明珠台) 英文名稱:National Geographic Explorer.AmericanDoomsday (2010) 文件格局:MKV/45分钟 对 白: 英语 字幕言语: 中英笔墨幕 内容提纲 美国末日筹划 www.natgeo.com.cn 上世纪五十年月,来自美国军方!谍报机构及白宫的官员机密会见,制订美国的末日筹划。事先正值暗斗顶峰,他们制订 的这一筹划具体指明白美国当局怎样应答苏联的核袭击。多年来,这一筹划跟着新的威逼而转变,但其目的稳定,那就 是保持联邦当局的存续。 最终国防 tvb.com 自从暗斗时代,美国逾五十年来,早已预备了一个最终的国防应变办法,以敷衍国度可能面临的严重变故。家喻户晓,这 个应变机制,在九逐一时履行过。毕竟九逐一时,这个最终机制是怎样履行!「最终国防」带不雅众去到履行最终应变办法 的基地,以及是在“末日”时,美国总统仍旧能够办公的战机E4-B上不雅赏
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20 - 世纪 80 - 年月初,轰隆可卡因众多成灾,像海啸一样囊括了美国的市中央穷人区,所到之处满目疮痍。多少十年之后,人们仍旧可以深切地感触到这场劫难对国平易近生涯!家庭跟社区形成的损坏性影响。「快克年月:可卡因!贪腐与诡计」不只审阅了毒品对自我形成的损坏,还探究了这场危急的奥秘来源,以及由此招致的黑人跟棕色人种一直被边沿化的疑问,他们深受美国牢狱跟医保体系所困。