欧美剧 喜剧 英国
伯纳·布莱克(迪兰·莫兰 Dylan Moran 饰)是伦敦最荒诞的书店东家。他的书店脏乱不胜,业务时光为所欲为,财政状态杂乱无章。伯纳本人则是披头披发,嗜烟好酒,性格火暴,想打烊了就拿着扩音器跟扫帚驱逐主顾,还会由于勤得订书而不肯把书卖光。书店隔邻礼物店的女老板弗兰( 塔姆辛·格雷格 Tamsin Greig 饰)时常过去帮伯纳看店,是伯纳独一的友人。她爱好征集种种稀罕异僻的玩意儿,情感生涯乱作一团。一天伯纳的管帐逃跑了。没了管帐的伯纳算账到抓狂,瓦解之际碰到了曼尼(比尔·贝利 Bill Bailey 饰)。曼尼随跟谦让,遭到弗兰跟主顾们的欢送。伯纳在弗兰强迫下不宁愿的聘请了曼尼,今后布莱克书店里天天都演出着令人捧腹的荒谬戏码。本剧全三季,主演迪兰·莫兰亦是剧集编剧。
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
Unfairly written off as an attempt to replicate the cult hysteria of The Fast Show, Big Train dared to push the boundaries of a genre (the comedy sketch show) which thought it had seen it all. No, not all of it worked, but the same was true of Python, Vic&Bob and all the other groundbreakers. When it did - the manager who distracted his mutinous staff with juggling displays, the Jekyll & Hyde-type scientist, the staring competitions, Mao Tse-Tung as Bryan Ferry, it was painfully, inexplicably funny. Stick with it.
欧美剧 恐怖 英国
剧情,悬疑,惊悚 英国
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
「黑水仙」(Black Narcissus)是一部三集迷你剧,Amanda Coe担任撰写脚本,Tom Winchester担负履行制片人。故事依据Rumer Godden的经典小说改编,主题仍旧为「性压制」!「忌讳之爱」跟「宗教信奉」,而且掺杂了「超天然景象」。在悠远的尼泊尔,Clodagh修女跟她的男子修道院正实验与外地人更融洽地生涯,但Clodagh修女心坎压制已久的性欲却在此进程中被叫醒了。她被地产商Dean老师深深吸引,但他们的关联越是布满豪情,就越预示着喜剧终局——由于Clodagh修女的忌讳之爱好像映射了陈旧的尼泊尔公主Srimati的恋情喜剧。
欧美剧 英国
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
海外剧 英国
欧美剧 犯罪 惊悚 英国
「维兰德」改编自瑞典小说家亨宁·曼凯尔的系列小说。小说配角维兰德探长是个堕入中年危急的男子,与老婆分家,与父亲关联缓和,独一的女儿也对他时有不满。共事们对他又敬又怕,敬他总能突发异想,洞察谜案玄机,怕他时不断就发通性格。他老是喝酒!吃渣滓食物,成果患上了糖尿病。与其余私事公办的警员差其余是,维兰德对案子老是很投入情感。 BBC版的「维兰德」是这部瑞典小说初次改编成英语电视剧。然而故事仍旧是设定在瑞典的于斯塔德。并且剧组也是奔赴瑞典拍摄实现的。配角是肯尼思·布拉纳(「我与梦露的一周」中扮演奥利弗爵士,「哈利·波特与密屋」中扮演黑邪术防备课教师吉德罗·洛哈特传授,仍是「雷神」的导演)。他把维兰德人到中年的穷困!对受害者感同身受的怜悯!跟心坎的挣扎表演得过细入微!丝丝入扣。配角们的表演也都非常出色。此中,汤姆·希德勒斯顿(「雷神」中扮演洛基)在剧中扮演了维兰德部下的亲信警探。第一季第一会合,尼古拉斯·霍尔特(「皮郛」「X战警 第一课」)还表演了一个饱受父亲家暴熬煎的男孩。 与快节拍!重视推理的「新福尔摩斯」差别,「维兰德」愈加深厚,有种洗尽铅华的沧桑感,重视的是人文的关心。办案的进程也愈加切近事实。每起案子,最惹人沉思!令人唏嘘的不是案子自身,而是案子当面的隐蔽的各种玄机。就像「龙纹身的女孩」用美女掉落案折射了瑞典社会女性受损害的疑问,「维兰德」也是酒徒之意不在酒,而在反响瑞典社会各个层面上的疑问,以及对人道!对人生的思考。
欧美剧 历史 犯罪 惊悚 英国
大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧「丹斯」宣布首张定妆照。田纳特将扮演如雷贯耳的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包含杰森·沃特金斯(「王冠」)!丹尼尔·梅斯(「好兆头」)等。该剧依据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的册本「为错误杀戮」(Killing For Company)改编,报告尼尔森在1978年-1983年时期曾杀戮15名年青女子。Luke Neal(第一!二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀脚本,Polly Hill担负制造。
欧美剧 英国
  塔哈·拉希姆([预言者])将主演BBC!Netflix独特制造的8集新剧「毒蛇」。汤姆·森兰(「掉落」)执导,「开膛街」编剧理查德·瓦洛操刀脚本。剧集依据实在变乱改编,塔哈将扮演法国连环杀手查尔斯·索布莱(Charles Sobhraj),剧集将环绕索布莱是怎样被抓捕并判刑开展。
惊悚 英国
欧美剧 英国
London Irish follows the antics of four ex-pat Northern Irish 20 - somethings in London. Written by Derry girl, Lisa McGee, someone who knows a thing or two about 'the craic' in world's best city. For these four friends it's not easy navigating their way through London life especially when they're playing by rules only they get which leads to a whole load of wrongdoings.
欧美剧 惊悚 英国
该剧由圣丹斯频道跟BBC2结合出品,将于7月中旬开机拍摄,2014年播出。Maggie Gyllenhaal担负主演。 该剧描写了一个快节拍的!迷宫般庞杂的国际政治惊悚故事。主人公Nessa Stein的父亲是个支撑犹太复国活动的兵器出产商,在Nessa跟兄弟年幼的时间遭人暗害。Nessa长大后继续了父亲的公司并将其"弘扬光大"——她当初的主业不再是出产跟贩卖兵器,而是在以色列跟约旦河西岸地域架设高科技数据收集。因为她多年来保持促进以色列人跟巴勒斯坦人的跟解,因而被选入以色列议会,一个国际政治大漩涡由此造成。据称该剧的故事所在包含英国!中东地域跟以色列,全都市实景拍摄。
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
该剧依据北欧剧集「The Bridge」改编,第三季为6集。
欧美剧 英国
  ITV has greenlit a second series of contemporary detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, following the success of the feature-length films which aired earlier this year produced by leading independent production company, Mammoth Screen.  The new series sees Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet) and BAFTA award winning actor Jason Watkins (The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies, The Crown) reprise their roles as the ambitious DCI McDonald and the humble, and quietly brilliant DS Dodds in three new murder mysteries.  Set in picturesque Bath, the series pairs fiesty DCI McDonald, who has recently transferred from London’s Met Police, with the modest and unassuming DS Dodds, who has been happy in the background for most of his working life. Thrown together seemingly with nothing in common, they forge a rumbustious, and ultimately highly effective crime solving partnership.  Created and executive produced by Robert Murphy, who is the lead writer for the series, McDonald & Dodds will once again be filmed in the West Country. The brand new episodes will be directed by Alex Pillai (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Riverdale), Rebecca Rycroft (Malory Towers, Danny and Mick) and Ian Aryeh (In The Long Run, Andy and the Band).  The new series has been commissioned by ITV’s Drama Commissioner Huw Kennair Jones and Head of Drama, Polly Hill. Huw will oversee production of the drama from the channel’s perspective.  Commented Huw Kennair Jones:  “We’re delighted with the audience reaction to the first series of McDonald and Dodds. The two characters couldn’t be further apart, which is what makes the series so intriguing to watch. They shouldn’t have chemistry, but they do, and they work brilliantly in partnership which is testimony to Robert’s script and Tala and Jason for bringing McDonald & Dodds to life.”  Commented Mammoth Screen’s Director of Drama, Preethi Mavahalli:  “We are thrilled that Robert Murphy’s clever storytelling was a hit with audiences earlier this year. McDonald & Dodds are a quirkily unique investigative team brought to life beautifully by Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins. We’re really pleased ITV have commissioned more films and look forward to returning to film in Bath.”  Damien Timmer (Endeavour, Noughts + Crosses, World on Fire) and Preethi Mavahalli (McDonald & Dodds, Noughts + Crosses, The War of the Worlds) are the executive producers for Mammoth Screen, an ITV Studios company, alongside writer Robert Murphy (McDonald & Dodds, Vera, Shetland, DCI Banks). The producer of the new series is Sarah Lewis (Noughts + Crosses, McDonald & Dodds, Victoria).  The first series is available to view via streaming platform Britbox. Series one launched with a consolidated rating of 6.4m and a 26\\% share of the available audience and boasted an impressive guest cast list alongside Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins which included Robert Lindsay, Rosalie Craig, Ellie Kendrick, Susannah Fielding, Joanna Scanlan, Michele Dotrice, Freddie Fox and Hugh Dennis.  ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally.
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 喜剧 英国
本剧叙说在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在赞助本党大选得胜之后掉掉落行政事件部(DAA)部长的职务,今后开端面临以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公事员体制,而他的公派私家秘书!同属公事员的Bernard则夹在了傍边。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公事员之间因施政而产生的各种摩擦之中,两人的关联不绝地产生变更,既有相互捂盖子,也有相互揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包含政党体制跟公事员体制)中的各种不为外人所知弊病跟内幕也展示在不雅众面前。固然全部这些都是经由过程大批笑剧情节跟台词开展。在本系列后半部门的「Yes Prime Minister」中,Hacker经由过程党内角力当上了宰衡,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了宰衡秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继承开展。
欧美剧 英国
Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there's a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station's sharp, funny and hard-as-they-come boss, and her team led by DC Dinah Kowalski and DC Joy Freers, show they have what it takes to crack crime and to expose the addled, the swanky, the pimps, the petty and the really proper nasty bastards for the sewer rats they are.
欧美剧 喜剧 科幻 英国
外星人来了。现实上,他们曾经在地球上待了40年。只管他们长相像人类,谈话像人类,行动也像人类,但他们禁绝跟人类独特生涯。当局将外星人制约在一块叫 [特洛伊]的聚居区,那边附近高墙围绕,伤害的!合法的!忌讳的事件层出不穷,并且还带有激烈的奥秘感。 主人公Lewis(Michael Socha)在[特洛伊]边疆检讨站担负保卫,但他老是感到本人跟身边的所有心心相印——无论是任务仍是家庭。他不是个温文尔雅的人,但也不酷。他很软弱,有点焦急症。在碰到奥秘的外星人Lilyhot(Michaela Coel)之后,他发明本人居然是半人半外星人的混血生物,迫使他偷偷进入[特洛伊]寻觅本人的实在出身。他以人类的身份生涯了这么多年,或多或少有点轻视外星人,以是他常常对外星干净工Dominic(Jim Howick)恶言相向。拥有讥讽象征的是,Dominic成了他的友人,并且是独一的至心友人。Dominic其貌不扬,但心坎仁慈,是个真正的坏人。他爱好明白无力地抒发本人的不雅念。他老是过火悲不雅!过火高估本人,因而很轻易受伤。即使如斯,他仍然能给四周的人带来欢笑。他对Lewis非常忠实,他视Lewis为本人的逝世党。 外星人Lilyhot聪慧!剽悍!精于盘算。她晓得怎样应用本人的狡诈!才能!表面跟陌头伶俐离开达目标。为了在前提艰难的[特洛伊]生活下去,她挑选了当初的途径。她盼望在[特洛伊]掉掉落更高位置。她常常捉弄他人——并非由于她爱好这么做,而是不得不这么做。 Lewis的妹妹Holly卷入一个外星人贩毒团伙的合法行动,而后被绑架到[特洛伊],Lewis所面对的情形变得愈加庞杂。Holly妒忌Lewis,由于Lewis永久是父亲最溺爱的孩子。更况且Lewis可能是这个家庭中最正派的人,并且有一份稳固的任务。Holly是个外刚内柔的女人,她从不直接抒发本人的实在情绪,谢绝裸露软弱的一面,因而时常向她关怀的人乱发性格。 当外星首脑Antoine遭拘捕之后,Antoine的逝世敌Fabian掌握了全部[特洛伊]。Fabian并不蠢,但他远远不迭Antoine跟Lilyhot对这个天下的懂得。他能够在[精力掉常的黑帮老迈]跟[温顺体谅的居家男子]两种身份之间随时变更。当他回抵家中,他尽力做一个好父亲;然而离家之后,他以严刑为乐。(海角小筑)
欧美剧 英国
Summer 1939. Translator Harry (Jonah Hauer-King) is working at the British Embassy in Warsaw, falling in love with Polish waitress Kasia (Zofia Wichłacz). When German tanks roll into Poland and Britain declares war on Germany, Harry and Kasia are faced with terrible choices. With her life in grave danger, the only way for Kasia to be safe is to escape. Can Harry help her - and if he does, how will he ever explain himself to factory worker and singer Lois Bennett (Julia Brown), the girl he left behind in Manchester? As the Nazi threat spreads across Europe, Kasia must choose between love and fighting for her country, Harry must find his place in the world, and Lois seizes new opportunities the war throws up. The conflict overturns everything for Harry's snobbish mother Robina (Lesley Manville) and for Douglas (Sean Bean), Lois' pacifist father, and her firecracker younger brother Tom (Ewan Mitchell), who joins the navy and finds himself under fire in one of the first major battles of the war. In Berlin, outspoken American journalist Nancy (Helen Hunt) risks her life trying to help her neighbours the Rosslers from the attentions of the ruling Nazi regime, while in Paris Nancy's nephew, medic Webster (Brian J. Smith) refuses to leave the city and the man he loves. This is a series that takes us across the first year of the war, from ordinary life in Manchester to the beaches of Dunkirk, getting right under the skin and into the hearts and minds of those living their lives during this extraordinary time as they grapple with the unthinkable: a world in flames.
剧情,悬疑,惊悚,犯罪 英国
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a successful businessman, finding unexpected connections to the plane crash.
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 英国
欧美剧 悬疑 犯罪 英国
剧情,悬疑,惊悚 英国
欧美剧 惊悚 英国
How far would you go to have a baby? Martin Compston, Sophie Rundle and Mirren Mack star in this emotional thriller about love, trust and the true cost of buying whatever you want. Dan (Compston) and Emily (Rundle) are crazy about each other. They live in a huge house in the nicest part of Glasgow and want for nothing. But they’ve been trying to have a baby for years with no success. When a chance encounter brings 18 - year-old Kaya (Mack) crashing into Emily’s life, and it seems that just maybe, fate has brought them together. From the other side of town, Kaya is determined to make a life for herself. Experiencing the luxurious interior of Emily’s Range Rover, she quickly starts to get a taste for how the other half live. Back in her bare local authority flat, Kaya decides to change her future. She tracks down Emily and makes her an offer: she’ll be Dan and Emily’s surrogate, if they help set her life on track. She can change their lives, if they can change hers. But with only one embryo left, can Dan and Emily trust a teenage girl they barely know with their last chance to have a family?
欧美剧 英国
  「王冠 The Crown」制片公司Left Bank Pictures为Netflix制造另一部新剧「她的双眼当面 Behind Her Eyes」,这部剧集改编自Sarah Pinborough的同名惊悚小说(简体中文版曾经过中信出书,叫作「完善骗局」),6集改编剧现已开机拍摄拍摄。  「她的双眼当面」女配角Lo uise是位单亲母亲兼秘书,某夜她在酒吧意识并亲吻了名年青的女子David,但厥后Louise发明对方竟是本人的新下属;同时光Louise在镇上交友了新友人Adele,不外女主接上去才晓得她是David的老婆。Louise痴迷并堕入于这对匹俦的关联中时,女主却逐步以为他们有着许多错误劲的处所,内外纷歧的David及Adele可能隐蔽着恐怖的机密。  Simona Brown扮演Louise﹑Tom Bateman扮演心思大夫David﹑Eve Hewson扮演Adele。
欧美剧 惊悚 英国
Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wakes up on her 60th birthday alone. The first she’s spent by herself in the 35 - years she was married to Ted (Alex Jennings), before he left her. Determined to have a good day, Julia leaves her Devon home and heads to London to celebrate with her children - but one by one they let her down. Leo (Archie Renaux), her youngest, simply because he forgets. Della (Jemima Rooper), her only daughter, marooned abroad and guilt-stricken, and her firstborn Patrick (Sebastian Armesto) who is struggling to maintain a hectic work and home life - all whilst fighting an attraction to a colleague. Feeling adrift, Julia’s at a low ebb when she happens upon a young man in a museum, Benjamin (Ben Barnes). The pair get talking and before she’s quite sure what’s happening they’re beginning a whirlwind romance. All that’s left to do - introduce him to her children. But they are suspicious of this younger man’s motives, and soon start plotting how to remove him. Pictured: Julia Day (Julia Ormond), Benjamin (Ben Barnes)
剧情,悬疑,犯罪 英国
欧美剧 科幻 英国
Sky1宣告将与“漫威之父”Stan Lee协作,打造十集犯法惊悚剧「Lucky Man」,该剧的剧本由老爷子亲身创作,而这也是他初次执导英剧。伦敦警员Harry(James Nesbitt 饰)近来恶运缠身,但是他不测埠掉掉落了能掌控本人的福气的陈旧手镯…
剧情,喜剧 英国
欧美剧 历史 爱情 英国
故事产生在美国独破战役时期,波达克(艾丹·特纳 Aidan Turner 饰)在火线奋勇杀敌,而且终极荣幸的成为了战役中的幸存者前往故乡,去见牵肠挂肚的未婚妻伊莉莎白(Heida Reed 饰),但是,早在此前,伊莉莎白误解波达克曾经战逝世疆场,伤心的她随后嫁给了波达克的堂兄弗朗西斯(Kyle Soller 饰)。 情绪上的变故让波达克深受袭击,意气消沉的他转而投向投身于奇迹之中,潜心开辟财族工业。一晃眼数年从前,伊莉莎白的身影垂垂在波达克的脑海中隐约,一位名为德米尔扎(埃莉诺·汤姆林森 Eleanor Tomlinson 饰)的俏丽男子成为了他的老婆。但是,就在生涯趋于镇静之时,曾经成为未亡人的伊莉莎白挑选再醮,而她的新一任老公乔治(杰克·法辛 Jack Farthing 饰)恰好就是波达克在买卖场中的强敌。