When a couple of swindlers arrive in an off-the-map village to reap the fruits of their ill-gotten scam, little do they realise that they have unlocked the arcane spell that enshrouds a place that is anything but a safe harbour.
It started with one woman’s act of defiance – removing her headscarf – hijab – on one of the busiest streets in Tehran, capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was an image that captured the attention of the world. Who was this woman? And was she alone in her defiance of the mullahs? In this film, the award-winning ITV Exposure strand goes undercover into Iran to meet up with the women challenging the religious autocrats who have ruled the country for forty years. The hijab is the symbol of their authority – and women who protest against wearing it risk imprisonment and torture. In a year in which Iranians have taken to the streets in unprecedented protests at corruption, poor economic conditions and state repression, women have been at the forefront. The film follows the stories of four women – Shima, Shaparak, Maryam and Masih. All have paid a high price for their defiance, but all remain unbowed. Filming undercover, we hear their hopes and fears, and their determination to fight for a modern, tolerant Iran, free from religious imposition.
From conception to completion the story of an oil painting and its subsequent sale. An unflinching examination of the intention and techniques of the artist Peter Howson, as he creates his monumental, apocalyptic painting; Prophecy.
在往年早些时间的多伦多国际片子节上,「Maiden」以其布满气力跟毅力的不凡故事让不雅众们觉得高兴。经由过程大批的档案录像跟深刻的自我采访,这个令人叹为不雅止的记录片构成了一个布满牵挂!酸楚跟奋发的路程,标明白人类精力的速决倔强。 在20世纪80年月前期,英国专业海员特蕾西·爱德华兹认定,她已禁受够了被辞退的煎熬,并被贬斥为她所加入的帆海队中独一的女性。特蕾西将眼光投向行将到来的惠特贝克举世赛事,这是一次令人震动的4万海里的举世飞行,多少乎不船敢阻挡。特蕾西招集了天下上第一批国际全女风帆队并加入了竞赛。因为她们不只禁受住了危及性命的公海,并且禁受住了媒体中性别轻视的风暴,这群鼓励平易近气的妇女不得不依附她们本人跟相互的纯弹性来证实支持者跟疑惑者是毛病的。但是,他们不完整预感到的是,他们的远征将怎样不只仅象征着一场达到起点线的竞赛。
Notorious cult The Lords of Samhain resurrect long dead serial killer Halloween Jack and all hell breaks loose in the town of Dunwich.
‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ charts the story behind Damien Hirst’s most ambitious project to date. Almost ten years in the making, the eponymous exhibition was displayed across the Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi in Venice from 9th April – 3rd December 2017. Hirst collaborated with director Sam Hobkinson and producer Nicolas Kent to chronicle the exhibition’s extraordinary backstory; the discovery and excavation of an ancient shipwreck.
依据王尔德的戏剧「温夫人的扇子」改编而成。 艾琳夫人(Helen Hunt饰)是一朵美艳的外交花,她沉着地周旋在各种男世间,享用着女神的高贵报酬,也被他们的老婆视为祸不但行,在真正的名媛淑女中如雷贯耳。 遭到30年月美国经济冷落的影响,艾琳离开意大利寻觅新机会,她的涌现按例犹如投入湖面的一块巨石,搅乱了世人本来的镇静生涯。此中便包含良家妇女梅格(Scarlett Johansson饰)跟老公温德米尔,梅格对老公的出轨末路怒不已,她信心还治其人之身还治其人之身,一场关乎恋情跟品德的角力赛未然开展。
本片用迷幻的影像跟摇滚乐报告了一个非典范乐队主唱的生长史。儿时,平克(鲍勃•吉尔道夫 Bob Geldof 饰)的父亲在二战中身亡,母亲与家庭大夫关联暗昧,这让他幼当心灵备受创伤。在黉舍,他对逝世板的填鸭教导疾恶如仇,时辰预备着绝地回击。成年后,他在泡吧时结识了风流的舞女,并与之产生了关联。但是,性欲的满意感并不保持太久,他就厌倦了这种不靠谱的情感,特殊是他对女人的疑惑跟妒忌到达了登峰造极的田地,因而当对方再度示好投怀送抱的时间,他便歇斯底里地暴发了,俨然要把全天下都砸碎了才算放心。在此时期,他还抒发了激烈的反战情感跟愤世嫉俗的不雅点,在物资丰硕的生涯中,他的精力生涯非常匮乏,在产业化大行其道的情况里,他还猛攻着妄想的断壁残垣……
影片配景设定在20年月的伦敦,剧情将集聚焦伍尔芙与韦斯特之间的情事:弗吉尼亚·史蒂芬1912年嫁给伦纳德·伍尔夫,接着碰见了下流社会人士兼作家薇塔·萨克维尔·韦斯特——哈罗德·尼科尔森的老婆。自1922始,她们开启了一段长达十年的爱情,并保持着性关联,互通了许多情书跟日志。在她们的爱情闭幕之后,两人仍坚持着精良的友人关联,直到1941年伍尔芙逝世。 这将是Chanya Button自2015年「Burn Burn Burn」之后执导的第二部剧情长片,艾琳·阿特金斯编写脚本,依据她出演的同名舞台剧(1993年终次在伦敦演出,1994年登岸百老汇)改编,还会基于伍尔芙跟韦斯特之间的情书直接创作。伊娃·格林跟安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格此前曾触摸过伍尔芙这个脚色,后接踵退出。导演称这是一部“新颖安慰,布满发明力!豪情与性欲”的影片。其余卡司包含伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼!鲁伯特·彭利·琼斯!彼得·费迪南多,9月爱尔兰开拍。
Distant cousins and childhood friends Elinor Carlisle and Roddy Welman are happily engaged to be married. One day Elinor receives an anonymous letter in the post, claiming that someone is trying their hardest to work their way into the affection, and subsequently also bank account, of her wealthy aunt Laura Welman, who is presently bedridden at her home since after a stroke and from whose death Elinor and Roddy both expect to inherit a large fortune. Not knowing what to make of the letter, the young couple eventually decide to pay Laura a visit in order to see for themselves what is really going on at the house. When they arrive, Elinor immediately becomes suspicious towards Mary Gerrard, the lodge keeper's daughter, recently returned to England after having studied in Europe and whom everyone else at the house seem to absolutely dote on. No one else however seem to share Elinor's suspicions or dislike of the young woman, and in particular not Roddy, whom Elinor one night discovers kissing Mary Gerrard in her aunt's drawing room. When Mary suddenly turns up dead, poisoned by a salmon sandwich, Elinor's dislike of Mary makes her the obvious suspect and hardly has time to take in what has happened before she finds herself on trial and condemned for murder. The only person who is not entirely convinced of Elinor's guilt is Doctor Peter Lord, who decides to contact his old friend Hercule Poirot in order to help him prove her innocence.
中年银行人员Sheila Woolchapel在外地的百货公司买入了一件英俊的红裙子后,面临本来费劲不谄谀的任务!缄默寡言的儿子以及恶梦般的女友时,感到士气大增。这条裙子乃至让她在独身专栏碰见爱好的男子。但当她将裙子放入洗衣机那霎时,由裙子激发的繁重价值开端了。奥秘的售货员Miss Luckmoore谢绝收回裙子,而更恐怖的是,这条裙子是无奈消灭的。
Summertime, 1994. In a quiet mining village just outside Doncaster, a rumour stirs about the legend of a giant carp in the nearby decoy ponds. Trevor takes watch one night at the water's edge. The following night, he decides to lead a brigade of young friends and neighbours on a fishing expedition. In a world of broken families, cassette tapes and rumbling political fever, these friends, each with their own struggles to bear, share a moment of harmony as they witness the carp for themselves that they will never forget.
乡绅恩萧老师外出带回了一名吉普赛小友人回咆哮山庄,取名希斯克利夫(汤姆•哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)。儿子亨德雷(伯恩•戈曼 Burn Gorman 饰)妒忌父亲对希斯克利夫的偏幸,对他千般捉弄跟讽刺。恩萧老师只得把到处针对养子的亨德雷送往投止黉舍。女儿凯瑟琳(夏洛特•莱李 Charlotte Riley饰)自小与希斯克利夫两小无猜,两人渐生深挚的情愫。恩萧老师逝世后,亨德雷回到咆哮山庄继承父业,把希斯克利夫贬为奴婢,极尽抨击。而凯瑟琳也迫于无法嫁给了画眉田庄的埃德加(安德鲁•林肯 Andrew Lincoln 饰)。万念俱灰的希斯克利夫挑选了远走异域,三年后积聚了巨额的财产返来开端了跋扈狂的抨击。他设局夺得了咆哮山庄,直接让亨德雷酒醉而亡,骗取了埃德加的妹妹伊莎贝拉与之私奔让埃德加蒙羞,所有的所有让照旧深爱着他的凯瑟琳疼痛不胜,难产而逝世。精力紊乱的希斯克利夫将这种抨击继承延及到下一代,直至他抱着凯瑟琳的尸骸分开人间。 该片改编自英国作家艾米莉•勃朗特的同名代表作「咆哮山庄」。
特性温驯的母亲琳,带着无邪绚丽的女儿艾欧娜,搬家至小镇开展重生涯。情感密切的她们相互打气想像美妙将来,事实却不尽人意。专心想融入社区运动的琳反复受阻,惨遭街坊妈妈排拒还视她如怪物;艾欧娜妄图成为高校女王蜂的闺蜜,未料女孩们的奚落作弄绝不包涵。母女俩无奈向对方倾诉本相,反而开端罗织甜美假话,掩盖掉败。但为难的雪球却越滚越大,直奔绝壁行将坠下。 力图生活的母女好像柔嫩针毡,目击尖利的针一根根刺下身,却一筹莫展,跟气的神色,只能换来更多无情的霸凌,唯有想像力,能教芳华从残暴中展翅飞行。黛博拉海伍德天然流利的首部作品,获选威尼斯影展影评人周揭幕片,融入奇幻绚丽的颜色,调合想像与事实的落差,并以惊讶的开头,造诣一部成人(长)的玄色童话。
Facebook is a company that has grown from nothing to be worth half a trillion dollars in just 15 - years
David Millar是独一夺冠环法自行车赛的英国人,但2004年他因服用禁药而被捕禁赛。现在重回赛场的他,素性能再次打击环法,但是他未然不再年青了,他毕竟是否如愿以偿,又违心为成功支付几多价值呢!
圣诞节将至,一间地处偏僻的小板屋里,波特(拉菲·斯波 Rafe Spall 饰)跟马特(乔恩·哈姆 Jon Hamm 饰)同坐一桌,用红酒跟烤土豆庆贺这个银装素裹的节日。波特缄默寡言,低头沮丧,而马特却恰好相反,为了逗波特发言,他向波特报告了本人的从前。 已经的马特是一名“爱情导师”,他经由过程摄像头跟收集“近程操控”他的客户,让这些素日里无人问津的“宅男”们可以在派对山胜利抱得丽人归。但是,一场不测让马特决议永久分开这个他运营得风生水起的行当,此间毕竟产生了什么!听了马特的叙说,波特终于决议向马特报告本人的故事,这个故事关乎于他跟他的女友,但并不完整关乎于恋情。