'Solitary' is a contained sci-fi film about a man who wakes up inside a room to discover he's a prisoner sent into space to form Earth's first colony, and worse - his cell mate Alana is hell bent on destroying everything.
2040年,一档叫做「跟芮娅的一天」的真人秀节目火遍寰球。节目标女主人是一个身体火辣,温顺浪漫的人工智能呆板人芮娅,;男主人则是慕名而来的!各式百般的报名者。 节目经由过程直播芮娅跟”老公“的一天,满意不雅众的好奇心思。芮娅如安在设定的顺序下”敷衍“天天改换的!各式百般的”老公“成为节目最大的卖点。 但是,节目碰到瓶颈,收视率涌现下滑。合法制片人跟导演束手无策的时间,一个特其余报名者惹起了他们的留神,这个报名者恰是副总统的儿子。制片人跟导演生机经由过程这一噱头重振节目收视率,而后他们却不晓得,本人正被卷入一场宏大的复仇筹划... ...
The story of Bran Marshall, a young man who has fled from Earth through The Gate to find a new home on Rhea. But the early human settlers of Rhea have decided that they will no longer accept refugees from Earth, which sparks an adventure of discovery as Bran is forced to team up with a Rhean woman named Ohsha Rainer and stop her ship from killing thousands of Earth Refugees. Along the way they might just become the best hope that the next generation of mankind has to co-exist with itself.
将来城,这里是一个簇新而奥妙的天下。因为科技的高度兴旺,二十一世纪只存在于人们设想中的所有在这里都触手可及。空中都会!地下城!时空游览,在这里都长短常罕见的气象。Lion恰是一个生涯在将来城中的人,因为Lion研收回一种新型药物,遭到时空警员的追击。Lion逃逸到上海,妄图与长相如出一辙的医药公司总司理陆崇生调换身份,在与陆崇生女友苏晓娜的相处中,垂垂对她发生了情感。 当陆崇生发明存在一个跟本人如出一辙的人,取代了本人的生涯,取代了本人的任务,陆崇生毕竟要怎么能力走出困局,从新挽回晓娜的心!
在为地皮治理局任务的最后一份任务中,考古学家汤姆·迪格比(TOM DIGBY)发明本人在新墨西哥州一个偏僻角落的老牧场上碰到了一座奇异的天然山丘。在受到牧场主人跟一群人的蛮横打击后,汤姆逃走了牧场跟希尔的奥秘气力,却被困在了四周的城镇里。疑问是,汤姆·迪格比不绝地挖。这个小镇跟它独特的住平易近一直地把他拉进这个小镇更大的诡计中——这个诡计的中心是一个退休的考察局间谍。汤姆得悉,他可能是一系列注定要消逝在牧场跟山上的地皮丈量员中最新的的一个——而这可能是他最不担忧的事件
David Bennett, a struggling OCD scientist (Michael Aaron Carico) with father issues has a life-altering encounter with a UFO and winds up falling for Jordan Waters (Gracie Lacey) a quirky and mysterious female artist who, unbeknownst to him, turns out to be an alien who's being hunted by Ray Watts (Paul Hayes), a determined conspiracy theorist.
John Ellman (Boris Karloff) has been framed for murder by a gang of racketeers. He is unfairly tried and despite the fact that his innocence has been proven, he is sent to the electric chair and executed. Dr. Evan Beaumont (Edmund Gwenn) retrieves his dead body and revives it, as part of his experiments to reanimate a dead body and discover what happens to the soul after death. Dr. Beaumont's use of a mechanical heart to revive the patient foreshadows modern medicine's mechanical heart to keep patients alive during surgery. Although John Ellman has no direct knowledge of anyone wishing to frame him for the murder before he is executed, he gains an innate sense of knowing those who are responsible after he is revived. Ellman takes no direct action against his framers; however, he seeks them out, wishing to know why they had him killed. Each dies a horrible death, and in the end it is their own guilt that causes their deaths. Confronting the last two villains, Ellman is shot. Having fulfilled his divine mission to bring about justice, he dies, just before he would have explained death and the afterlife to the curious Dr. Beaumont. Beaumont is warned not to continue his experiments, citing the Biblical Scripture, "For the LORD thy God is a jealous God (Deut. 6 - 15a)."
There are two Earths. Our Earth is a place where magic and Demons are things of folklore and legend. Dark Earth, is a dimension created in the high middle ages to separate us from Demons and other creatures, ushering in a new age. Man was left in peace, safe for the most part from the demon onslaught. A mythical object known as the Tether remains hidden on this Earth. This object is the key to keeping both Earths apart and allows for a large passageway between both worlds when activated. The Tether had been lost for centuries. During a routine shift at Clean El Mines, Nathan Mallstrom, a local miner, finds himself in the middle of an ancient battle between the Earths when he stumbles onto the Tether during one of his shifts and the object transfers its power to him. Summer Vale joins and guides him as a war for the fate of both worlds rages on with Nathan directly in the eye of the storm.- Written by Black Walk Productions
On April 26 - 2012 - six people entered an Isolated Confined Environment with the mission to simulate a trip to Mars. Their mission was a catastrophic failure.
米拉跟男友艾默同住在米拉家。面临嗜酒成性的怙恃,米拉尽力存钱,期盼有朝一日能尽早逃离并找到属于她跟艾默本人的归宿。 但生涯并非一起顺风。一方面,她的友人西里并不看好米拉的现任男友,专心想为她拉拢一个年青无为,运营“通向将来的游览”的企业家,安兹。另一方面,艾默却一直做出让米拉大跌眼镜的事:固然艾默深爱米拉,但是素性自馁的他由于畏惧精彩的女友终将离他而去,情急之下想出把本人酿成一个健美的魅力男子以此留住女友,而他的办法竟是拿出跟米拉辛劳积聚的买租金,为本人购买一整套呆板人变身设备。故事由此开展……
为了填补本人的错误,天然人博士克雷斯基让本人的孙子尤里回到从前,尤外面临爷爷亲手发明出来的天然人 艾诺尔,将怎样去挽救这个行将消灭的地球.....
地球,2039年:天下超等大国用核战役捣毁了大陆。新秩序(New Order)是一个狂热的教派,对大型呆板人抱有一种伪迷信式的留恋,这些呆板人曾被用来开采地球中央的矿产。支持派构造“斗士”(Fighters)像拾荒者一样生涯,在谋害颠覆新秩序的恐惧统治时,他们避开了“逝世亡军队
Growing up in a small town, Charlie, Alex and Nick weren't the most popular kids around after they formed "The Elite Monster Unit". Chasing notorious, mythical legends and ghosts was exciting to them, not "cool" to the other kids around. So they lived their lives on the outside of the "in" crowd. Making matters worse was Charlie's obvious crush on Brandy, one of the most popular kids in school and sister to one of the biggest bullies around. Trying to impress Brandy, Charlie accepts a dare from her brother Nick that says he and his friends must spend Halloween night in a house long rumored to be haunted.What seems to be an easy challenge quickly turns out to be a night of frights as Charlie, Nick and Alex find themselves in the fight of their lives trying to out smart (and outrun) their new nemesis, a ghost dog named Salty, who does whatever he can to make this the worst night of their lives...
After an alien spacecraft destroys Washington, D.C., the residents of a small town must fight off a unit of alien soldiers on the hunt for the President of the United States and the mysterious device he's carrying after his escape chopper crash lands nearby.
Following a group of students who leaves hateful comments on the page of a fellow pupil who recently committed suicide.
A rescue attempt of a German traitor during World War I has unexpected consequences and sets off an adventure across the Arabian [email protected]