BBC跟Netflix颁布协作新剧:日英双语的8集惊悚剧「职责/耻辱」(Giri/Haji),曝光剧照(图1)跟卡司:主演为平岳大跟窪冢洋介;凯莉·麦克唐纳!查理·科里德-米尔斯!贾斯汀·朗!本木雅弘!中村优子!伊川东吾!丘光子!福田知盛!Katsuya Minato!Yoshiki Minato!Tony Pitts等也出演。 该剧设定在伦敦跟东京,报告一偕行刺案在两地惹起的效果:本来密切的兄弟俩由于一个布满暴力的霎时决议而垂垂疏远,欧巴Kenzo(平岳大扮演)是一个东京警员!爱家男子,弟弟(窪冢洋介扮演)某天忽然掉落,Kenzo去到伦敦寻觅他,却在到达后被卷入奥秘贩子错误Abbott跟Vickers的昏暗天下,Abbott想要把本人的工业延长到西方。麦克唐纳扮演一名英国警探,在考察一偕行刺,也成为了Kenzo对本人的老婆能否忠实的一个磨练。 Joe Barton(「咱们的天下大战」)任主创跟编剧,Julian Farino(「奥妙人生」)执导。BBC剧情类剧集部分的总管Piers Wenger表现,该剧将是“英剧里你前所未见的货色”。已在伦敦开拍,往年晚些时间将去东京拍摄。
配景设置在切尔滕纳姆的当局通信总部,David Schwimmer扮演一名渴求权利﹑特破独行的美国国度平安局捕快,他参加一个愚笨﹑不油滑的盘算机剖析师(Nick Mohammed饰)的新团队协作追捕收集犯法者……多[靠谱],对吗!
The hit Irish comedy from producers Vico Films will be back on BBC Three for a third series in the new year. Created by Peter Foott, The Young Offenders tells the coming of age adventures of Conor (Alex Murphy) & Jock (Chris Walley) and their mother/guardian Mairead (Hilary Rose) as she tries to keep them on the straight and narrow. The best friends navigate their awkward teenage years, hatching plans and adventures to help distract from their tough home lives and their inability to stay out of trouble. The whole second series launched as a BBC iPlayer box-set earlier this month and has picked up an amazing 4.1 - million requests so far. Combined with the 13.5 - million for series one and last year’s Christmas special, that over 17.6 - million requests to date. Kate Daughton, Head of BBC Comedy, says: "Young Offenders is spit-your-tea out funny and heartbreakingly emotional. A rare combination that’s testament to the talents and passion of a very special cast, crew and writing team, led by creator and show-runner Peter Foott. We can’t wait to share series three - Cork’s finest have never looked finer." Fiona Campbell, Controller BBC Three, says: "At BBC Three, we love championing local voices and The Young Offenders are a brilliant success story for us. With great characters and on-point writing that is hugely relatable to our audience, we’re delighted they’re coming back for another series." Peter Foott, creator of The Young Offenders, says: "We are so grateful to BBC Three and thrilled that they had such faith in the stories and characters of The Young Offenders that they commissioned a third series from us. We had a lot of fun filming series two and three back to back over the summer in Cork, and we can't wait for everyone to see more of Conor, Jock, Mairead and all the characters next year in our third series. "We've been amazed at the huge reaction to series two so far, and we're so happy that we can officially announce that there's more on the way for fans of the show." The Young Offenders has been commissioned for BBC Three by Fiona Campbell, Controller of BBC Three and Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning. The Commissioner for the BBC is Alex Moody. The Executive Producer for Vico Films is Peter Foott, the Producer is Tim Whitby. The Young Offenders series two continues on Monday nights on BBC One and is available on BBC Three & BBC iPlayer.
英国ITV家庭惊悚剧「远亲」由Archie Panjabi跟Jack Davenport主演。聪慧的心思学家Mona Mirza(Archie Panjabi)在伦敦过着饶富优胜的生涯,她是家庭的主心骨。她珍重的兄弟在一个海内医疗慈祥机构任务时惨遭行刺,她堕入非常伤心之中。这起喜剧令隐蔽已久的家庭机密曝光,Mona跟家人卷入一张由背离!诡计跟行刺编织而成的大网。无论怎样,她必需想法掩护本人,掩护家人,掩护摇摇欲坠的奇迹。Jack Davenport表演Mona的老公!政治说客Guy Harcourt。
Mistakenly believing that his role is to serve justice (“No Will, a Barrister’s job is to win”), Will must navigate his way through a criminal justice system seemingly designed to be as opaque and confusing as possible. While also dealing with his fellow pupils, each of them after the same single job at the end of their training and more than happy to stab each other in the back to get it. Can he succeed and hold on to his principles? Or will the system claim another victim?
Jamie Demetriou执导的获得英国电影学院奖的喜剧第三季回归。斯塔斯要当爸爸了。他能挽救家庭租赁机构和他与卡蒂亚的关系吗?
Netflix拿下BBC网路频道iPlayer制造的13集英剧「头位名单 The A List」,这部剧由Dan Berlinka执笔,剧中报告青少年之间的友情﹑浪漫﹑忠实及背离。「头位名单」配角之一是Mia(Lisa Ambalavner饰),她离开夏令档并想成为这儿的女王,不外此次假期却在奥秘的Amber(Ellie Duckles饰)离开后酿成了恶梦。
本剧改编自Len Deighton的同名间谍小说。Joe Cole饰演男主Harry Palmer,背景在60年代冷战时期,主角原本因故可能要入狱,但因为他当间谍的潜力被发挖出来,以及在柏林拥有人脉,故此他被迫进行危险的任务。
公元43年,罗马人大肆防御日后被称作大英帝国的不列颠尼亚,女豪杰布迪卡女王(Boudicca)在平易近族危难之际自告奋勇,与罗马在朝官卡西乌斯(Cassius)树破同盟,煽动卡西乌斯对抗罗马天子克劳狄一世。在该剧中,罗马帝国的部队起誓要彻底捣毁不列颠尼亚的[凯尔特之心]——由勇敢善战的女兵士跟气力壮大的德鲁伊掌握的一块奥秘地皮。传说中,这些德鲁伊可以集合冥界的壮大气力,克服任何勇于来犯的朋友。 Kelly Reilly表演凯拉(Kerra),Zoë meijubar.net Wanamaker表演安特迪雅(Antedia),她们是一对你逝世我活的寇仇。在外敌入侵的情形下,她们必需摈弃自我恩仇与偏见,独特抵抗由卓著的罗马将军奥卢斯-普劳提乌斯(Aulus Plautius,David Morrissey表演)带领的罗马军团。该剧在捷克都城布拉格跟威尔士取景拍摄,2017年播出。
After a murder is committed, greed, deceit and betrayal force DCI Tom Brannick to question just what lengths he will go to to keep his identity as legendary assassin, Goliath, hidden. Starring James Nesbitt and Charlene McKenna.
系列灵感来自于GK切斯特顿的故事;一个天主教牧师在他的英国村庄里有解决神秘事件的诀窍。以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用领域
该剧已获BBC America预订整季,是一部“朋克摇滚惊悚剧”,望文生义讲的是「碟形天下」宏大设定中的“都会卫兵”那部门。聚焦一群Ankh-Morpork城邦的卫兵,有各个种族,奋力保卫着这个行差踏错!风雨飘摇的都会。 剧会合肯定涌现的脚色另有小说系列的重点人物Death。 「碟形天下」小说设定在一个伟大乌龟托着的四只巨象托起的邪术天下,系列范围异常异常大,写作也非常精致!风趣,寰球共卖出了8000多万本。「卫兵」剧集由Simon Allen(「回击」「三个火枪手」)写脚本,BBC影业跟普拉切特开办的Narrativia影业协作打造,共8集。
麦茜·威廉姆斯在「权利的游戏」后首部主演剧集肯定:她将出演天空台笑剧「两周后就逝世」(Two Weeks To Live,暂译)。该剧报告分歧群女孩Kim Noakes(威廉姆斯扮演)的父亲在她儿时不明不白逝世去,母亲把她送到了乡间。Kim过着隐居生涯,并习得了一些极独特的生活技能。 尔后,Kim回到事实天下,想去实现一项机密义务,致敬父亲的回想。她在本人兄弟Dave的酒吧碰到了不善于交际的Nicky,而在一个开打趣成真后,三人发明本人面对险境:Kim手上多了一大袋偷来的现金,而且要逃离一群杀人黑帮跟一群警员。然而,靠着她从小学到的一些技能,Kim可能能堪堪出险。 加比·霍尔(「舞弊」)编剧,其余演员尚未颁布。该剧将于往年开拍,来岁在Sky One跟NOW TV播出,共6集。
「黑豹 Black Panther」的Letitia Wright及「星球大战 Star Wars」新三部曲演员John Boyega加盟BBC剧「细斧 Small Axe」,这部剧已获Amazon购下美国点播权。 这部6集剧会报告5个差其余故事,配景设置在60-80年月的伦敦西印度社区。剧集题目来自牙买加谚语「If you are the big tree, we are the small axe.」,意指即就是幽微的贰言声,仍旧能够挑衅强权一方。 其他演员包含Malachi Kirby﹑Shaun Parkes﹑Rochenda Sandall﹑Alex Jennings 及Jack Lowden。
Incorrigible boor Jack Taylor is fired from the Garda (Irish national police) for brutality against a government minister. His experience, some contacts and cheap rates get him started as private eye in all but name, assisted by his even less law-abiding buddy, painter Sutton. Anne Henderson hires him, suggesting her missing teenage daughter was the latest in a series of suspicious 'suicides', which he traces to sleazy manager Ford's factory and illegal sex recordings. That turns out only the tip of the iceberg, even before Jack is beaten badly and old publican Sean is fatally run over.
Clare Balding and Steve Leonard join teams of pioneering vets around the world who are using the most cutting-edge techniques, often adapted from human medicine, to save the lives of animals.
Jill Murphy的「The Worst Witch」系列曾是罗琳的「Harry Potter」系列出书前最滞销的儿童奇幻小说之一,1986年改编为片子,1998年改编为电视剧,播出了四序,深受爱好。2016年CBBC台决议重启这部剧,把故事配景搬到21世纪。 故事报告无邪生动的平常女孩Mildred Hubble进入女巫学院,进修种种邪术课程,尽力成为优良的女巫。这里的院长Cackle密斯跟气可亲,副院长Hardbroom密斯严格得吓人。Mildred在学院结识了两位好友人Maud Spellbody跟Enid Nightshade,也碰到了本人的宿敌——巫师家庭出生的Ethel Hallow。 2016年5月,CBBC台颁布了选角成果,Mildred Hubble由Bella Ramsey扮演。第一季将于2016年冬季拍摄,2017年终播出。
Horrible Histories is back with a special episode delving in to the life and times of the world's most famous writer. Tom Stourton stars as the Bard, as we find out about his humble beginnings, his glove-making father and his early life as an actor. How did he climb to become a royal favorite? And what was it like to be in the audience of one of his plays, where fruit was thrown at the stage, it was illegal for women to act, and there were no toilets!?!