「追影逐凶」聚焦的是一个掉落生齿考察分队,他们的义务就是追究那些专门针对社会上的弱势人群动手的连环杀手,Reece Shearsmith此次扮演的是Sean Stone是一个患有交际阻碍的人,执迷于破解种种灯号,并从中发明行动形式。
The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been in册ved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on two bodies found floating in the river.
故事环绕着一群特性宣扬的年青人开展。托尼(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰),是一个长相帅气!素性反叛的男生,在友人圈里处于引导位置。在好友人希德(麦克·拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)诞辰的是日,托尼决议要给他一个大“惊喜”——让本人的女友米歇尔(艾普萝·皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)帮希德离别处男之身。这夜将要举办一个狂欢派对,托尼把友人都招集过去,各式百般的年青人一一上场,他们都沉迷在音乐!毒品跟性中……一夜狂欢后,六个年青人驾车分开,却由于一个小小的不测,连人带车地冲进了一条小河中……这是一个对于这多少个少男美女的芳华故事,他们一度沉迷于酒精!毒品跟迷幻派对中,将来的走向怎样,他们以后又将要面临什么,他们一窍欠亨……
The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 - year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is happy to tag along with her much-loved parents, Brenda and Tony Kennedy played by Katherine Parkinson and Dan Skinner. The Kennedy family has just moved into a new estate in Stevenage, New Town, where they find a concrete maze of identical houses. Delighted and enthused by the fact they are now on the cusp of being considered middle class, they quickly embrace the community spirit and organise activities for the whole neighbourhood to get in册ved with. In each episode, The Kennedys pursue every opportunity they can to climb the social ladder, from organising an ‘Opportunity Knocks’ style talent show to hosting the estate’s first ever dinner party. The Kennedys best friends are an unmarried couple: Tim the 70s alpha-male (played by Harry Peacock) and the young yet traditional Jenny (played by Emma Pierson). Shola Adewusi and Clive Rowe also feature in the series and play The Kennedys unassuming and often confused neighbours, Dee and David. The Kennedys (6x30’) was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One and Shane Allen, Controller of Comedy Commissioning. The series is written by Emma Kennedy and will be produced by Emma Strain (Miranda), directed by Christine Gernon (Gavin & Stacey) and executive produced by Myfanwy Moore and Richard Webb.
Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wakes up on her 60th birthday alone. The first she’s spent by herself in the 35 - years she was married to Ted (Alex Jennings), before he left her. Determined to have a good day, Julia leaves her Devon home and heads to London to celebrate with her children - but one by one they let her down. Leo (Archie Renaux), her youngest, simply because he forgets. Della (Jemima Rooper), her only daughter, marooned abroad and guilt-stricken, and her firstborn Patrick (Sebastian Armesto) who is struggling to maintain a hectic work and home life - all whilst fighting an attraction to a colleague. Feeling adrift, Julia’s at a low ebb when she happens upon a young man in a museum, Benjamin (Ben Barnes). The pair get talking and before she’s quite sure what’s happening they’re beginning a whirlwind romance. All that’s left to do - introduce him to her children. But they are suspicious of this younger man’s motives, and soon start plotting how to remove him. Pictured: Julia Day (Julia Ormond), Benjamin (Ben Barnes)
这是一部混杂范例的八集罪案剧,由丹麦-瑞典有名剧集「Bron/Broen」的主创人Hans Rosenfeldt创作。「Bron/Broen」你可能不熟习,但你必定熟习它的美国改编版(及英国改编版,及寰球10多个国度的改编版)——「界桥谜案」(The Bridge)。这是Hans Rosenfeldt初次专门为英国电视市场开辟的一部新剧,承袭了他一向的作风:剧中任何一个脚色随时都可能成为受害人!目睹者或许怀疑人。主人公Marcella Backland(Anna Friel)是一名年近40岁的女侦察,11年前由于完婚而分开了本人酷爱的警员任务。Marcella的婚姻忽然闭幕——她的老公Jason(Nicholas Pinnock)忽然声称本人不再爱她并倏地分开了她——女儿又躲在投止黉舍里不愿见她,她只好回到既熟习又生疏的多数会警署命案考察组从新摸索本人的人生途径。下级破刻指派她考察一系列奇异的行刺案,这些新案件看起来与11年前产生的!一直未能侦破的多起行刺案类似。Marcella早在2005年就曾考察过那些行刺案,但由于事先她的第二个孩子可怜流产,伤心的情感严峻影响了她的办案才能。也许是昔时的凶手再次现身!也许是有人模拟作案!剧情将重点摸索这名独身女侦察的心思天下,尤其是她处置一同有多名潜伏怀疑人跟受害人的连环行刺案时的心思天下。她的精力天下如斯软弱,她怎样能很好地实现任务!她专心扑在任务上,就能找到她想要的谜底吗!或许她的精力状况将把她引入愈加伤害的范畴!另一方面,Marcella一直疑惑老公分开本人尚有念头,于是在任务之余做了大批考察任务。蹩脚的是,她的发明可能招致她愈加心碎。
Channel 4预约四集性丑闻剧集「国度淫才」(National Treasure)。该剧虚拟一个国宝级人才,由于性侵而被控告。该剧以考察案件以及休庭审讯为主线,探究侵犯人与受害人的心思。该剧由Jack Thorne创作,定于来岁播出。消息稿指,该剧取材于真人真事。报告Paul Finchley曾主演景象级笑剧,广受不雅众爱好,只管淡出荧屏许多年,仍然会被人平易近认出,是一个演艺界的国宝人才。然而,忽然被揭露自上世纪70年月开端性侵女性。除了Paul遭到漫山遍野媒体报道以及警方深刻考察而困扰,另有出庭控告现已50岁的受害者也遭到了同样报酬。
Murray (Miller) is shocked when his wife Bex (Catz) walks out on their marriage on her 40th birthday. The series follows his attempts to find out why she has left him and how he can win her back... though it's less a journey than a floundering stumble in the dark towards the prize of returning his life to something approaching normality. Friends, family and colleagues are only too ready to offer advice to Murray about what he should do, and each week sees him adopt a new strategy to achieve his goal.
< ="color: rgb(51 - 51 - 51); font-family: "Open Sans", "Microsoft YaHei", Verdana, sans-serif;">TNT六集无限剧集。「神奇女侠」导演Patty Jenkins跟男配角Chris Pine将协作拍摄,Chris Pine将主演该剧。1949年,Fauna Hodel的母亲在美女时期生下她,把她交给内华达州一家赌场的卫生间干净工(黑人)抚育。Fauna懂过后开端考察本人的出身机密,但很快踏上了一条布满伤害的途径。她对如雷贯耳的好莱坞妇产大夫George Hodel有了越来越多的懂得,此人波及好莱坞最腐化!最暗中的一面。1947年好莱坞女星Elizabeth Short在洛杉矶遭人行刺,史称「玄色大丽花惨案」,George Hodel就是重要怀疑人之一>
How far would you go to have a baby? Martin Compston, Sophie Rundle and Mirren Mack star in this emotional thriller about love, trust and the true cost of buying whatever you want. Dan (Compston) and Emily (Rundle) are crazy about each other. They live in a huge house in the nicest part of Glasgow and want for nothing. But they’ve been trying to have a baby for years with no success. When a chance encounter brings 18 - year-old Kaya (Mack) crashing into Emily’s life, and it seems that just maybe, fate has brought them together. From the other side of town, Kaya is determined to make a life for herself. Experiencing the luxurious interior of Emily’s Range Rover, she quickly starts to get a taste for how the other half live. Back in her bare local authority flat, Kaya decides to change her future. She tracks down Emily and makes her an offer: she’ll be Dan and Emily’s surrogate, if they help set her life on track. She can change their lives, if they can change hers. But with only one embryo left, can Dan and Emily trust a teenage girl they barely know with their last chance to have a family?