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Panorama special telling the inside story of how Russia sent an assassination squad to Salisbury to murder former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. In the first nerve agent attack in Europe ever, this brazen and reckless attack risked contaminating thousands of people. With exclusive access to the Salisbury investigation, reporter Jane Corbin hears for the first time from front-line police officers, the government's chemical weapons scientist, soldiers drafted in to decontaminate the city, diplomats and intelligence insiders. She travels to Russia to speak to friends and family of the former spy Russia wanted dead, and in America she hears from the scientist who helped develop the deadly nerve agent which killed Dawn Sturgess, left four people lucky to be alive and has had an impact far beyond Britain.
纪录片 英国
Reporter John Ware investigates one of Britian's most important spies since WWII - Freddie Scappaticci, code-named "Stakeknife". A British spy who became the IRA's spy-catcher.
纪录片 英国
设想你的脑部受损,无奈畸形谈话,也无奈自若掌握本人的身材,你会怎样做! 本片展现了Richard脑部手术后的种种痊愈练习,以及他跟老婆保持不懈的心途经程。
纪录片 英国
For two years BBC cameras have followed, Dr Sheperd Doeleman of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the work of the Event Horizon Telescope project team, a collective of the top scientific minds from around the world. The project combines radio observatories and telescope facilities from around the world to make up a virtual telescope with a diameter spanning the entire planet. This mega-telescope’s ultimate mission is to capture the first image ever of a black hole. Although the concept of black holes has been long assumed to be fact, the Event Horizon Telescope’s success would definitively prove the existence of this scientific phenomena for the first time – and provide clear visual evidence. The programme brings viewers into the laboratories, behind the computer screens and beside the telescopes of what may prove to be one of the great astrophysical achievements in human history.
纪录片 英国
亲情难捨VS教导无价,假如能够留下,谁想分开!穿山越岭的漫漫长路,身材与心灵往返对话,家人出席的影象,从新找返来。天下之巅尼泊尔占有唯一无二的绝世美景,但偏乡孩子生涯却异样艰难,无奈接收妥当的教导。 为了让孩子占有更好的人生,望子心切的怙恃从小便将孩子送到位于都城加德满都的投止黉舍[雪地之光]就读,素性能翻转他们的运气。12年后,昔时甫来黉舍的稚童已成芳华抖擞的少年与美女,多年不曾返乡的他们,满心等待却又近乡情怯,就如许踏上一段远程跋涉的回家之路......。
纪录片 英国
The story of the 140 - 000 - Chinese workers who left their homes and came to war-torn Europe in 1917 - and risked their lives for the Allied war effort, but whose vital contribution seems to have been airbrushed from history.
纪录片 英国
When Hugo Chávez stormed to power in Venezuela in 1998 - he promised to transform the lives of the poor. But now 20 - years on, 90 - percent of families in Venezuela say they do not have enough to eat - and the United Nations predicts that over five million people will have fled the country by the end of 2019. Chávez was at the helm of the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and set about spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth. Around the world he was hailed as a new hope for Socialism by some politicians. A precursor to many of today’s populist leaders, Chávez bypassed traditional media and spoke directly to the people through his weekly live TV show. Told by many of those who knew him, this is the story of incredible short-term achievements in health and education, but also of the tragic legacy of his idealism, populism and ruthless pursuit of absolute power. With populist movements increasingly taking power in countries around the world, it’s a story that's now more relevant than ever. Part of BBC Two’s award-wining This World strand.
纪录片 英国
130年前,开膛手杰克在伦敦陌头犯下惊天血案。从那当前,很多人都试图解开这名如雷贯耳的连环杀手的实在身份,但都以掉败了结。如果凭仗古代法医学,终极可以了却 此案吗!经由过程对伦敦警员厅“旧案”考察部分的深度拜访,以及进步的法医学侧写技巧的参与,本片将第一次以迷信的方法对天下刑事史上最大未解之谜之一开展考察。一个由法医专家跟高等警官构成的精英小组将应用21世纪的罪犯特点 剖析跟法医心思学技巧来肯定这个世纪凶手的身份。同时,他们将以此契机,向不雅众展现今世警员的破解连环行刺案之道。
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Dr Lucy Worsley's series begins in 1714 - when, to prevent the crown falling into the hands of a Catholic, Britain shipped in a ready-made royal family from Hanover.
纪录片 英国
A young woman's struggles with love, war and motherhood over the span of five years in Syria.
纪录片 英国
A cinematic homage to Peter Rice, one of the most distinguished engineers of the late 20th century. Tracing Rice's extraordinary life and career, from his Dundalk childhood to his work on the Sydney Opera House,The Pompidou Centre and the Lloyd's Building, to his untimely death in 1992 - Marcus Robinson uses stunning time-lapse photography and revealing interviews to tell the story of a genius who stood in the shadow of architectural icons. Until now.
纪录片 英国
 1 - 2020年伊始,以逝世在中外赢得台甫,而实在他早已申明显赫        2 - 这是2019年3月BBC给他制造的记录片,描写其传奇终生        3 - 简略说,近20多年中东或伊斯兰各严重摩擦,都脱不来他的身影,并且是表演配角        4 - 跟美国或友或敌,努力扩大什叶新月,加入之多,无人可及
纪录片 英国
MAGICAL LAND OF OZ offers a blue chip, continent wide series ranging from the land's highest snow peaks to the depths of the frigid and wild southern seas; from its last populations of wild numbats to its largest diorama of giant cuttlefish. It's a land of diverse beauty, that delights and surprises. The series both entertains and deepens our understanding of how the natural world is made up of not just unique species, but distinct individuals, whose lives are far from predictable. Using the latest camera technology we capture animal populations only recently discovered and behaviours not associated with species we thought we knew well. We meet animal characters so enigmatic, most Australians are unaware they share not just their island continent - but their own suburban backyards. We reveal the challenges these animals must navigate in a land of extremes, and extreme human-induced change. To do this, we fill the screen with colour, dance, acrobatics, music, mating and murder - all performed by the animals which make Australia a truly magical land.
纪录片 英国
Gordon Buchanan travels to the remote Canadian Arctic in search of wolves that have never seen people.
纪录片 英国
片子「列侬跟洋子:仅限于天空」报告了约翰·列侬标忘性的「Imagine」专辑当面鲜为人知的故事,同时也报告了洋子跟列侬的相逢及货色方文明的融合。两颗艺术的脑筋在恋情与音乐中碰撞,爆收回无可比拟的美好火花,终极独特创作出这一辑传世之作。导演迈克尔·爱泼斯坦(Michael Epstein)网络了大批的列侬视频,音频跟相片档案,包含很多从前从未见过的材料,而且该片子中的部门画面仍是初次向众人表露。比方「Imagine」录的第一个小样(由他们的音频档案保存员在一个无暗号的八轨音箱里发明的),以及初次公然的对列侬的音频采访,同时也收录了这对匹俦在任务室里一同任务的镜头。记录片中还特殊收录了在创作「Imagine」专辑时期这对匹俦的亲友挚友的采访。
纪录片 英国
這部電影將帶領觀眾一窺英國傳奇格鬥選手—勞勃辛克萊(Rob“C4”Sinclair) 怎样战胜腳上的舊傷,從格鬥生活的谷底从新爬起來,一步一腳印靠著逐日的復健,實現參加美國MMA綜及格鬥大賽的夢想。
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在天下有名男低音鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂去世十周年之际,一部官方受权记录片宣告破项,由好莱坞有名导演朗·霍华德执导。帕瓦罗蒂1935年出身,2007年因癌症去世,这部未定名记录片的拍摄将会掉掉落包含帕瓦罗蒂遗产委员会!举世音乐以及Decca唱片等相干部分的尽力支撑与协作。该片还未肯定上映时光。 作为好莱坞大导演,人物列传片是朗·霍华德最善于的范例片之一。
纪录片 英国
因为被制止加入职业竞赛,男子相扑冠军本日跟不得不在 21 - 岁的时间退役。为了永远转变岛国日本平易近族的活动,本日跟开端了一段挑衅传统的不凡路程,但无论是赛场内仍是场外,期待她的都是重重妨碍。
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It started with one woman’s act of defiance – removing her headscarf – hijab – on one of the busiest streets in Tehran, capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was an image that captured the attention of the world. Who was this woman? And was she alone in her defiance of the mullahs? In this film, the award-winning ITV Exposure strand goes undercover into Iran to meet up with the women challenging the religious autocrats who have ruled the country for forty years. The hijab is the symbol of their authority – and women who protest against wearing it risk imprisonment and torture. In a year in which Iranians have taken to the streets in unprecedented protests at corruption, poor economic conditions and state repression, women have been at the forefront. The film follows the stories of four women – Shima, Shaparak, Maryam and Masih. All have paid a high price for their defiance, but all remain unbowed. Filming undercover, we hear their hopes and fears, and their determination to fight for a modern, tolerant Iran, free from religious imposition.
纪录片 英国
From conception to completion the story of an oil painting and its subsequent sale. An unflinching examination of the intention and techniques of the artist Peter Howson, as he creates his monumental, apocalyptic painting; Prophecy.
纪录片 英国
在往年早些时间的多伦多国际片子节上,「Maiden」以其布满气力跟毅力的不凡故事让不雅众们觉得高兴。经由过程大批的档案录像跟深刻的自我采访,这个令人叹为不雅止的记录片构成了一个布满牵挂!酸楚跟奋发的路程,标明白人类精力的速决倔强。 在20世纪80年月前期,英国专业海员特蕾西·爱德华兹认定,她已禁受够了被辞退的煎熬,并被贬斥为她所加入的帆海队中独一的女性。特蕾西将眼光投向行将到来的惠特贝克举世赛事,这是一次令人震动的4万海里的举世飞行,多少乎不船敢阻挡。特蕾西招集了天下上第一批国际全女风帆队并加入了竞赛。因为她们不只禁受住了危及性命的公海,并且禁受住了媒体中性别轻视的风暴,这群鼓励平易近气的妇女不得不依附她们本人跟相互的纯弹性来证实支持者跟疑惑者是毛病的。但是,他们不完整预感到的是,他们的远征将怎样不只仅象征着一场达到起点线的竞赛。
纪录片 英国
纪录片 英国
电视系列片"行星地球"(2006)的片子版本,拍摄了多少个植物家庭的迁移道路。 一部由英国BBC跟德国结合制造的对于地球!大天然的记录片,用了快要3年的时光,经由过程对地球性命的奥秘实录,经由过程表示大天然俏丽气象与野活泼物纯洁的生逝世之搏的实在记录,再共同柏林爱乐乐团的美好配乐,将地球的魅力在大银幕上毫无保存的完善出现出来,旨在呐喊人们掩护情况。
纪录片 英国
‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ charts the story behind Damien Hirst’s most ambitious project to date. Almost ten years in the making, the eponymous exhibition was displayed across the Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi in Venice from 9th April – 3rd December 2017. Hirst collaborated with director Sam Hobkinson and producer Nicolas Kent to chronicle the exhibition’s extraordinary backstory; the discovery and excavation of an ancient shipwreck.
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1986 - 年,多玛索·布西告竣为史上首位作证控告黑手党的黑手党魁脑。他跟他的家工资此得到了所有。
纪录片 英国
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Facebook is a company that has grown from nothing to be worth half a trillion dollars in just 15 - years
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A retrospective of designer Frank Stephenson's work and life.
纪录片 运动 英国
David Millar是独一夺冠环法自行车赛的英国人,但2004年他因服用禁药而被捕禁赛。现在重回赛场的他,素性能再次打击环法,但是他未然不再年青了,他毕竟是否如愿以偿,又违心为成功支付几多价值呢!
纪录片 英国