Future Cities, a full-length documentary strand from WIRED Video, takes us inside the bustling Chinese city of Shenzhen. We examine the unique manufacturing ecosystem that has emerged, gaining access to the world’s leading hardware-prototyping culture whilst challenging misconceptions from the west. The film looks at how the e册ution of “Shanzhai” – or copycat manufacturing – has transformed traditional models of business, distribution and innovation, and asks what the rest of the world can learn from this so-called “Silicon Valley of hardware". Future Cities is part of a new flagship documentary strand from WIRED Video that explores the technologies, trends and ideas that are changing our world. Subscribe to the WIRED YouTube channel to ensure you never miss an episode. 「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的系列记录片,带咱们走进繁荣的中都城会深圳。 咱们探索了这个已矛头初露的奇特的加工制作生态体系:它占有天下一流的硬件原型文明,挑衅了来自东方的毛病印象。本片正视“盗窟”(或称仿制)的演化怎样转变传统贸易,产物分销跟破异形式,也讯问这个“硬件硅谷”对天下其余国度有何可鉴戒之处。 「将来都会」作为「连线」杂志视频的新系列记录片,摸索正在转变咱们这个天下的技巧,趋向跟设法。订阅「连线」杂志YouTube频道,确保你不会错过任何剧集。
Rick Stein embarks on a new gastronomic road trip from Venice to Istanbul through the countries of the former Byzantine Empire - a melting pot of east and west.
Michael Mosley explores the latest science about how our personalities are created - and whether they can be changed. Despite appearances, Mosley is a pessimist who constantly frets about the future. He wants to worry less and become more of an optimist. He tries out two techniques to change this aspect of his personality - with surprising results. And he travels to the frontiers of genetics and neuroscience to find out about the forces that shape all our personalities.
记录片「曼联92班」报告了曼联六位才干横溢的足球运发动(大卫·贝克汉姆!尼基·巴特!瑞恩·吉格斯!保罗·斯科尔斯!菲尔·内维尔以及加里·内维尔)生长为天下足坛的风波人物的故事。影片重点放在1992年到1999年,曼联登顶欧冠,随同着英国的社会文明风波变迁,如史诗般的足球的浮沉兴衰。6个14岁的少年,差别的家庭配景,进入了统一家足球俱乐部,撑起了这支在天下足坛中最受称赞的球队的脊梁,即便功成名就撤退役的他们仍然仍是无可代替的好友人。影片的奇特之处还在于破天荒的掉掉落了近间隔懂得这6位球星的机遇,对他们每自我有了新的跟更深层的意识,还掉掉落了对于英国足球文明史上那段特别时代贵重的档案材料。别的,影片中另有别的许很多多的惹人注视标内容包含对齐内丁·齐达内!托尼·布莱尔!石玫瑰乐队(the Stone Roses)的Mani!埃里克!坎通纳以及丹尼·鲍尔的采访。
本部记录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档,以探究烹调对人类退化演化起到何种影响为命题的记录片。烹调对人类退化的影响之大,可能超乎全部人的设想。作为地球上独一理解烹调食品的物种,究竟是聪慧才智让咱们学会此项本事,仍是咱们仅仅是继续了先人的结果呢!现在咱们的盘西餐,就是咱们跟先人最直接的接洽。不它们,人类就弗成能退化为上景物种。 本期记录片就是从奠基人类开展史的肉食开端,追溯到咱们的先人是怎样转变他们的饮食构造,并把握用火烹调食品的。在漫长光阴中的演化跟退化,使得剖解学跟神经学掉掉落了奔腾性的先进。烹调,这对人类退化起到无足轻重感化的技巧,让咱们从太古的树林走进当今古代的厨房。
Horizon goes behind the scenes at NASA as they countdown to the landing of a 2.5 - billion-dollar rover on the surface of Mars. In six days time, the nuclear-powered vehicle - the size of a car - will be winched down onto the surface of the Red Planet from a rocket-powered crane. That's if things go according to plan: Mars has become known as the Bermuda Triangle of space because so many missions there have ended in failure. The Curiosity mission is the most audacious - and expensive - attempt to answer the question: is there life on Mars?
许多事件,就产生在咱们身边,咱们却浑然不知... 这些事件,咱们视为天经地义,却不晓得此中的情理为何... 当初,咱们就一同解密产生在身边的种种被咱们疏忽的奥妙事件~ 第一集 人体的神秘 咱们都是胜利者。由于咱们在多少亿个精子中怀才不遇。对于人类的受精进程有着怎么的崎岖!咱们为什么会有隔代遗传!工资什么会放屁!伤风是咋回事儿!人体就是寄生虫乐土!。饶了我吧。咱们一同解开人体的那些神秘。 第二集 宇宙的神秘 大爆炸实践谁不晓得啊~疑问是,这个实践究竟是肿么回事儿!迷信家都搞不懂啊~咱们的宇宙从何而来!开展偏向怎样!又将怎样停止!除了咱们,另有不地外性命!平行宇宙究竟是个啥!别焦急,睁大眼睛。咱们一同奔向宇宙吧。 第三集 天气的神秘 天气预告也太禁绝了。地球人都吃过天气预告的亏。但是,为什么这么禁绝另有存在的须要呢!起风下雨冰雹雪花,这都是怎么涌现的!春夏秋冬为什么始终按次序瓜代!微天气是什么!对于天气的种种疑难将会在这个电影中掉掉落解答~还等什么。
In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happens. At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with maths. In South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos. These very different worlds are united by one thing - an extraordinary explosion in data. Horizon meets the people at the forefront of the data re册ution, and reveals the possibilities and the promise of the age of big data.
A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS. On the morning of 12 - May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - putting not just data but patients lives at risk, and on every screen a simple - some may even say polite - message appeared. 'Ooops, your files have been encrypted!' But what followed was far from civilised. It was very clear that all the data on an infected machine was now scrambled and only the hackers could unscramble it. For a price - and with an extra twist - after a few days the ransom money doubled, and if nothing was paid within a week, the hackers threatened to destroy all the data - forever.
1974年8月7日,法国杂技名流菲利普·珀蒂(保罗·麦克吉尔 Paul McGill饰)在纽约世贸大厦高达110层(412米)的两座大楼之间,实现了一次至今仍令人叹为不雅止的豪举——搭起了一条高出苍穹的钢索,实现了长达45分钟的勇敢扮演。谁也想不到,这个害臊的25岁男孩菲利普,在友人们的赞助下,周密考察计划,打破层层关卡,终于神不知鬼不觉地实现了此次极端伤害而跋扈狂的“艺术犯法”。菲利普在钢索上或跪或躺,时而慢行时而舞动。影片镜头精致地捕获到了昔时无比惊险的分秒,并活泼地重演了现场,再加上人物访谈等多种手段,使得这部逐梦世贸大厦间的记录片,在美国911变乱后,弥足贵重。 这部由BBC!Discovery跟UK Film Council结合出品的列传类记录片「走钢丝的人」,荣获2009年第81届奥斯卡金像奖-最佳记录长片,2009年第62届英国片子跟电视艺术学院奖-最佳英国影片,及2008年第21届欧洲片子奖-最佳记录片奖提名。
BBC 电子游戏自出生之日起,媒体与学界对其直接的争辩就从未平息。有人说它使人成瘾,有人说它让人变得暴力……但是这些都是真的吗!电子游戏真的有那么坏吗!「地平线」将带你回想三十年来学界对其直接的各项研讨,从迷信角度阐释电子游戏对人脑发生的影响,以及它可能为咱们带来的好处。
Brian Cox 传授進行一次寰球游览去尋找未來能量來源. 稱作[核聚變],給太陽跟宇宙中其余星球供给燃料. 儘管超過50年的尽力,科學家們還是不克不及夠胜利地应用聚變發電到電網...
Marcus Du Sautoy wants to find out how close we are to creating machines that can think like us: robots or computers that have artificial intelligence. His journey takes him to a strange and bizarre world where AI is now taking shape. Marcus meets two robots who are developing their own private language, and attempts to communicate to them. He discovers how a super computer beat humans at one of the toughest quiz shows on the planet, Jeopardy. And finds out if machines can have creativity and intuition like us. Marcus is worried that if machines can think like us, then he will be out of business. But his conclusion is that AI machines may surprise us with their own distinct way of thinking.