罗伯(利亚·穆克法奇克 Liam McIlfatrick 饰)的女友苔丝(Emma Cooper 饰)由于吸食毒品适量而逝世,但这桩喜剧并不让罗伯离开迫害。不只仅是罗伯,他的全部友人们都由于毒品而过这糊里懵懂的生涯。 盖尔(Rachel McIntyre 饰)跟奶奶过着相依为命的生涯,盖尔患有广场恐怖症,于是终日将本人关在家里。而盖尔的奶奶则患有幽闭恐怖症,但腿脚欠好的她无奈径自外出,因而也终日生涯在疼痛之中。格莱德文太太(Betty Bench 饰)跟老公完婚多年,两人之间情感始终非常要好,但是,一场从天而降的出轨变乱损坏了他们婚姻生涯的镇静,两自我固然向生涯让步,但都支付了响应的价值。
只管安娜贝尔(布蕾克·莱弗利 Blake Lively 饰)满心的不违心,但她仍是在母亲的强势强迫之下去加入了德克萨斯州蜜斯的竞选,但是,一场从天而降的不测牟取了她年青的性命,就如许,安娜贝尔以一具遗体的情势同埃尔维斯(麦克思·明格拉 Max Minghella 饰)相遇了。埃尔维斯想要做一名遗体美容师,但是,家中纷歧自我懂得他的这个奇异幻想,而且想方想法地阻拦他实现本人的幻想,这让埃尔维斯觉得很不自在。让埃尔维斯怎样也意想不到的是,躺在他眼前的男子的遗体居然奇不雅般的复出了。就如许,一个诡异的开端开展成为了一段奥妙的情缘,在安娜贝尔跟埃尔维斯之间,浪漫的故事就此开展。
数百万年前,可想而知的神奇气力将地壳撕扯得支离粉碎,由此发明出七个蔚为壮不雅的大陆。时间荏苒,每个大陆都孕育了别具特点的野活泼物。从生气勃勃的南美洲森林深处到冰雪笼罩的亚洲山峦之巅,从欧洲冷冷清清的都会到非洲的广袤平原,「七个天下 一个星球」将开启一次七大洲之旅,出现匪夷所思的植物行动,报告不为人知的植物故事。咱们将摸索在这七个天下,丰硕多样的性命如安在地球上成长繁殖,同时提醒在人类主导的天下,植物们所面对的差别挑衅。
Mind your head. Cleaver is back! And this time he's brought family!
Unscrupulous politicians have secretly been resurrecting British soldiers killed in combat to use them for top secret missions. However, the widow of one of the undead soldiers is determined to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy.One of the resurrected soldiers offers to help her uncover the truth on the condition that he is given a proper burial, which has disastrous consequences for everyone in册ved…
With her son Edward (Tom Hiddleston) about to embark on a 册unteer trip to Africa, doting mother Patricia (Kate Fahy) wants to give him a good send-off, and gathers her family together for a getaway to a holiday home on idyllic Tresco, one of the Isles of Scilly. Edward’s father’s attendance is eagerly anticipated, though sister Cynthia (Lydia Leonard) appears to be there under some duress, going through dutiful motions. Cook Rose (Amy Lloyd) is happy to tend to the family, though her presence causes some discomfort. The holidaymakers spend their time walking, cycling, taking picnics and being tutored in oil painting, appreciating the breathless beauty of their surroundings. Gradually, deep fractures within the family set-up begin to surface. One of the most eagerly anticipated features of the year, Joanna Hogg’s follow up to Unrelated serves as a worthy companion piece to her brilliant and acclaimed debut, as she continues to make astute and authoritative observations on the malaises of the middle-class, extracting sometimes painful drama from incidental events. Archipelago confirms Hogg as one of the most intriguing and vital voices in modern British cinema.
24岁的杰克(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)掉掉落假释出狱,担任接收他的特里(彼得·穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)为他支配了新名字新屋子新任务,于是他用“杰克”这个名字开端了重生涯。在新的任务情况中,杰克意识了新友人克里斯(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰),也交友了一个女友米歇尔(凯蒂·里昂丝 Katie Lyons 饰),还在一次车祸中救了一名女孩。但是,已经痛改前非的他必需向全部人瞒哄——本人已经是个杀人犯的机密。已经的杰克是个遭到教师家长冷清的少年,他跟独一的友人菲利普终日胡混在一同,有一天,他们在小树林里残暴地杀戮了一名美女……杰克在顺应重生涯的同时,昔日的影象经常一幕幕地显现。多年前的命案惹起社会的激烈存眷,小报们时辰在存眷这个少年杀人犯,网上也炒起了赏格金。随后女友的无端掉落让他堕入不安中,已经被称作“男孩A”的他又怎样面临当前的生涯……本片改编自乔纳森·特里盖尔掉掉落多项大奖的同名小说。
你晓得過去 100 - 年,讓最多人致逝世的災難是什麼嗎! 是碳排放!海嘯!天下大戰! 還是…… 1918 - 年爆發的西班牙流感,曾經造玉成天下約五億人沾染,逝世亡人數上看一億人,比一戰跟二戰逝世亡人數的加總還多。這場橫掃天下的瘟疫,距今不過一百年,流感帶來的致命威脅也從未遠離。英國大众電視 BBC 與科學家协作,製作了本集節目,以大規模的社會實驗,模擬致命流感爆發的情况。 风行病學的數學形式專家指出,英國现在的风行病計畫憑藉的是樣本僅有數百或數千人的无限資料集,這表现风行病學家必須尽力揣測人的行為,如果揣測錯誤,結果也就可能錯誤。僅管現代的人已經有許多可被追蹤的數位資訊,但是,以疾病傳遞方法為主軸的資料集卻還缺乏,因為這樣的資料集须要串連兩方面的數據:移動的動態,以及接觸人群的情況。 於是,网络數據的任務,被交到 BBC 风行病團隊手上,數學形式專家開出的幻想資料庫人數是一萬人,不過,在數位時代,BBC 风行病資料庫的規模順利成長為兩萬八千多人的巨型資料庫。应用手機應用程式,讓各人自願[沾染]虛擬流感病毒,藉以获得移動地位的數據,請參與者供给年齡!性別,並共同記錄下 24 - 小時內接觸的對象。 BBC 的另一場风行病實驗,由漢娜.弗萊博士表演[零號病患],在黑索米爾小鎮閒晃,觀察病毒人傳人的途徑,以把握疫病爆發時該怎样防堵。黑索米爾有五百名志願者參與這個實驗,但是,僅是一天時間,該小鎮的參與者已經有 77 - 人遭到沾染,三天之後,疫情更是一發弗成整理,高達 86% 的參與者都被傳染了。透過這個實驗,指認出哪些人可能成為[社會超級散布者],並应用程式模擬為這 10% 的超級傳播者接種疫苗,就讓沾染人數降低 40%。 為何區區流感竟有這麼大的殺傷力!在擁有抗生素與疫苗的現代醫療體系下,我們還须要擔心流感的爆發嗎! 谜底竟是确定的。根據 BBC 风行病應用程式推算出來的結果,一旦爆發大規模风行病,在疫苗供應前,英國的沾染人數推估將達到四千三百萬,可能會有八十萬人逝世亡。 在人!物與資本都倏地流動的寰球化時代,防疫體系好像也變得越來越软弱。歷史殷鑑不遠,大規模流感必定會發生,只是遲早的問題。所幸,藉由數學模擬與電腦程式等現代科技,能幫助我們預作準備,面對生逝世攸關的严重決策。
特破獨行的電影巨头赶上曾叱吒風雲的時代伟人,識豪杰重豪杰,三次會面坦誠交鋒,走過歷史繁重,毋忘笑看人間。荷索(42 - 屆)以詩人眼光看戈巴卓夫怎样突起成為前蘇聯領導人,揮舞改造開放紅旗,藉切爾諾貝爾核災炸破美蘇冷戰頑石,致令鐵幕崩溃!天下變天,讓跟平得以絕處逢生。談自愿上台壯志未竟的滄桑落寞,未若憶念亡妻相知相愛的黯然神傷。现在步入晚年,俱往矣!瞻顧目前新冷戰崢嶸再露,[問蒼茫大地,誰主沉浮!]
英国图书治理员Frank (John Simm)爱上了奥秘的美国跳舞演员 Miranda (Christina Ricci)。她忽然消逝,他追随她离开伦敦,却发明她是一个欺骗妙手。他分开了她,回到了英格兰北部。Miranda跟她的老迈(John Hurt)把不属于本人的屋子卖给不知情的买家。在一宗大买卖之后,老迈离她而去,买家 (Kyle MacLachlan) 想要抨击Miranda。Frank认识到他不该当分开她,于是他回到伦敦来救她。
Antique expert Brendon Cole is sent to authenticate a 300-year-old clockwork doll with notorious history, aka "The Inferno Princess". In the remote www.molikan.com Scottish mansion where it was discovered, Brendon soon finds himself the victim of the automaton's legendary curse.
Panorama special telling the inside story of how Russia sent an assassination squad to Salisbury to murder former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. In the first nerve agent attack in Europe ever, this brazen and reckless attack risked contaminating thousands of people. With exclusive access to the Salisbury investigation, reporter Jane Corbin hears for the first time from front-line police officers, the government's chemical weapons scientist, soldiers drafted in to decontaminate the city, diplomats and intelligence insiders. She travels to Russia to speak to friends and family of the former spy Russia wanted dead, and in America she hears from the scientist who helped develop the deadly nerve agent which killed Dawn Sturgess, left four people lucky to be alive and has had an impact far beyond Britain.
Reporter John Ware investigates one of Britian's most important spies since WWII - Freddie Scappaticci, code-named "Stakeknife". A British spy who became the IRA's spy-catcher.
设想你的脑部受损,无奈畸形谈话,也无奈自若掌握本人的身材,你会怎样做! 本片展现了Richard脑部手术后的种种痊愈练习,以及他跟老婆保持不懈的心途经程。
For two years BBC cameras have followed, Dr Sheperd Doeleman of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the work of the Event Horizon Telescope project team, a collective of the top scientific minds from around the world. The project combines radio observatories and telescope facilities from around the world to make up a virtual telescope with a diameter spanning the entire planet. This mega-telescope’s ultimate mission is to capture the first image ever of a black hole. Although the concept of black holes has been long assumed to be fact, the Event Horizon Telescope’s success would definitively prove the existence of this scientific phenomena for the first time – and provide clear visual evidence. The programme brings viewers into the laboratories, behind the computer screens and beside the telescopes of what may prove to be one of the great astrophysical achievements in human history.
In a post apocalyptic North America one family fights for survival.
Set in a small isolated village in 14th century Wales, Alice is a sixteen year old girl who is accused of being a witch and causing the plague that has ravaged the village, taking the lives of many, including Alice's own father. When it is revealed that Alice has been hiding her mother's infection, she is forced to watch The Cleanser, an ominous masked figure, brutally dispatch her mother. The town preacher and de-facto leader Tom has eyes for Alice, and subjects her to five torturous trials after she spurns his advances. Escaping the night before her execution, with the help of her mother's friend Mary, she flees into the forest and discovers the secluded hut of a mysterious healer, with his own troubled past and demons to face. He nurses her back to health, and teaches her how to exact revenge upon those that persecuted her.
A young woman wakes up in a deserted factory where she is hunted by an invisible force.
亲情难捨VS教导无价,假如能够留下,谁想分开!穿山越岭的漫漫长路,身材与心灵往返对话,家人出席的影象,从新找返来。天下之巅尼泊尔占有唯一无二的绝世美景,但偏乡孩子生涯却异样艰难,无奈接收妥当的教导。 为了让孩子占有更好的人生,望子心切的怙恃从小便将孩子送到位于都城加德满都的投止黉舍[雪地之光]就读,素性能翻转他们的运气。12年后,昔时甫来黉舍的稚童已成芳华抖擞的少年与美女,多年不曾返乡的他们,满心等待却又近乡情怯,就如许踏上一段远程跋涉的回家之路......。
A group of carpet fitters are sent on a job to an old Country house in the middle of nowhere. However they soon discover it's a trap set up by the savage, cannibalistic family, The Hannings. The carpet fitters are forced to fight for their lives or risk ending up being the evenings dinner. Unfortunately they are not quite your typical heroes!
The story of the 140 - 000 - Chinese workers who left their homes and came to war-torn Europe in 1917 - and risked their lives for the Allied war effort, but whose vital contribution seems to have been airbrushed from history.
When Hugo Chávez stormed to power in Venezuela in 1998 - he promised to transform the lives of the poor. But now 20 - years on, 90 - percent of families in Venezuela say they do not have enough to eat - and the United Nations predicts that over five million people will have fled the country by the end of 2019. Chávez was at the helm of the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and set about spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth. Around the world he was hailed as a new hope for Socialism by some politicians. A precursor to many of today’s populist leaders, Chávez bypassed traditional media and spoke directly to the people through his weekly live TV show. Told by many of those who knew him, this is the story of incredible short-term achievements in health and education, but also of the tragic legacy of his idealism, populism and ruthless pursuit of absolute power. With populist movements increasingly taking power in countries around the world, it’s a story that's now more relevant than ever. Part of BBC Two’s award-wining This World strand.