露西·阿登 / 杰克·帕尔 / 蕾切尔 布莱特 / Ian P Campbell / Jade Colucci / Ade Dimberline / Sophie Jones / Mike Maley
A group of friends looking for an extreme weekend, who get more than they bargain for when they mistakenly cross the land of the infamous Bone Breaker. What should have been a fun weekend has now turned into a fight for survival…
从布鲁塞尔离开伦敦的卡萝尔(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)是外地一家美容沙龙的员工。在这个斑驳陆离的多数会,芳华俏丽的卡萝尔尽力压制本平易近气中躁动的饥渴,由此她表示出些许的焦急跟神经质。固然丰年青帅气的小伙子柯林(John Fraser 饰)持之以恒地寻求,但卡萝尔更违心跟姊姊海伦(Yvonne Furneaux 饰)厮守在一同。相较于轻易缓和的妹妹,海伦好像颇为顺应这个社会,她与一名有妇之夫相恋,两人相约应用假期去意大利游览。但是,海伦的分开却让卡萝尔的精力亲近瓦解边沿,无可挽回的喜剧由此演出…… 本片荣获1965年柏林国际片子节银熊奖评委会特殊奖跟国际影评人费比西奖。
A home invasion horror movie in the vein of You're Next and The Purge, about a group of people under siege by masked intruders in an abandoned hotel.
依据Mark Burnell所著“Stephanie Patrick”系列小说四部曲的首部改编,女主Stephanie的生涯在家人遭受空难后土崩瓦解,她开端沉沦于酒精!毒品!卖淫之中。当她发明空难实在是一场行刺案后,决议离开苦海摸索事件本相。这不是一本惊悚复仇小说,固然女配角要踏上这一途径。这是一个对于自我救赎的故事,她必须要从从前表演的多个脚色里苏醒过去,认清本人究竟是谁。作为妓女,她名叫Lisa,金发惹火;随后从一名无当局主义酿成恐惧分子的雇佣兵,假名Petra Reuter;偶然作为瑞士女贩子Marina Gaudenzi或美国先生Susan Branch,亦或是英国营业参谋Elizabeth Shepherd。无论是谁,她都不是本人,由于她的生涯基于她表演的脚色,这是她效劳的机密机构所实行的原则。而当她爱上Frank White后,身份危急逐步激发劫难。
A gruesome homage to the cult Amicus anthology Asylum, Cradle of Fear unfolds four screamplays all linked by the unspeakable need of an incarcerated child killer to wreak vengeance on those responsible for his imprisonment. Helped by deranged angel Dani Filth, who leaves a trail of charnel house death in his crimson wake, the cannibal convict forces two Goth vamps to endure a one night stand from hell, two tough female robbers to see through each other, an obscenely rich coke-head to chop up more than a few lines and an internet surfer to descend into madness when he uncovers the ultimate web depravity.
Set in a small isolated village in 14th century Wales, Alice is a sixteen year old girl who is accused of being a witch and causing the plague that has ravaged the village, taking the lives of many, including Alice's own father. When it is revealed that Alice has been hiding her mother's infection, she is forced to watch The Cleanser, an ominous masked figure, brutally dispatch her mother. The town preacher and de-facto leader Tom has eyes for Alice, and subjects her to five torturous trials after she spurns his advances. Escaping the night before her execution, with the help of her mother's friend Mary, she flees into the forest and discovers the secluded hut of a mysterious healer, with his own troubled past and demons to face. He nurses her back to health, and teaches her how to exact revenge upon those that persecuted her.
Unscrupulous politicians have secretly been resurrecting British soldiers killed in combat to use them for top secret missions. However, the widow of one of the undead soldiers is determined to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy.One of the resurrected soldiers offers to help her uncover the truth on the condition that he is given a proper burial, which has disastrous consequences for everyone in册ved…
January is forced to return home after six years traveling abroad. A near-fatal accident has left her temporarily wheelchair bound and depleted of her long-term memory. She is accompanied by her boyfriend 'Callum' whom she met whilst traveling. He was also the driver in the fateful accident. Not only has she forgotten her family, but her childhood as well and is surprised to discover that her home is a stately manor in the middle of the country-side. As January tries to settle in, she finds herself becoming even more estranged from her family, who just want their daughter back. The trouble is, she cannot remember who that daughter was, or why she ran away in the first place. Desperate to discover why she left all those years ago and with Callum's help, she sets out to find the truth. They soon discover the family are not as loving as they seem to be. Was there a dark reason why she left them in the first place?
Mind your head. Cleaver is back! And this time he's brought family!
Londoner Ronnie embarks on a journey to India when his mother, Suleka, goes missing and mysteriously ends up in a Kolkata hospital. Before Ronnie can unravel the mystery of what brought his mother back to her homeland, Suleka dies in an apparent cult killing. Further deaths point to a series of past murders that stopped 28 - years ago when Suleka left India with her infant son. Until now.As the darkness within Ronnie grows and the murders reach their peak, all roads lead to the feared witch of Kolkata's insane asylum.
1987年,天下级的惊悚小说家可利夫·巴克将他的第一部小说「猛鬼追魂」搬上了银幕,今后奠基了他在惊悚天下的位置。故事以一个能翻开天堂之门的魔方盒子为中心,其卖座水平动员了厥后四部续集的问世,在由小说家转型到导演的同类之中,他是寥寥无多少的胜利者之一。1988年9月9日 最早在加拿大上映。克丽丝汀在天堂阅历了恐怖的教训之后,她被送往至精力病由精力病治疗,固然表面的情况都很宁静,但当大夫懂得盒子的机密之后,她却被妖怪大夫反锁在病房内,当他把克丽丝汀罪恶的继母朱莉亚带回之后,克丽丝汀就追随著病人提芬妮,也就是妖怪大夫走,而克丽丝汀的继母也被带往天堂之路。他们在布满血与内脏的情况里,与罪恶的吃人修道者博斗,克丽丝汀生机她能把她爸爸从永久的天堂中救回。
三名挚友前去西班牙伊维萨岛预备渡过他们终生中最美妙的假期 - 一趟布满阳光,沙岸跟比基尼的荒淫放纵之旅这群性致勃勃的屁孩前去岛上的一间私家俱乐部,却发明俱乐部里的扮演者居然全都是活尸。但是三人喝茫后,...
2012年11月,蕾切尔·库萨(Rachel Kusza)跟她的片子制造团队前去特兰西瓦尼亚拍摄巴库丛林。一个有着奇异变乱!幽灵出没跟有数掉落生齿的暗中汗青的丛林。摄制组再也不新闻了。搜索摄制组两年之后,雷切尔的教师霍华德·雷德曼发明摄制组的拍照机埋在雪里。2014年2月12日自残前,瑞德曼将这段视频上传到网上。它展现了摄制构成员进入丛林的暗中跟恐怖的路程,它展现了外地人谢绝进入的起因,它展现了你永久无奈逃离你的从前。这段视频被普遍称为妖怪情结。
以精深的藝術指導跟編劇蠢才廣受獨破影片推重的伊莉莎白秀荷,首部自編自導導的劇情新片。故事敘述一間面臨關閉命運的修道院,忽然授命吸收一個生了神祕怪病的美女柏蒂,美女柏蒂不仅身染怪病,并且擁有奥秘不為人知的過去。她有敏感的靈異體質,能够同時感應來自聖界與魔界的訊息,而這也讓人不得不擔心她的特異性情,最後究竟會落入 哪一股勢力之手。
On the recommendation of her professor Alan Driscoll (Christopher Lee), a young female student Nan Barlow (Venetia Stevenson) travels to the fictional Massachus etts town of Whitewood to do some research into witchcraft. She finds the town occupied by the reincarnation of an infamous witch Elizabeth Selwyn / Mrs. Newless (Patricia Jessel) who was burned at the stake in the 17th century. To sustain her immortality, virgins must be sacrificed to the witch every year – and this year, the student is the chosen victim.
中年银行人员Sheila Woolchapel在外地的百货公司买入了一件英俊的红裙子后,面临本来费劲不谄谀的任务!缄默寡言的儿子以及恶梦般的女友时,感到士气大增。这条裙子乃至让她在独身专栏碰见爱好的男子。但当她将裙子放入洗衣机那霎时,由裙子激发的繁重价值开端了。奥秘的售货员Miss Luckmoore谢绝收回裙子,而更恐怖的是,这条裙子是无奈消灭的。
英格兰北部一个偏僻的小岛,一名外地掉落住平易近的遗体被发明白,奇异的是遗体不骨头,警员找大夫Landers追求说明,但是不谜底。Lander大夫与另一位骨科大夫Brian Stanley一起前去英格兰找一位病理专家David West大夫,但是新奇的症状让David基本无奈信任,这却激发了在一旁的女友Tori的猎奇,她借了她父亲的直升机,多少人一起到小岛一查毕竟。经由考察得悉,外地一位研讨癌症的大夫Philips曾在岛上做过试验,他妄图培养一个活的无机体来掌握癌细胞,但是却产生了不测,大夫与共事全体罹难,遗体不骨头。他培养的以硅为质料的生物“Silicate”正在岛上到处浪荡,并曾经决裂滋生,已有多人跟牲口被杀逝世。三位大夫在取切外地人的支撑后,一起应付这本不应有的怪物。
Two gangsters are given 72 - hours to discover the whereabouts of a stash of drug money stolen by their boss. There's only one problem...they just murdered him. Frantic to find the cash, the hapless criminals kidnap a psychic medium and force her to contact the dead gang boss. Unfortunately for them, they only succeed in unleashing an evil spirit bent on revenge.
艾莉森(梅利莎·乔治 Melissa George 饰)是一名攀岩喜好者,一次位于苏格兰洼地的攀岩运动中,她跟他的四名队友在有意之中发明白一个机密的地下室,在那边,关着一个年幼的塞尔维亚女孩。直觉告知艾莉森事有蹊跷,公理感暴发的她决议跟队友们一起拯救这个被绑架的不幸女孩。 本来,女孩是东欧某黑道老迈的女儿,两名不知天洼地厚的绑匪挟制了她,生机掉掉落巨额的赎金,假如这一行为掉败,那期待着他们的只有逝世路一条。艾莉森一行人的行为惹末路了绑匪,为了好处,也为了保命,在爬山队跟悲天悯人的歹徒之间,一场触目惊心的你追我逃开展了。而除了来自绑匪的威逼外,人道深处的暗中跟无私也伸开了血盆大口,等着将他们吞噬。